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20689. wonkers2 - 12/14/2006 5:32:09 AM

Sorry. Not a good time of year to go. A good friend of mine's son committed suicide this week. He had been depressed and had substance abuse problems. Very bright and likeable young man of about 27 or so.

20690. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 5:34:57 AM

Oh I'm SO sorry, No!! I don't know what else to say, except a great big cyber-hug to you.

20691. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 5:37:05 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. I know that the holidays are hard on a lot of people and the suicide rates go up. I feel terrible for those so despairing that they want to end their lives, but mostly I agonize for those left behind. I can't imagine doing such a thing to the people who love me -- or perhaps it's the fact that I can imagine that devastation that prevents me from ever entertaining such a course of action.

20692. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 5:38:14 AM

That is such a shame, Wonk. I hope they have a good support network. And condolences to you too. It's hard to see good friends hurting.

20693. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 5:40:22 AM

Thanks, Arky. Yeah, it's very, very tough. It was the right thing to do and the right time and I suppose the thought is always there when you have a pet that one day you won't, but you're never ready for it. For the most part it just has to hurt until it gets better. I'll imagine her playing with Klaus and Diva and Chili and all the other Mote pets who've gone before.

20694. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 5:49:09 AM

Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing! And maybe we'll do that too--just keep on Moting. And you'll know where you ended up by which thread you're stuck in...forever and ever.

Okay that's creeping me out. Back to dog spirits playing....

20695. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 6:06:47 AM

Hmmm....I've no idea anymore where I'd be stuck. Probably the Cafe and that would be lovely. Good company!

20696. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/14/2006 7:44:42 AM

Time to laugh at death and what Christmas really means . . .

20697. judithathome - 12/14/2006 5:59:39 PM

MsNo, I am so sorry for your loss...know just how you feel, too. But know that you did the best thing for Billie...she knows that already.

And that's such a lovely thought, about all them playing together with no pains or illnesses. They're having a ball, I just know it.

20698. Magoseph - 12/14/2006 11:58:04 PM

I know how you feel, dear Ms.No--always wrenching losing a lovely pet. How old was she?

20699. arkymalarky - 12/15/2006 2:16:43 AM

Hey No, just wanted you to know I have tried twice to email you and can't get it to go, so you will probably get two short emails a day or two late or I will delete them tomorrow.

I hope you got through the evening and the day okay. I also hope you're done with school for the semester.

20700. wabbit - 12/15/2006 3:06:33 AM

MsNo, I am very sorry to hear about Billie. I know she had a great life while she was with you.

20701. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:03:20 PM


Hard to know exactly since she was a rescue, but I had her for 6 years --- I got her the Thanksgiving just after my oldest nephew was born. They estimated her to be about a year and a half old at that time so she wasn't by any means an elderly dog.

20702. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:04:42 PM

I'll be on the lookout, Arky. I've got one paper to finish (start) and then my exams are next week. I'm also worried about Christmas which crept up on me mighty quickly. For some reason I thought I still had nearly three weeks. Sheesh!

20703. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:05:06 PM

Thanks, Wab, I had a good life with her as well. ;->

20704. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/15/2006 8:13:17 PM


20705. arkymalarky - 12/16/2006 12:39:19 AM

I finally gave up and deleted them, No, but what I asked above was what was in the emails. I am so glad my classes ended before I had to prepare my own finals.

Good luck!

20706. Max Macks - 12/16/2006 11:57:37 PM

Xmas not so great for me either ,]

but just came here to say that there was
a power outage here yesterday that lasted

only about 10 seconds, but Now find that
I have to sign in in all the places
like the Mote that I had bookmarked.

20707. judithathome - 12/17/2006 2:35:25 AM

I hate it when that happens, Max!

20708. Ulgine Barrows - 12/17/2006 10:34:52 AM

20706. Max Macks - 12/16/2006 11:57:37 PM

Xmas not so great for me either ,]

but just came here to say that there was
a power outage here yesterday that lasted

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