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20481. judithathome - 11/3/2006 2:10:41 AM

Be sure to watch or tape Hacking Democracy
tonight on HBO at 8 pm CST.

20482. judithathome - 11/3/2006 12:56:04 PM

I wish everyone in America..and the world...had watched.

20483. Magoseph - 11/5/2006 4:11:08 PM

We watched it, Judith--just made us sick.

20484. alistairConnor - 11/5/2006 4:17:22 PM

Same thing here : The girls had entertaining halloween evenings (in separate villages).

And not a single pilgrim came knocking at our door. Not surprised. We're 2 km from the village.

20485. Magoseph - 11/6/2006 10:33:26 AM

Hello, everyone--fairly good weather predicted for tomorrow, no rain, but cloudy, in the 50s.

Have you voted or are you voting tomorrow?

20486. alistairconnor - 11/6/2006 1:05:12 PM

Hi Mago

Temperatures plunged at the end of last week. Going from 20+ day/ 10° night to 10° max in the day and hard frosts. I burned a lot of firewood yesterday.

20487. thoughtful - 11/6/2006 4:05:30 PM

My SIL passed away on saturday from lung cancer.

Key lesson here is do whatever you need to do to prevent or stop loved ones from smoking.

Her death was incredibly painful. At the end, tho 5'10" tall, she weighed under 80 lbs. She looked like a frail hatchling...small, thin, fragile, needing the most delicate of care. She looked like she was in her 90s.

Despite being pumped full of morphine, she was in terrible pain...so much so that she couldn't stand to have you touch the bed...a hug or a comforting touch was out of the question. Only when she was knocked out with extra doses of morphine did her pain seem to ease. Then, though you wanted her to know you were there to comfort here, you didn't dare rouse her because you knew it would only add to her pain.

She started coughing in April.
She was diagnosed in June.
She was told if the chemo worked, and it works in only 30-40% of the cases, she could plan on living 8-12 mos. If the chemo didn't work, she might live 4-8 mos.

The chemo didn't work.

She only made it 4 months.

She died at the age of 39.

4 months may seem like a short time, but when you are suffering never ending pain that only increases in intensity, and when you have eaten nothing and still are getting the dry heaves for days, when you can't stand to have anyone touch you because it causes so much suffering, 4 months is a very very long time.

I'm so glad her suffering is over. Now we only have to deal with the fact that we will never see or talk to her again.

May she rest in peace.

20488. wabbit - 11/6/2006 5:14:05 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL, 39 is so young. You and the family have my sincere condolences.

20489. alistairconnor - 11/6/2006 5:32:12 PM

That's hard to bear, Thoughtful. You're right about the smoking. That's not a way, not an age to die. Please accept a hug for yourself and for Mr T.

20490. judithathome - 11/6/2006 5:53:05 PM

So sorry for your loss, Thoughtful.

20491. arkymalarky - 11/7/2006 5:41:53 AM

I'm so sorry, Thoughtful.

20492. Magoseph - 11/7/2006 11:01:14 AM

So am I, Thoughtful, my sincere condolances.

20493. prolph - 11/7/2006 11:11:48 AM

so sorry for your loss thoughtful . As a retired critical care RN i know your kindness in not warking her up must have helped her,

20494. thoughtful - 11/7/2006 3:33:42 PM

Thanks to all of you for your kind condolences. Most appreciated.

My SIL kept working far longer than she should have out of fear of losing her benefits coverage. Where she worked, the company allows coworkers to donate vacation days that she could use so she could stay home yet extend her benefits. Our entire family was stunned...they donated the max allowed...60 days. That was so incredibly touching.

Of course that also speaks loudly as to how broken our health care system is. That is so incredibly sickening.

20495. wonkers2 - 11/7/2006 8:29:05 PM

Good to hear that altruism is still alive in this era of greed and taking care on number one.

20496. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/7/2006 9:08:40 PM

Sincere condolences for your lose and grief, tful.

20497. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/7/2006 9:09:08 PM


20498. thoughtful - 11/7/2006 11:39:40 PM

Thanks, wiz.

20499. judithathome - 11/8/2006 6:25:41 PM

There are big plans in the works for a surprise birthday party for our friend's wife...the big 5-0. I suggested and arranged for a restaurant for the dinner portion of the day (a spa day for the birthday girl and 10 of her friends is on the agenda for that afternoon) and talked with the owner to arrange everything. Elaborate invites were sent, complete with maps to the restaurant.

Yesterday the restaurant closed for good...unexpectedly and due to a fight between the landlord and the guy who was running the place. Very inconvenient. Now we're scrambling to secure a new restaurant and notify everyone. I am pissed at the guy that he chose this week to get into it with his landlord. He is without a place of business now and we are left hanging...luckily, we know of another place and are going there on Friday night to eat and arrange for the party (which is on the 18th) but it's stressful as hell getting all this changed around and people notified.

20500. judithathome - 11/9/2006 2:05:12 AM

We may be getting a kitten tomorrow night.

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