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20520. Magoseph - 11/10/2006 5:48:10 PM

Better have Harley spaded--a little harlot you don't need around the house?

20521. judithathome - 11/10/2006 9:07:10 PM

I will, when he's six months old. But no de-clawing!

20522. wonkers2 - 11/10/2006 9:14:44 PM

What a coincidence, we had a beautiful huge Siamese cat which we named Harley. Sadly, he was flattened by a car at around age 6 in the street in front of our house.

20523. thoughtful - 11/10/2006 10:06:24 PM

be sure to take pictures...they're little for such a short time.

20524. wonkers2 - 11/10/2006 11:34:04 PM

We've never de-clawed our cats. But we've never figured out how to stop them from shredding our furniture.

20525. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/11/2006 12:08:27 AM

De-clawing just their front paws still allows them to defend themselves and your furniture will be spared.

20526. arkymalarky - 11/11/2006 1:49:37 AM

Great name, Judith!

20527. wabbit - 11/11/2006 1:51:11 AM

I've taken to adopting adult cats that nobody else wants. I have three adoptees now and one dumpee (tossed out of a car in front of my house several years ago). I wouldn't trade any one of them for the world.

I've also long since decided that having cats means no special furniture. No chair or sofa is more important to me than the cats, though I have to say my cats are remarkably good about not clawing the furniture. They go to town on my large Oriental carpets, but they can't really hurt them. One of the black bed cats is a chewer; she has to taste everything and chews on plants (no poisonous plants here), candy wrappers, coins, edges of rolls of toilet paper...she is a small whackjob. I adore her.

I remember going to the Hammond Castle as a child and seeing the damaged leather chairs in the dining room. A tour guide said that Mr. Hammond allowed his cats to claw whatever they wanted. He also built a very high stone wall around part of the yard and called it the "cat garden". He didn't let the cats just wander anywhere outdoors. They had the run of the castle, but were confined to the cat garden when they wanted to be out. btw, the castle is said to be haunted by the ghosts of his cats, and he was buried with one of them.

Back in the day, I used to encourage people who wanted kittens to get two and throw out the tv.

20528. Ulgine Barrows - 11/11/2006 9:50:57 AM

Better half made a huge tower of carpet and rope from a design we found on the internet. Well, huge 4 ft tall and it looks like a centerpiece, kinda, where it is placed.

It's quite ugly in our living room, but they've left the furniture alone.

The same website noted, the mistake most people make, is puttin a scratching post in an out-of-the way place.

Anal as I am, I took their advice to heart. The big ugly scrathing post is there, and my furniture is perfect.

20529. Ulgine Barrows - 11/11/2006 9:52:40 AM

Cuz the kitties want to S-T-R-E-T-C-H in front of the humans.
Show offs!
It's so difficult to stretch.

20530. Magoseph - 11/11/2006 1:55:39 PM

Fascinating site, Wab! I'm curious to know if you're partly English and that's why you visited England as a little girl.

20531. judithathome - 11/11/2006 3:11:38 PM


Parody of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (Sherman/Sherman) Lyrics by M. Spaff Sumsion

I used to be a master of the anti-gay crusade
Until a butch disaster blew my pastor masquerade
But if it's true I'm pounding more than pulpits, don't blame me
It's 'cause I caught my hooker-tweaker-stud's infirmity


Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Worse than plague and bird flu crossed with osteoporosis
We were playing doctor and he gave this diagnosis:

Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye

I found the perfect therapist, the kind that gives massage
I like to drive my Escort and I park in his garage
I swear he only serves me crank when all his Coke is gone
And then he helps me straighten out my Peter, James, and John


Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

That's my greatest guilty pleasure next to Guns N' Roses
Good thing there's no ban on it in all the books of Moses

Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye
Umm Haggard Bakker Swaggart umm Tammy Faye

It seems all pious public figures bugger on the sly
But Jesus loved republicans and sinners; so must I
Say "Holy moley, Mister Foley! That boy's underage!"
But I believe the congressman has turned another page


Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Next time, better cut me off at handshakes and Mimosas
No more meth or men for me (at least in overdoses)!

Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis!

20532. robertjayb - 11/11/2006 8:05:21 PM

Have you hugged a vet today, judith?

20533. judithathome - 11/12/2006 8:45:13 PM

I hug one every day. And kiss him, too!

20534. alistairConnor - 11/12/2006 9:19:09 PM

Ulgine :

Better half made a huge tower of carpet and rope from a design we found on the internet.

Did he start by modelling it in mashed potato?

(cue organ riff : dah Dah di dah doo dah)

Keep an eye on him.

20535. Dubai Vol - 11/13/2006 6:53:33 AM

Blackeyed peas for breakfast!

Yes, it's an odd interjection. That's the point.

20536. Ms. No - 11/13/2006 7:01:57 AM

Went to see an old friend perform today in Capitol Park near the Vietnam Memorial there. It was about the building of the VietNam Memorial and all the controversy over it. Not a political piece --- which was one of the major disputes about the building of the memorial to begin with. The performance was very well done but it was cold standing outside for two and a half hours. I cried a couple of times and remembered my own trip to see the Wall. They did such a magnificent job of making the wall real when all it really was was a piece of white string on the ground separating them from the audience.

There weren't a whole lot of people watching but a couple of them were Viet Nam Vets. Sadly one of them became distraught and started heckling the actors a bit and crying. Two of the docents herded him aside and sat with him and it just struck me as particular to this war ---- that during a performance about it intended to honor the vets a victim of that war would have to be led aside. He was treated lovingly but the whole thing was just very sad. 50% of the homeless men in Sacramento are Viet Nam Vets.

It also turned into a bit of a reunion for me. The friend who was performing I hadn't seen in ten years and there was another group of CSUS alumni that I also knew. It was nice to catch up a bit with people and it felt good to have been a part of the performance all of us together.

20537. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 8:27:26 AM

mmm, blackeyed peas are second to this cat-chat.
Thanks for interjecting.

20538. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 8:31:34 AM

Ms. No, 20536. Ms. No - 11/13/2006 7:01:57 AM
That whole war was just a debacle. I've been thrown up on by Vietnam vets, herding them doesn't work. They are not sheep. Not that you ever said they were.
Just that, I sympathise.

20539. alistairconnor - 11/13/2006 11:28:39 AM

So, have the aliens abducted hubby yet?

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