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20420. Jenerator - 10/22/2006 2:00:18 AM

Nice of you to send him off for vacation.

20421. judithathome - 10/22/2006 5:07:05 AM

Since we always leave him in the kennel whe we go on trips, we figured it was time...only fair.

20422. bubbaette - 10/23/2006 10:16:44 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Klaus, Judith. I had to have Callie the Geriatric Hund put down in January. It was very difficult.

20423. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/23/2006 10:53:41 PM

You can always tell when jexster's been around!

Condolences on your loss, Judith.

Hi bubbs!

20424. judithathome - 10/24/2006 12:54:34 AM

Actually, it was decided today by us that Klaus is going to be put down this Thursday...my friend found a vet who is coming to the house and she said he will just go to sleep after she administers sedatives. He has been getting steadily worse over the weekend and I think it's cruel to let him continue to suffer or maybe have a severe incident and have to be rushed to the cold and clinical vet's clinic. This way, he will be at home, with us, and not in pain any longer, and not upset about having to be taken to a place he hates.

This was a hard decision and it's killing us...but it's better this way, for him, and eventually I hope for us. I can't bear to see him in pain.

20425. robertjayb - 10/24/2006 4:02:52 AM

You are kind and brave and you have given me the sniffles.

20426. bubbaette - 10/24/2006 1:36:43 PM


I was thinking about Klaus last night and all of our cyber doggies. We come to know them like we come to know their owners. Chili Cheese dog, Klaus, Callie, and a slew of other pups from other boards. Klaus is a rockstar in the cyberpup world.

I have a new cyber pup, Harlan, pawing at my elbow as I type. He's about 4 months old now and 23 pounds of fuzzy wiggle.

Hey Wiz!

20427. Macnas - 10/24/2006 2:18:34 PM

My black and white springer, Hanna, is getting grey around the muzzle, rather like me.

She's still going strong, which I think is down to the border collie in her mix. Still loves to go out and hunt with me, it's her favourite thing in the world, besides food.

Sad to hear Klaus is so ill, whatever becomes him, he had a grand time I'm sure with you and Keoni.

20428. judithathome - 10/24/2006 6:18:12 PM

Thanks for the kind words, folks.

20429. PelleNilsson - 10/24/2006 8:28:38 PM

Sorry about Klaus, Judith. He was almost a Motie in his own right.

20430. wonkers2 - 10/24/2006 9:27:35 PM

Good to see you're around, Pelle. We've missed you!

20431. Magoseph - 10/26/2006 3:52:40 PM

I'm thinking of you and Keoni, Judith.

20432. judithathome - 10/27/2006 1:09:10 AM

Well, the deed is done and the vet told me Klaus had a pronounced heart murmur and was ready to go...it was very peaceful and sweet.

Last night, Keoni slept on the den floor where Klaus was sleeping...Keoni brought in his pillow and a quilt and they both slept through the night there.

Even though all Klaus did was sleep lately, it feels very lonely here without him.

20433. OhioSTOPAS - 10/27/2006 1:17:36 AM

That is sad, Judith. I'm sorry for you and Keoni. But it sounds like no dog ever had better "parents"!

20434. poipual - 10/27/2006 1:28:45 AM

If I could spell it, judith, I would commiserate with you. Evie and I can't have a dog 'cause you move all over the place and you know about bringing pets to hawaii.

20435. Jenerator - 10/27/2006 1:40:39 AM


That is very touching and very sad.

20436. judithathome - 10/27/2006 3:45:36 AM

Yes, Al....I know about bringing pets to Hawaii. My sister is already jumping through hoops to bring her dog and cat back there in a few months. They both have medical problems and the requirements are rigid and costly, to say the least.

Thanks, Jen.

20437. arkymalarky - 10/27/2006 3:47:42 AM

You know Bob and I love you and Keoni, Judith. Our hearts are with you both.

20438. judithathome - 10/27/2006 4:16:43 AM

Thanks, Arky....

My son just called. He has had so many pets that have passed on over the years.

I once gave him this antique "smudge pot" that people used to put out on roads as a warning to drive with caution when it was dangerous on the road ahead...he told me that every time he's lost a pet, he's burned that smudge pot through the night as a signal to light the path for the pet...for the road ahead. He said he's burning it tonight for Klaus.

I not only had the perfect dog but I think I raised the perfect kid, too.

20439. arkymalarky - 10/27/2006 4:25:51 AM

It certainly sounds like it. What a wonderful gesture.

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