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20623. judithathome - 11/28/2006 8:09:46 PM

Update on kitty after returning from the vet's today:

Harley's nose fell off due to some sort of fungal infection. Got cream for that and the vet is growing a culture to find out exactly what type the fungal thing is.

She woke up sneezing and now we have a liquid for that. She's not eating today so I will get her baby food meat for that and feed her via a hypo tube. She got a B12 shot and another shot and she is conked out on the rug, lying in the sun.

Two vet vists in 2 weeks: $200

Having Harley: priceless

20624. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/28/2006 8:14:12 PM

My nose fell off when I met Tful . . . and that's a big part of my face!

Good luck, Judith.

20625. Magoseph - 11/28/2006 8:26:34 PM

Did the fungus make her sick, Judith?

Wiz, why did your nose fall off when you saw Tful?

Wonk, beside Jex, who else did you meet?

Just curious, you two men don’t have to answer me, of course.

20626. judithathome - 11/28/2006 8:32:11 PM

No, the nose thing happened last week. She already had the upper respiratory thing and the cold just happened yesterday.

This cat sound like a heap of illnesses but the vet told me she is one of the lucky feral kittens because most die of feline leukemia and she doesn't have that OR feline AIDS.

20627. Magoseph - 11/29/2006 7:50:37 PM

Hello, folks,

Standing in the aisle, I realize that I need help to put the large bag of dried dog food and the two cases of canned beef in my cart. I can’t do it, because my back still hurts. I see turning the corner into my aisle a large tall figure. I think, well, here is a man until I realize it isn’t-- it is a woman.

She stops and asks, “What do you want in your cart?” Then she hoists my items as I would my pillows. I ask her, “How did you know I needed help? She smiles and says, “I’m a psychiatrist”. Then, she disappears before I can answer.

At the checkout, I request someone to help me in the parking lot. Here comes this little old woman. By now, I know better than to ask any questions--silently, we go outside where, seemingly without effort, she carefully arranges grocery and dog food in the trunk. Then in my state of confusion, I give her a five instead of the one I usually give for such service.

Women today can't be typecast, I guess--I need a nap.

20628. Magoseph - 11/29/2006 7:51:12 PM

Glad that Harlette is coming along Judith.

20629. wonkers2 - 11/29/2006 7:55:38 PM

The wiz and the guy from St. Louis who had the GOP party line memorized. His name escapes me. He and my wife and I had a nice dinner several years ago when he came to Detroit on business. Darn, what was his name?! He was a part-time musician as I recall. He dropped out from the Mote a couple of years ago.

20630. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/29/2006 9:38:22 PM

Bob Dylan?

20631. wonkers2 - 11/29/2006 9:42:09 PM

Eureka! It was JJ Biener, no less. Wonder what happened to good ole JJ. When he was around we had a fair number of Republicans. Now we're down to a couple plus a libertarian.

20632. Ms. No - 12/1/2006 9:54:22 AM

Howdy folks!

Gah, major computer woes and two research papers, the holiday and the never-ending double-feature saga of Why You Shouldn't Do Business With Family and Why You Shouldn't Own Property 3000 Miles From Where You Actually Live --- have all conspired to keep me away from my fellow Moties.


Hope you are all well and had a good holiday -- mine was great although I really didn't get to cook. I played Sous Chef for my step-dad's mom, but that's not nearly as satisfying as determining the menu and cooking one's self. The company was excellent, though and it was lovely in the Bay Area.

For now, I'm off to bed!

20633. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/1/2006 10:48:37 AM

Hey Ms. No, here's wishing you a lovelier Yule Tide with better business results in your Christmas stocking,

20634. Magoseph - 12/1/2006 2:01:03 PM

Hello, everyone--Ms. No, it's wonderful to hear from you.

Went to the doctor yesterday and had back x-rays--turns out that my left leg has gotten shorter and I must wear some contraption in my shoe.

Wonk, you mentioned some time ago something about this condition, didn't you? My regular shoe store owner is a Board Certified Pedorthist/Shoe Modification Technician. He would be the right person to help me, wouldn't he?

20635. Magoseph - 12/1/2006 4:46:43 PM

Six inches now--going strong! Looks as we'll get the 13 inches predicted.

Took Butch out--he was a riot, jumping up and down and once he did his business, heading fast for the house.

20636. Magoseph - 12/1/2006 4:47:16 PM


20637. Ms. No - 12/1/2006 6:26:12 PM

Jeezy-pleasy, you got the standard 6 inches and now you want 13??? Who knew Mago was a size queen. ;->

It's certainly cold enough for me here, but no snow. We've been in the 30's now for two days and I'm definitely going to have to turn the heat on. I have to call the management company to come out and do something to the furnace because it isn't working. I slept in my wool hat the last two nights and I can currently see my breath in the air INSIDE my apartment. I like things cool, but not quite that cool!

20638. Ms. No - 12/1/2006 6:30:49 PM

Thanks, Wiz -- I'm very much looking forward to Christmas. I didn't get to see my older nephew over Thanksgiving since he was with his mom, but Christmas we'll have both the boys.

Of course I should get off the computer and get back to work on Christmas presents. I'm only about halfway done with the first of seven so I must bustle. I'm making leather applique fronts for photo albums. I wasn't going to attempt to make entire albums from scratch this time out. Maybe somewhere down the line.

Will you and the Mrs. be home for the holiday or traveling?

20639. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/1/2006 7:40:09 PM

We usually go to DC for free museums and uncrowded restaurants in order to avoid family dysfunctions over the holidays–in particular an Archie Bunker type brother-in-law, whom I can't abide for five minutes, let alone five hours.

Even when we don't go to DC we say we went. I used to cook for these people, but their tastes are so plain and dumb (overcooked roast beef and bland mash potatoes with lots of beer). I gave up on holidays long ago.

20640. wonkers2 - 12/1/2006 9:25:15 PM

Magoseph, I went to a chirpractor for lower back pain. He ascertained that my right leg was about a quarter-inch shorter than my left leg. This was the cause or a factor in my back pain. He gave me a couple of rubber heel inserts which I put under the inner sole in my right shoes. I continued to see the chiropractor 5-6 more times. My back got better. He sold me some more heel inserts which I have in all of my shoes. I went to a shoe repair store to have inserts glued in a couple of pairs of sandals I wear in the summer. The chiropractor also recommended a couple of exercises which I try to remember to do. On of the best forms of exercise, he said, is walking. My back is much better. I still have occasional back pain, but it is not incapacitating. Oh, I forgot, the chiropractor suggested I use a back cushion in the car which I have been doing.

One of the main benefits from the chiropractor was that he educated me about how to treat my back--how to sit, how to stand, etc.

20641. thoughtful - 12/1/2006 9:32:59 PM

article recently in the nyt suggested that if one leg is shorter, wearing a lift in the shoe of the shorter leg will also help prevent arthritis in the knee and hip.

20642. arkymalarky - 12/2/2006 12:36:14 AM

Hey No!!

It's great to hear from you. Hope you have a great holiday. I had two papers to do too, and got stuck with a stupid two-day migraine, so now I have to finish them this weekend. One's due tomorrow and one Monday.

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