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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20465 - 20485 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20465. Magoseph - 10/30/2006 4:31:47 PM

Hey, Cap'n, say thank you for the gorgeous weather on its way to you!

20466. judithathome - 10/30/2006 11:44:36 PM

My mother invented the Fribee but around here, we just called it her pie crust.

20467. judithathome - 10/30/2006 11:46:26 PM


My colonoscopy went well this morning; they found one polyp and removed it and I am on a liquid diet for two days and bland food for 5 more.

So hello mashed potatoes, tapioca pudding, cottage cheese, and plain pasta.

20468. alistairConnor - 10/30/2006 11:48:57 PM

(Insert tactful and encouraging greeting to Judith here! Damn, can't think of one.)

(Damn. Should perhaps avoid the word "insert".)

20469. judithathome - 10/30/2006 11:50:08 PM

I'm still drugged...so that "pun" was funny.

20470. Magoseph - 10/31/2006 8:11:41 PM

Hello, Moties--what's new with you this beautiful morning?

I just voted, straight ticket this time. There were two questions, one about marriage and the other about death.

Then, I went to get a Latte and here I am reading W.M. Thackeray's Vanity Fair.

20471. judithathome - 10/31/2006 9:58:08 PM

I'm eagerly looking forward to tomorrow...not only will I be able to eat some REAL food, bland though it will be, but we are going to a free jazz concert at TCU tomorrow evening. Their jazz band is fabulous and we've been a few times; always enjoy it a lot.

20472. Magoseph - 11/1/2006 1:14:34 AM

Hi, Arky--what have you been doing lately?

20473. arkymalarky - 11/1/2006 1:28:51 AM

Hi Mags. I've been extremely busy, but like I said at the start of the semester, determined to at least lurk here a few minutes a day. I won't bore folks with a laundry list, but I have a lot of papers/projects/books to finish in November, in addition to a lot going on (nothing bad--just stuff) on the job and at home.

20474. arkymalarky - 11/1/2006 1:31:43 AM

I'm waiting out the evening to see if we go 0 for 23 on trick-or-treaters.

20475. arkymalarky - 11/2/2006 12:12:32 AM

Well, we did it again. Not a single trick-or-treater last night.

Mose went to a party as a "biker chick." I didn't see her costume, but when she went to drop off her dog at my parents' before she left, my dad said, "What are you dressed up as, a Nazi?"

20476. Magoseph - 11/2/2006 12:49:56 AM

Same thing here, not one kid rang the bell.

20477. judithathome - 11/2/2006 2:23:25 AM

Seven kids here...next year we're buying 10 Godiva bars and whatever is left, we eat.

20479. judithathome - 11/2/2006 2:31:19 AM

Magos, could you please delete that? I'm going to repost it in American Politics where I meant to put it.

20480. Magoseph - 11/2/2006 10:42:03 AM

Okeydoke, Missy!

20481. judithathome - 11/3/2006 2:10:41 AM

Be sure to watch or tape Hacking Democracy
tonight on HBO at 8 pm CST.

20482. judithathome - 11/3/2006 12:56:04 PM

I wish everyone in America..and the world...had watched.

20483. Magoseph - 11/5/2006 4:11:08 PM

We watched it, Judith--just made us sick.

20484. alistairConnor - 11/5/2006 4:17:22 PM

Same thing here : The girls had entertaining halloween evenings (in separate villages).

And not a single pilgrim came knocking at our door. Not surprised. We're 2 km from the village.

20485. Magoseph - 11/6/2006 10:33:26 AM

Hello, everyone--fairly good weather predicted for tomorrow, no rain, but cloudy, in the 50s.

Have you voted or are you voting tomorrow?

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