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2022. psychprof - 12/8/2008 6:24:21 PM

"But SOME of us have been here all along and it rather grates on me, at least, to have people step back in and lecture us on how WE should run the Mote."

This is why I only lurk here. I think you are absolutely correct.

2023. vonKreedon - 12/8/2008 6:32:19 PM

to displease and perhaps drive away Jex and his constituency, while any migration back to the Mote by those driven out by Jex is uncertain and likely to be slow. So the current population of the Mote should carefully examine the expected cost-benefit to them in taking action to rein in Jex."

2024. vonKreedon - 12/8/2008 6:34:28 PM

Ok, that didn't work somehow.

What I meant to post is that Judith is certainly right that the current population of the Mote has the standing to determine the direction of the Mote. As I said in post 1991, "...the population of the Mote seems to have been very stable over the last several years and Jex obviously has a constituency that contains a significant percentage of that stable population. Any actions to rein in Jex's noise-to-content ratio is likely to displease and perhaps drive away Jex and his constituency, while any migration back to the Mote by those driven out by Jex is uncertain and likely to be slow. So the current population of the Mote should carefully examine the expected cost-benefit to them in taking action to rein in Jex."

2025. wonkers2 - 12/8/2008 6:38:50 PM

Agreed. Also, it would depend on what type of action would be taken. I suspect that Jex will moderate himself a bit. As I do he apparently has quite a bit of time on his hands and an intense interest in and knowledge of politics which he enjoys sharing with us, including links, cartoons, off-the-wall comments, insults, racist remarks, etc. His un-PC remarks should be taken as satirical banter designed to expose racism, not at their face value.

2026. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/8/2008 7:21:54 PM

Good point, Judith.

Wait! Did I miss something? I thought jex's absence was voluntary--was he banned?

2027. alistairconnor - 12/8/2008 7:37:11 PM

No, Wiz : Jex has not been banished, like Napoleon to Elba. He has gone into lurk mode until 20th January. Self-imposed exile. But like Macarthur, he will return.

Prof : This is why I only lurk here. I think you are absolutely correct.

Well, I don't particularly mind receiving lessons from you or jj. I consider you people are still in good standing, and are free to criticise. But there you go : you have a window of opportunity to do more, until 20th January at least...

2028. alistairconnor - 12/9/2008 1:06:38 PM

However, I DO take this criticism to heart :

All other sites have these fuctions...shortcut HTML, edit, page left where you last posted, search function...and people who come here as new posters feel like it's stepping back in time not to have those offered.

OK, time has not stood still these past years... I can't remember whether we're still within the ten-year warranty period or not, but I do recognize that austerity has its limits. A technical revamp is in order. Even nuclear power stations get a major do-over at the decadal milestone.

Maybe if I get really bored during my upcoming holiday in NZ...

More plausibly : my girlfriend will have a few globetrotting missions next year, which will give me an opportunity to stay out of trouble by working on the Mote.

2029. wabbit - 12/9/2008 4:43:44 PM

AC, what about moving to PHP? Cheaper to host than ASP, though that has been changing over the last couple years. I'll email you with something I found, see what you think.

Speaking of which, I owe your gracious friend in NZ a ton of money for the last two years (I did manage to pay him the first year for hosting us). Please apologize and thank him for me.

2030. wabbit - 12/9/2008 5:04:08 PM

Hmmm, I have four email addresses for you. I'm sure at least three of them don't work. So, if you would be so kind as to drop me a line, I'll get one that works for sure!

2031. judithathome - 12/9/2008 6:34:08 PM

AC, I wasn't criticizing YOU in the least, just pointing out a few things. I and the rest of us, I'm certain, appreciate that we even HAVE the Mote still.

Wabbit, if you need some dough, let me know...Keoni is aces at baking! ;-)

2032. wabbit - 12/9/2008 10:10:59 PM

Thank you, JaH. If everyone who orders stuff from Amazon would just use our link, we'd maybe cover our costs. I might set up a PayPal account for the Mote, though. We'll see. But again, thanks for the offer.

2033. thoughtful - 12/9/2008 10:51:31 PM

thanks for the reminder...i keep forgetting about that! My bad!

2034. wonkers2 - 12/10/2008 12:27:38 AM

I didn't notice we have an Amazon link. I'll be sure to use it. My son makes a fair amount from links on various websites he developed. For Example, Two Dimes

2035. wonkers2 - 12/10/2008 12:37:32 AM

About Twodimes.net

2036. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/10/2008 3:23:29 AM

If everyone who orders stuff from Amazon would just use our link, we'd maybe cover our costs

YIKES!!! This is news to me--if I knew that little fact, I could have made you a richer woman!!! I order a ton of stuff from them.

2037. alistairconnor - 12/10/2008 1:39:51 PM

... hey wait a minute... jj is still the treasurer here, unless the secret cabal changed that while I wasn't looking. If I remember, he absconded with the funds a few years back...

just joking jj.

Speaking of which, I owe your gracious friend in NZ a ton of money for the last two years

Don't worry about that Wab, I'm planning to visit him in January with several cases of ageing organic French wine, to pay for hosting my e-commerce site, and the Mote too. (I have "liquid assets" in NZ that I need to dispose of!)

2038. wabbit - 12/10/2008 5:01:32 PM

AC, JJ turned the domain name over to me ages ago. He ran out of money before that and paid for it himself for a year or two.

So, I'm the closest thing to a "treasurer" we have. Sorry.

Meanwhile, if you would be so kind as to email me

2048. wabbit - 3/8/2009 10:50:10 PM

Hey rjb, I'm thinking this conversation might be better served in your News thread...I'll move it if you agree.

2049. magoseph - 3/8/2009 10:54:13 PM

I'm sorry, Robert, for not thinking of doing what Wabbit just suggested to you. I have no excuse, except that I'm too stressed out these days.

2050. robertjayb - 3/8/2009 11:11:01 PM

Wabbit and mago, I agree.

mago, would some quality pot help? I don't think Wisconsin ditch weed does much for you.

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