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20569. jexster - 11/15/2006 4:41:36 AM

Is Harley Balinese????

LOoks it. Looks like a little Sonny (18 years last month - now grouchy old man!)

20570. wonkers2 - 11/15/2006 6:20:01 AM

Tailgating is always a mistake.

20571. prolph - 11/15/2006 6:26:18 AM

Welcome HarleY, I have two middle aged burmese . Or they have me
we're all roomates and probably cousins to you since you are siamese.
My roomates are sable and like all of you are singers, leapers and wonderfuly affectionate.

stay out of the ficus tree - Patsy

20572. prolph - 11/15/2006 6:26:40 AM

Welcome HarleY, I have two middle aged burmese . Or they have me
we're all roomates and probably cousins to you since you are siamese.
My roomates are sable and like all of you are singers, leapers and wonderfuly affectionate.

stay out of the ficus tree - Patsy

20573. prolph - 11/15/2006 6:27:21 AM


20574. judithathome - 11/15/2006 7:36:06 PM

Jex, Harley was a feral cat...I think she has many genes in her pool.

20575. jexster - 11/16/2006 4:31:27 AM

Yea her eyes are round, not almond shaped.


20576. alistairconnor - 11/16/2006 1:28:30 PM

Road rage in slow motion :
Coming back from the rugby game on Saturday night, I was a bit grumpy after seeing France annihilated by NZ (47-3!) and infuriated to get a ticket for parking on a footpath (on a match day! is nothing sacred?)

Anyway the traffic was wall-to-wall, it took an hour to get 500 yards away from the stadium, and I... scraped a neighbouring car. No excuse, all my fault. I was seething and not very civil with the victim : there was a half-inch dent above his rear wheel and some paint scraped off the plastic bumper. But it's a brand new car. He was quoted 500 euros for fixing it, so I just gave him a cheque on Tuesday. It would end up costing me more if I got my insurance to pay it.

Can we talk about something else now?

Kitty porn?

20577. wonkers2 - 11/16/2006 1:38:19 PM

You did the honorable thing.

20578. judithathome - 11/17/2006 5:08:35 PM

I have gone from expecting 4 house guests for the weekend to having NONE! One is coming Saturday morning but she's staying at another friend's house until Thanksgiving.

20579. lemwalker - 11/19/2006 3:00:37 AM

Without power 72hrs. Don't have TV so didn't miss it. Wife cooked on woodstove. Real meals which we shared with neighbor. People exist for umpteen years without electricity, but when it goes away.....

20580. robertjayb - 11/19/2006 4:34:25 AM

Good job, Wife. Rugged northwesterners come through again.

We had a brief outage a month or so ago that shook up the community and made me realize what a flimsy web we live on.

20581. arkymalarky - 11/19/2006 7:07:52 AM

Ours goes out a lot for short spells out here, but nothing like that 11 days during the ice storm a few years ago. I don't know how people kept from strangling each other before electricity. The first few days were okay, but by the last one we hated seeing it get dark at night. I love food cooked on a wood stove. We cook breakfast like that at the cabin in CO.

20582. arkymalarky - 11/19/2006 7:11:48 AM

I was thinking about the posts on driving while I was commuting to work and remembered Weenie May. He'd go 15 miles an hour--I'm not exaggerating--out here where you can go miles without a chance to pass. You knew as soon as you topped a hill, from way off, if it was him you were behind. Then you could just dread the rest of your trip, because out here you know he's going where you're going, most likely. Someone was actually killed on the interstate (years before I knew who Weenie May was) when they ran up behind him.

20583. arkymalarky - 11/19/2006 7:12:26 AM

And I'm certain his real name wasn't Weenie (he's dead now, and of natural causes), but I have no idea what it was.

20584. PsychProf - 11/19/2006 8:26:35 PM

I heard from Time Machine. She is well and busy.

20585. wabbit - 11/19/2006 8:42:30 PM

I'm happy to hear that, Prof, I miss tmachine.

20586. arkymalarky - 11/19/2006 9:13:50 PM

Thanks for the update, PP.

20587. Magoseph - 11/20/2006 1:55:25 PM

Hello, Moties,

We're staying home for Thanksgiving. Although Flexy has recovered rather well, he thinks it's too early for him to go anywhere and I din't invite anyone here.

So, it'd nice if I could enjoy this holiday, reading about your thanksgiving activities.

20588. judithathome - 11/20/2006 11:08:59 PM

We're staying home with our new kitty.

Having smoked turkey breast and sweet potato/carrot casserole and maybe have a few people over for pie later.

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