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20439. arkymalarky - 10/27/2006 4:25:51 AM

It certainly sounds like it. What a wonderful gesture.

20440. wonkers2 - 10/27/2006 12:59:07 PM

Mago, you did it again--sent us bad weather. A cold, hard rain is falling this morning. Lucky they double-bagged my New York Times!

20441. Jenerator - 10/27/2006 1:04:43 PM

Could you please send the rain here!

20442. wonkers2 - 10/27/2006 1:40:07 PM

Mago is in charge of the rain.

20443. wonkers2 - 10/27/2006 1:40:40 PM

And I don't think you'd like the 38 degree temperatures that go with it.

20444. alistairconnor - 10/27/2006 3:35:48 PM

Averaging 70 degree days here for the last couple of weeks. I'm saving on firewood. Farmers are still cutting hay. Unbelievable.

20445. wabbit - 10/27/2006 6:30:56 PM

Jah, I'm very sorry to hear about Klaus.

20446. thoughtful - 10/27/2006 7:01:18 PM

So sorry about your loss, JAH....my deepest sympathies.

20447. Wombat - 10/28/2006 4:31:51 AM


I am sitting with tears in my eyes about your dog. We had to put our dog (an extemely arthritic Brittany Spaniel) to sleep several years ago; it was one of the worst days in my life.

20448. Ulgine Barrows - 10/29/2006 9:21:03 AM

I totally loved reading the poipual + jexster thing.
I am not alone.

20449. Ulgine Barrows - 10/29/2006 9:29:13 AM

I totally loved reading the poipual + jexster thing.
I am not alone.

20450. Ulgine Barrows - 10/29/2006 9:29:33 AM

I totally loved reading the poipual + jexster thing.
I am not alone.

20451. alistairConnor - 10/29/2006 9:44:59 AM

You are not alone, Ulgine!

Eek, it's quarter to eleven (daylight saving ended last night) and I'm finishing breakfast. The girlfriend's three year old twin boys are stampeding around the house, and I need to find a steak-and-kidney pie recipe, that's why I'm on the internet now, because her parents and sister are coming for lunch.

20452. Ulgine Barrows - 10/29/2006 10:25:50 AM

ditch the steak-and-kidney pie recipe, go with what you have on hand.
I recommend eggs, they cook quickly. Add whatever is on hand.

20453. alistairConnor - 10/29/2006 12:05:25 PM

Actually we got the direction of the daylight saving wrong (temporal dyslexia?) A friend dropped in and informed us it was a quarter to ten, not a quarter to twelve... so it's now eleven o'clock and we're just about on time. The meat is stewing slowly, the short crust pastry is chilling in the fridge, the pottimarron gratin is ready to go in the oven, and a leisurely aperitif in the sun on the terrace is ready to roll whenever the outlaws show up.

20454. Magoseph - 10/29/2006 12:51:16 PM

Okay---now, don't forget to tell us how the lunch went, Ali, please.

20455. alistairConnor - 10/29/2006 7:11:46 PM

Very nicely! I wasn't worried about the stew, if you cook it long enough you can't go wrong. I worried about getting the pastry right. To my taste, it was perfect. Most of the guests didn't finish their pie crust. I was amused but not offended. It's a cultural thing. These folks were not brought up on pies from the corner shop.

I used this recipe from the BBC, and it worked a treat.

20456. judithathome - 10/29/2006 7:45:16 PM

I always finish pie crusts because I feel if people went to the trouble to make them from scratch, it's the least I can do to show my appreciation for their efforts.

20457. alistairConnor - 10/29/2006 9:17:22 PM

A neighbour just turned up to borrow some roofing material, and wanted to show me where his son is now (at university in Ashland, Oregon), then one thing led to another and we spent an hour overflying Tierra del Fuego on Google Earth, retracing his adventure there at the beginning of the year. Time well spent.

But I was supposed to be preparing next week's little trip to Italy.

20458. poipual - 10/29/2006 10:25:37 PM

My son and I once had a pie crust making contest once. It was years ago. I should have soled my shoes with it. Neither of us won. I think he still has his. Uses it as a frisby. I prefer cats.

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