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2071. wabbit - 3/26/2012 12:53:28 AM

Posting here to avoid clogging up AP any further.

AP 42678 - "If there wasn't incivility before he returned it was in part because there was almost no discussion before he returned."

I would hope you would defend the folks being called lemmings, airheads, liars, halfwits, etc. Actually, I believe you did once recently. Perhaps there wasn't incivility here because everyone is more or less preaching to the choir. Boring, but who needs to chime in and agree with everyone else? We've always been short on conservative voices here, t'ful.

Concerned has been the most eloquent conservative we've had. imho, of course. I'm sure he appreciates your defense.

2072. judithathome - 9/16/2014 8:22:09 PM

No one is using this thread so I think I will:

Rand Paul is sounding sane on this idea of arming the rebels in Syria...he is saying we don't really know if those arms will end up in the hands of ISIL.

John "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran" McCain is almost apoplectic yelling "Rand Paul hasn't been to Syria, Rand Paul doesn't KNOW these people"...he's the authority, you see.

Where does he think ISIL got their weapons? They have stolen some of them from others...frankly, if the rebels aren't more committed to their cause than the American-trained Iraqi Army was, I don't have much hope for McCain's pals to stand firm against the ISIL "enemy".

2073. judithathome - 9/16/2014 8:27:13 PM

It's time for John McCain to go....

And his pal Lindsey Graham ought to follow...he is saying ISIL is coming here to kill "every last one of us".

That's the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a theatre.

On the same note, I think any senator/representative who has served more than 12 years should step aside and let younger blood have a go...if you can't progress any further than constant war with the world and refusing to work with a president...of either party...then you've proven yourself to be inept at the job and you need to give someone else a chance.

Term limits is the way to go.

Look at this way: if you've had a financial investment...a stock in your portfolio...and it has done NOTHING in years, wouldn't you think about selling it and investing in something else?

2074. Ms. No - 9/16/2014 9:30:48 PM

I don't think forcing me to let go of stock that's performing well is an appropriate price to pay, though.

2075. arkymalarky - 9/17/2014 2:11:51 AM

I gotta go with No here.Arkansas was at its peak when Dale Bumpers and David Pryor serving and I would hate to have seen them term limited out. Wheather idiots are new or old they're still idiots.

2076. arkymalarky - 9/17/2014 2:13:10 AM

Insert and correct as needed.

2077. iiibbb - 9/17/2014 12:39:31 PM

At least we know if he had been elected Palin never would have been president.

2078. arkymalarky - 9/17/2014 6:20:01 PM

assuming that the weight of the presidency didn't kill him. and of course we would be in world war iii, so there's that.

2079. judithathome - 9/17/2014 6:52:43 PM

Arky, your argument about keeping good Senators is the same one people use for keeping bad ones.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees which one is "good" and which is "bad"...the Koch brothers have their faves and they probably aren't the same faves as you and I have. However, if people knew going in that they only had a certain amount of time to make a name for themselves, they might be spurred on to accomplish more or at the very least, accomplish SOMETHING.

2080. arkymalarky - 9/17/2014 10:59:59 PM

That's beside the point. People vote in bad and good ones, whether repeatedly or not. Good ones who build experience and relationships, and even some bad ones, benefit their constituents. I don't care if McCain is reelected until he dies, but I'd greatly miss Bernie Sanders.

2081. arkymalarky - 9/17/2014 11:04:15 PM

The younger Koch-backed congressmen are the worst, and their lack of experience and understanding of the system makes them even worse. The revolving door and increasing corporate control of the process is what's killing congress. Not fossils like McCain.

2082. wabbit - 9/20/2014 5:48:25 PM

I have mixed feelings about term limits, but not about getting the big money out of the electoral process.

Corporations are NOT people. Money is NOT free speech.

Love Bernie Sanders.

2083. arkymalarky - 9/20/2014 6:36:57 PM

Amen amen amen

2084. arkymalarky - 9/20/2014 6:45:23 PM

Term limits weaken rural states like Arkansas, because the way that I can build influence, especially in the Senate, it's through seniority.

Another thing that makes me wary of term limits is seeing what it's done in Arkansas at the state level. It's very difficult to get legislators to be serious about needs of their districts, because they're going on to the next thing and trying to make connections once their term-limited out. Koch money flows like wine to these folks. It's also difficult for those serious legislators like my brother in law to build up support and long-term planning to get significant things done. They mostly play defense.

2085. Ms. No - 9/24/2014 3:41:22 PM

I'm feeling the sharn and am filled with impotent rage.

That is all.

2086. iiibbb - 9/24/2014 4:45:56 PM

Then empower yourself and spread the word at least fill out the form.

2087. judithathome - 9/24/2014 5:26:12 PM

I have...and have bookmarked that site.

Speaking of Oliver, he did a fabulous send-up of the Miss America SCHOLARSHIP Competition...

2088. judithathome - 9/24/2014 5:43:15 PM

Why worry about ISIL coming over here...we're doing a pretty good job of strangling freedom already.

Religious nuts (in charge of what books are purchased for school libraries) are banning books in schools this week; it's National Banned Book Week! This week they released a list of recently banned books and one of them is Siddhartha ...when one of the supporters of this move was asked why they chose this particular book, he cited "religious reasons".

That's right...along with Toni Morrisons book, The Bluest Eye and several other works of fiction, they have banned these books from school libraries all across the nation.

I'm sure they don't mind their kids coming home to play World of Warcraft for hours on end but God forbid (literally) they read about a man of peace who gave up everything to teach people to love one another.

2089. arkymalarky - 9/25/2014 2:45:52 AM

Oh No! Better now?

2090. bhelpuri - 10/27/2014 3:26:04 PM

enjoyable (if wrong) online investigation that seeks to prove the ApeofHades is actually CalGal - see here/.

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