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20288. arkymalarky - 9/29/2006 2:55:04 AM

Oh my, that's awful.

20289. Ulgine Barrows - 9/29/2006 6:23:21 AM

20285. Jenerator - 9/28/2006 10:44:52 PM
Ms. No,
Nordstrom has the best hair bows for little girls!

Not only that, they have cute charms and delightful teensy earrings, for the fashion-minded!

I love shopping at Nordstrom!

20290. Ulgine Barrows - 9/29/2006 6:25:50 AM

20283. judithathome - 9/28/2006 12:34:41 AM
... wrong test results to the doctor and decided she needed an arm removed when all she had was a broken collar bone!

Oh, that is not the first story I've heard similar to that!

Wrong kidney, wrong arm, wrong leg, gaaah.... Anyone going to hospital needs a watcher/talker to get through it.

20291. judithathome - 9/29/2006 6:46:47 PM

They might have been more careful with his mom if they'd know he is a lawyer! Ha!

20292. OhioSTOPAS - 9/30/2006 1:13:00 PM

Here is a picture of my son, the biochemistry grad student!

He's the young man at the back left, pursuing his, uh, studies in Boston.

20293. Magoseph - 9/30/2006 2:31:23 PM

Good looking kid, Ohio, and such a nice smile.

20294. arkymalarky - 9/30/2006 6:39:06 PM

Looks like a great bunch of kids there, Ohio. Must feel good as a parent, not just that he's doing so well, but has a good set of peers.

20295. OhioSTOPAS - 9/30/2006 7:00:31 PM

At least some of the others in the picture are fellow Boston University biochemistry grad students.

And, for the record, even though my son is tall, good-looking and hirsute, I AM his father. Honest.

20296. judithathome - 9/30/2006 9:42:47 PM

Then you must be good-looking, too. He's very much so and I agree, a great smile!

20297. judithathome - 10/1/2006 11:52:06 PM

Oh WOW...Keoni went to Lowe's for a replacement piece for his sprinkler and came home with a great looking rectanglular table and two chairs for the patio! It's metal and sort of speckled beige and the top of the table looks like a woven basket.

The color matches the stones of the patio perfectly !

20298. judithathome - 10/2/2006 12:31:19 AM

Okay, here's the scoop: the patio set is cast aluminum and the table was originally $249...we got it for $95. The two chairs were originally $206 (for both) and we got them for $75.

Quite a deal, if I do say so myself!

20299. anomie - 10/2/2006 1:13:01 AM

That does sound like a good deal, Judith. I like finding deals w/o having to haggle.
I'll be spending quite a bit of money and time at Lowes and Home Depot soon. My house needs almost everything. Starting with carpet, or wood or vinyl...I can't decide.

20300. arkymalarky - 10/2/2006 4:30:15 AM

Hey, Anomie! Did you get Dad's book okay?

And have you moved yet? If so, I hope all went smoothly. If not, I hope all goes smoothly.

20301. anomie - 10/2/2006 11:29:12 AM

Hey Arky,

Yes, didn't I say...I got it a few days before the expected date of 2 Sep. The first page is great! The rest may have to wait till after I move.

Current plans have me driving West in mid-Nov. Maybe a bit earlier if my house is vacated.

20302. Magoseph - 10/3/2006 12:35:07 AM

Hi, everyone--busy weekend, several visitors this weekend all Flexy's relatives, staying in local motels and taking us out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner Saturday and Sunday. We're exhausted.

20303. judithathome - 10/3/2006 12:54:23 AM

Anomie, if you can come through Fort Worth, Keoni and I would like to treat you to the best Italian food you'll ever have...in Texas. ;-)

20304. Magoseph - 10/3/2006 11:52:34 AM

Anomie, what I want to know is whether or not you can put me if I decide to gamble.

20305. Magoseph - 10/3/2006 11:53:54 AM

Anomie, I meant to say: if you can put me UP if I decide to gamble.

20306. anomie - 10/3/2006 12:03:24 PM

Judith, Thanks. I hope to take you up on it. Depends on how the move goes and the mover schedules and such.

20307. anomie - 10/3/2006 12:05:10 PM

Mago, Of course. Least I can do after you've been such a welcoming host here.

(You'll be winning - right?)

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