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20536. Ms. No - 11/13/2006 7:01:57 AM

Went to see an old friend perform today in Capitol Park near the Vietnam Memorial there. It was about the building of the VietNam Memorial and all the controversy over it. Not a political piece --- which was one of the major disputes about the building of the memorial to begin with. The performance was very well done but it was cold standing outside for two and a half hours. I cried a couple of times and remembered my own trip to see the Wall. They did such a magnificent job of making the wall real when all it really was was a piece of white string on the ground separating them from the audience.

There weren't a whole lot of people watching but a couple of them were Viet Nam Vets. Sadly one of them became distraught and started heckling the actors a bit and crying. Two of the docents herded him aside and sat with him and it just struck me as particular to this war ---- that during a performance about it intended to honor the vets a victim of that war would have to be led aside. He was treated lovingly but the whole thing was just very sad. 50% of the homeless men in Sacramento are Viet Nam Vets.

It also turned into a bit of a reunion for me. The friend who was performing I hadn't seen in ten years and there was another group of CSUS alumni that I also knew. It was nice to catch up a bit with people and it felt good to have been a part of the performance all of us together.

20537. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 8:27:26 AM

mmm, blackeyed peas are second to this cat-chat.
Thanks for interjecting.

20538. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 8:31:34 AM

Ms. No, 20536. Ms. No - 11/13/2006 7:01:57 AM
That whole war was just a debacle. I've been thrown up on by Vietnam vets, herding them doesn't work. They are not sheep. Not that you ever said they were.
Just that, I sympathise.

20539. alistairconnor - 11/13/2006 11:28:39 AM

So, have the aliens abducted hubby yet?

20540. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 11:37:52 AM

No, but we played a game tonite.
Worst Case Scenario
Survival Game

And a riddle about alien abduction came up, oddly enough, now that you mention it.

I am not kidding.

20541. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 11:45:36 AM

Sample quizzes are similar to these:
How To Survive Eating Animals In The Wilderness
How To Wrestle An Alligator
How To Give CPR
How To Escape From a Sinking Car
How To Avoid Being Attacked By A Black Bear
How To Treat Bad Breath

20542. Ulgine Barrows - 11/13/2006 11:49:39 AM

Eh, I can't find the card in this stack.

To avoid being abducted by aliens, it pretty much said this



20543. judithathome - 11/13/2006 12:56:53 PM

Well, sorry to interject more cat talk but since I am new to this and still entranced with Harley but don't know how to post pictures (forgot what Magos taught me a few years ago) until I learn, there are 3 pictures of Harley here at Able Minds in Posts 3447, 3450, and 3453 They were posted by my friend Malibu Boy, who took the photos yesterday morning.

There are more...and much bigger cats pictured on that page...ha! Harley would just be a snack for those brutes!

20544. thoughtful - 11/13/2006 4:31:13 PM

cute kitty!

20545. judithathome - 11/13/2006 9:33:13 PM

Yeah...she's already wormed her way into our hearts.

20546. jexster - 11/14/2006 1:41:17 AM

Anyone seen "Call Me Crazy"?

20547. arkymalarky - 11/14/2006 6:21:34 AM

Hey Dubai!!

How's things?

20548. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 4:11:41 PM

Interesting morning...witnessed a head-on collision between 2 soccer moms. Fortunately everyone was strapped in and no one was hurt, but stunning nonetheless...how one instant life is going along as planned and WHAM! things have changed.

20549. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 4:58:25 PM

...how one instant life is going along as planned and WHAM! things have changed.

Yes, this is something Flexy thinks about every time I get in the car—what would happen to me if you were suddenly incapacitated, he asks, knowing that the warning reminds me to drive carefully, something, by the way, that I do all the time. Of course, no one is indispensable and Flexy would be okay, but as happy, absolutely not, he assures me.

20550. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 5:24:17 PM

Silly to be supersticious, I know, but I try to avoid telling hubby to be careful. It seems every time we've had a bad incident, someone always remembers someone telling them to be careful. When I don't say it, nothing seems to happen.

And then again, I always pele, pele.

20551. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 5:53:36 PM

So weird that I was discussing driving carefully this morning in view of what almost happened since my last post. Just before I reached the store where I get the morning paper and bagel, this small car made a left turn in front of me, forcing me to slam on the breaks. I was so outraged that I followed that car all over town, wanting to tell off the driver. Only when finally the driver trying to escape me going left and right and around on her tail and then on the highway, did I stop following it. I’ll find the jerk lady eventually now that I have memorized her license plate number and in case I forget it, have it right on the dashboard. I’m still seething with rage. Too bad that there were no police around saw her--turning left from a side road into traffic gets a stiff fine around here.

20552. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 6:06:07 PM

Road rage...not good magos, especially since you could've easily gotten into an accident yourself being intent on following the person rather than focusing on driving safely.

I've seen it happen and I've had it happen to myself where you simply don't see something...i mean your eyes see the image, but it fails to register in the brain...remember that video clip of the people milling around and how many people never see the gorilla that shows up in the group?

People do stupid things...sh*t happens and close calls are actually good things if they remind us to be more careful next time.

20553. wonkers2 - 11/14/2006 6:19:07 PM

Mago, I also suffer from road rage when I think other drivers intentionally drive dangerously or inconsiderately. I agree with thoughtful that getting angry with other drivers is not a good idea. But I find it hard not to. And I have been involved in a few situations that could have become serious if the other driver had been packing a gun. I tell myself everytime it happens that it is counter-productive and could turn out very badly.

20554. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 6:23:58 PM

You’re right, thoughtful, I was certainly wrong not to evaluate my reaction to the incident. I called Judith in order to calm down and I feel better now after talking to her and reading your post. Thanks.

20555. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 7:29:25 PM

I remember the story of the parents of a young gal who was getting her license for the first time. They gave her a small fuzzy creature with stick-on feet to put on the dashboard of her car. Creature was named ICKY...Impatience Can Kill You.

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