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20781. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/29/2006 7:43:40 PM

I want to root, once again, for all the beautiful women here . . . and help drive Bush off the wagon.

Happy New Year to all Moties!

20782. arkymalarky - 12/30/2006 3:00:29 AM

Oh, and Judith, we saw our hay-baling friend at the grocery store, and she said the reason she didn't show up this summer was because she's had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. She said she still doesn't feel well, but she's feeding cows by herself again. Her husband bought her a Prius for her birthday and we were looking at it in the parking . It's a really great looking car. I don't think I'd seen one really close up before.

And I'm trying to talk my dad out of getting an SUV. No luck so far. He thinks that just because he's 75 years old he can get whatever he wants. Thankfully he didn't pass down his stubborn streak to Bro and me. ;-)

20783. arkymalarky - 12/30/2006 3:01:49 AM

Happy New Year to you, Wiz! Your posts and pictures and Bushimations have really added to my frequent net breaks from school this fall!

And Judith, I hope you shake that stuff. It's really supposed to be bad weather here tomorrow. Is it there yet?

20784. judithathome - 12/30/2006 7:22:20 PM

Yes, if you mean last night....late in the afternoon I was awakened from a cold meds induced stupor by the tornado warning alarm blasting all over town...scared the shit out of me. I finally turned the TV on and saw this horrible weather going on all around us...it missed my side of town but was headed straight for you.

Last night they showed mid 50s and sunshine predicted for the day of my party...I hope they're right. And that I live long enough to enjoy it...ha!

20785. arkymalarky - 12/30/2006 10:13:00 PM

I'll be with you in heart if not in body. And I have one bottle of the wine y'all brought this summer. I'm saving it not for NYE, but for when I get this project done. It would be nice if those two events coincided, but I don't think they will. I do think I'm going to be much closer to done than I thought I would be when I started, though.

The weather didn't do much here. A little lightning and wind late last night. I guess it had dumped all its energy on Texas first.

20786. thoughtful - 12/30/2006 10:48:29 PM

Arky, Staying awake during long commutes...ah yes, I remember those nights well. I had about a 30-45 min drive home depending on traffic. Fortunately I found a local FM station that had a call-in talk show on each night on my drive home (near about 11 pm which is late enough considering I had to get up at 5 am for work the next day) that featured a sex therapist who was not the least bit shy about answering questions, a deejay who was not the least bit shy about making jokes about sex and callers who were not the least bit shy about sharing intimacies. No way could I fall asleep on the way home!

I must say, I learned a few things, perhaps the most useful of which is how to pee standing up!

20787. thoughtful - 12/30/2006 10:49:55 PM

Mags, that's an easy one for the thoughtful's....we hope to complete and move into our new home by 2007!

20788. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 1:21:16 AM

What a way to stay awake! One of Bob's best friends used to roll her hair up in the window, so if she dozed off it would pull her hair and wake her up. I don't know that I'd feel confident with that tactic. If you fell asleep and rolled your car the results probably wouldn't be pretty with your head trapped against the window like that.

20789. judithathome - 12/31/2006 2:53:02 AM

We finally got home from buying all the party grub...$375 lighter in the wallet.

I'm worried because all of it fit into the fridge. One neat thing, Arky...the black-eyed peas we will be having on Monday are the ones Jim picked and Keoni "hulled"...ha!

I have to brag on myself and Keoni because today is our first "cigarette free" day and we didn't kill each other. However, I did feel compelled to tell him I felt humilated when he put his hands over his ears at the commissary when I calmly asked him to consider more peppers than he though were necessary...he's lucky he's still breathing.

20790. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 3:27:49 AM

Oh how cool!

The peas part, not the glad you haven't killed each other yet part, though that's good too.

I have been working on this project and misread a requirement, thinking I'd have to dig through a huge pile of MS (snerk), after having spent most of my Christmas digging through the same pile(s) of MS, and I was on a huge rant to Bob, when in the middle of it I realized what I misread. So I'm mentally taking back all the bad stuff I said about all the people who are even tangentially related to all of this, starting with the builders of the Tower of Babel that started all this mess.

And that reminded me of my dear friend at work, who, several years ago at the beginning of one school year when we were going over the calendar for that year suddenly went into a tear over "school resumes." She wanted to know why we had to write resumés over our Christmas break and she thought it was the most ridiculous thing we'd had to do of all the ridiculous things we'd ever had to do. The rest of us, including the superintendent who was leading the meeting, just sort of watched in awe until she reached her Emily Latella moment and slid sheepishly back into her chair. I still laugh till I cry when I think about it.

I think I'm getting to a silly stage, myself. It may be time for a short break. I will certainly have to let Bob edit carefully before I turn this mug in.

20791. judithathome - 12/31/2006 6:49:14 AM

Arky, you need to get down here NOW! Both of you need to get down here NOW!

20792. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 5:41:52 PM

Ohohoh, tell me what's happening! I'm stuck in edit mode of the first paper and still have three more papers to go, and now I'm feeling very deprived! Who's there?

20793. judithathome - 12/31/2006 6:31:38 PM

There's a bona fide murder mystery going on, and it's connected directly to our neighborhood!

20794. Ms. No - 12/31/2006 6:40:50 PM

Whodunnit? Who died? Give us the scoop, J!

20795. Ms. No - 12/31/2006 6:41:56 PM

Off to the grocery store hopefully before it's too crazy.

20796. bubbaette - 12/31/2006 6:52:42 PM

Happy New Year's Moties!!

I'm going to have a quiet new year's eve. I think we're going to start the festivities with a trip to Lowes to spend the gift card I got for Christmas. After that, it's home, set up the dog's new Lowes dog house, build a fire, drink bourbon, roast hotdogs, and laze around with some movies, my gentleman friend, and the dogs.

20797. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/31/2006 7:35:22 PM

20783. arkymalarky Thanks ark.

Come cocoa, Judith!

Sounds lovely, bubbs; enjoy!

20798. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 9:26:57 PM


20799. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 9:28:17 PM

I'm with MsNo, Judith, we need details! You don't want us to come to provide an alibi or act as character witnesses, I hope. ;->

20800. arkymalarky - 12/31/2006 9:29:13 PM

And while we're on details, Bubba...a gentleman worthy of a cozy New Year's Eve? Sounds delightful.

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