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20278. arkymalarky - 9/26/2006 4:04:35 AM

Congrats No!!

20279. Ulgine Barrows - 9/27/2006 6:55:58 AM

Ms No
What in the world am I going to do with a niece???

Smooch her up, buy her frilly things, teach her to drive & fish & stamp leather.
All the normal auntie activities.

20280. Ulgine Barrows - 9/27/2006 6:59:00 AM

20275. RickNelson

Secretly, I wish I had enough ambition and bent towards malfeasance to be on the city council for rezoning.

Eh. I'd rather sleep late.

20281. Ulgine Barrows - 9/27/2006 7:20:23 AM

20127. Ms. No - 9/8/2006 7:06:14 PM

Wow, Ulgine, that is truly strange. Who'd've thought you could fall into a coma just from the common cold? Maybe he'll get progressively more like his old self as he recovers

Actually, he got some kind of nasty staph infection when he was in hospital the year before, due to a motorbike accident.

Eh, watch those hospital workers when they work on your loved ones. There are so many germs in hospitals. The workers are always at risk. And they work in a hospital environment. Eeeww.

Just politely ask them to wash their hands with regular soap before they touch your beloved.

20282. Magoseph - 9/27/2006 1:03:05 PM

Ms. No,

I had more fun buying clothes for my nieces than for my boys. I have two nieces who’re sisters and this summer when their mother underwent a difficult operation, I was their consoler, just as I was when they were teens and had their hearts broken a few times. When they were little kids, I sent them T-shirts, jeans, and posters, even lots of candies, which they shared with their friends, now I remember.

There were times, though, when they scared me terribly. Knowing things about them put me in difficult situations--luckily their mother was always so much on top of things that I never had to betray the girls’ confidences.

20283. judithathome - 9/28/2006 12:34:41 AM

Eh, watch those hospital workers when they work on your loved ones. There are so many germs in hospitals. The workers are always at risk.

This is so true...and you need to have someone there to check what the doctors are doing, too...luckily, my friend was there for his mother when the lab sent the wrong test results to the doctor and decided she needed an arm removed when all she had was a broken collar bone!

20284. Ms. No - 9/28/2006 8:22:16 PM


Speaking of hospitals, any word on the little boy who got hit? I've been thinking about him all week and wondering how he is.

20285. Jenerator - 9/28/2006 10:44:52 PM

Ms. No,

Nordstrom has the best hair bows for little girls!

20286. judithathome - 9/29/2006 12:31:32 AM

MsNo, that story has a unhappy ending...turns out the gossip who called me with the story got it all wrong. He wasn't hit by a car in the street and it wasn't a minor injury at all. He was knocked backward onto the pavement by his own mother...she was leaving the driveway and he didn't want her to go and tried to open the back passenger door. She didn't know he was there and the door knocked him down...severe head trauma and he is still in ICU.

20287. wabbit - 9/29/2006 12:32:59 AM

Oh geez. I hope he'll be ok.

20288. arkymalarky - 9/29/2006 2:55:04 AM

Oh my, that's awful.

20289. Ulgine Barrows - 9/29/2006 6:23:21 AM

20285. Jenerator - 9/28/2006 10:44:52 PM
Ms. No,
Nordstrom has the best hair bows for little girls!

Not only that, they have cute charms and delightful teensy earrings, for the fashion-minded!

I love shopping at Nordstrom!

20290. Ulgine Barrows - 9/29/2006 6:25:50 AM

20283. judithathome - 9/28/2006 12:34:41 AM
... wrong test results to the doctor and decided she needed an arm removed when all she had was a broken collar bone!

Oh, that is not the first story I've heard similar to that!

Wrong kidney, wrong arm, wrong leg, gaaah.... Anyone going to hospital needs a watcher/talker to get through it.

20291. judithathome - 9/29/2006 6:46:47 PM

They might have been more careful with his mom if they'd know he is a lawyer! Ha!

20292. OhioSTOPAS - 9/30/2006 1:13:00 PM

Here is a picture of my son, the biochemistry grad student!

He's the young man at the back left, pursuing his, uh, studies in Boston.

20293. Magoseph - 9/30/2006 2:31:23 PM

Good looking kid, Ohio, and such a nice smile.

20294. arkymalarky - 9/30/2006 6:39:06 PM

Looks like a great bunch of kids there, Ohio. Must feel good as a parent, not just that he's doing so well, but has a good set of peers.

20295. OhioSTOPAS - 9/30/2006 7:00:31 PM

At least some of the others in the picture are fellow Boston University biochemistry grad students.

And, for the record, even though my son is tall, good-looking and hirsute, I AM his father. Honest.

20296. judithathome - 9/30/2006 9:42:47 PM

Then you must be good-looking, too. He's very much so and I agree, a great smile!

20297. judithathome - 10/1/2006 11:52:06 PM

Oh WOW...Keoni went to Lowe's for a replacement piece for his sprinkler and came home with a great looking rectanglular table and two chairs for the patio! It's metal and sort of speckled beige and the top of the table looks like a woven basket.

The color matches the stones of the patio perfectly !

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