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20837. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/5/2007 5:27:01 PM

Wrt Greek classics: I heartily recommend Robert Fagels' fine translations.

His latest, is now out in audiobook form . . .

My goals for '07 are to stay healthy and distill my vision down into a more abstract language.

20838. judithathome - 1/5/2007 7:22:36 PM

I'm passionate about local politics and about my friends and this summer, I hope to muster up some passion about landscaping my back yard...the first summer without our beloved 100+ year old elm.

I'm smitten by my new kitten and her weird ways...and when she does something really mean I'm pretty passionate about trying to train her.

Today, I'm passionate about maintaining a grip on my cough when we go to the play tonight. After 2 weeks of this crap, I can rein it in so long as I don't laugh...but the play is a PG Wodehouse Jeeves & Bertie Wooster number so I am hoping for a miracle. And carrying a purse large enough to hold a bottle of cough medicene.

20839. alistairconnor - 1/5/2007 7:32:17 PM

Hell, coughing can be forgiven during a Wodehouse. If it's any good, the laughter will cover it. Etiquette would not be the same for a Pinter or a Strindberg, no doubr...

20840. alistairconnor - 1/5/2007 7:32:36 PM

erratum : "no doubt..."

20841. arkymalarky - 1/6/2007 1:02:02 AM

I'm passionate about living without a deadline for a while--after Monday evening. I'll be passionate about meeting one until then. I promised everyone when I left work today (kids included) that I would be a different person on Tuesday. They're like "yeah, right."

20842. judithathome - 1/7/2007 7:34:52 PM

We spent half the day yesterday taking the tree down...most of it spent by both of us corraling the cat as she thought she'd help out. At one point, Keoni turned to me and said "I'm beginning to think we're not cat people."

He created this fabulous box with compartments for all the tree ornaments and stuff...it's something I think he should patent! Every single thing fits in its own little slot...it's all protected so the balls and crystals won't break and the lights won't get all snarled...it's amazing!

20843. judithathome - 1/8/2007 8:46:34 PM

I posted this elsewhere and didn't think I do any better job of telling it than I did so I'm copying it here, too:

Yesterday Keoni and I were puttering about the house and I had the radio on NPR. Suddenly I noticed there was violin music on and it was exceedingly irritating violin music, more like deranged "fiddle" music and I suggested Keoni turn it off...thinking he was in the kitchen where the radio is.

The music kept playing and I was beside myself...this stuff was worse than Chinese water torture...it was very fast paced and frantic Irish folk music.

Now I know some people love this stuff but my brain was not receptive to it at all. Maybe it's the sinus infection setting up on the right side of my head or maybe it's just that this music bores into my brain like a dentist's drill in the movie Marathion Man ...but suddenly I found myself running into the kitchen and slamming the button that turns the radio on and off. Keoni walks into the room about then and sees me gripping the counter and breathing heavily and asks what's wrong.

I explain in great detail and even flip the radio back on to shw him an example of the torturous, fiendish music and he says "I didn't even notice it" and blithely walks off.

20844. PelleNilsson - 1/8/2007 9:26:09 PM

Irish music is generally horrible.

20845. judithathome - 1/8/2007 11:17:40 PM

It's maddening.

20846. thoughtful - 1/8/2007 11:18:31 PM

Not surprising....women are more tuned to higher pitched noises...maybe from millennia of child care where we are more sensitive to babies crying and such. I have to be very careful of any kind of violin music I listen to as I too can be irritated out of my skin...it can be worse than nails on a chalk board. Other women I know have mentioned this as well.

20847. judithathome - 1/9/2007 12:11:01 AM

Good to know...I thought I was just going insane.

Keoni got a key chain gizmo from someone which is supposed to find your keys for you if you have mislaid them (ha! like everyday) and he set it up and then couldn't get it to work when we whistle.

We walked into the living room last night to see Harley up on this shelf that has two 100 year old Japanese saki cups on little stands on it and I shrieked...and the key chaim gizmo started beeping.

So I guess my shrieking would drive me insane, too...I already know it does that to Keoni.

20848. thoughtful - 1/9/2007 12:24:53 AM


Maybe you have to be like a couple with a toddler and 'cat proof' your house!

They do grow out of that kind of stuff eventually.

I remember when cas was a young'un and we'd come home every evening to a trail of toilet paper dragged all over the house. Fortunately he outgrew that one quickly.

20849. wabbit - 1/9/2007 3:53:16 PM

With my cats, it has always been Qtips. I came home once to find them strewn throughout the house, maybe 300 of them, trailing from the bathroom, through the bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs, throughout the living room and dining room, finally petering out near the front door. It was a riot. And the perpetrator was sitting happily in the middle of a small pile of about 20 Qtips, chewing away on one, very pleased with herself.

Qtips are now kept on a high shelf in the bathroom closet.

20850. wonkers2 - 1/9/2007 8:04:21 PM

Cats do like q-tips. Our cat fishes them out of the waste basket.

20851. Magoseph - 1/9/2007 10:20:41 PM

After walking the wind behind me for twenty minutes, I decided to come back and the vicious wind caught me full face, bosom, and legs and seriously froze me so that I had to take a hot bath. I can't believe that I didn't check the temperature before setting out and didn't wear a warmer coat.

Anyway, at least now I can walk better and my back pain isn't so intense.

20852. judithathome - 1/10/2007 1:20:26 AM

Good to hear, Magos!

20853. prolph - 1/10/2007 6:41:10 AM

umm how did you choose your name?

I have been enjoying Great Courses which offers many subjects on dvd.
I started with the iliad since it is a favorite thinking ok tell me something I don't know. The lectures are given by professors and I learned a lot,
Alas I have no greek but the lecturer did including other scholars' translations,
I am now wathing philosophy and reminded of William Janes' coment on the subject--Philosopy is like going into a black room looking for a black car which isn't there,

20854. Magoseph - 1/10/2007 1:50:04 PM

Patsy, I'm far from being as ambitious as you're--right now I'm reading Gore Vidal's series of historical novels. Character studies are more the type of reading I like these days.

20855. wonkers2 - 1/10/2007 5:47:40 PM

Glad your back is better. Gore Vidal brings history back to life.

20856. judithathome - 1/10/2007 10:21:47 PM

You want history brought to life, watch the History Channel's Building an Empire series currently running every week...Peter Weller hosts and he's a much better history buff than actor. In fact, he went back to college and got a Masters in Art History from Syracuse University in 2003...he did most of his work in Florence, Italy and his enthusiasm for the subject is amazing...he makes this more than just a dry history lesson.

We;re loving this series and watch it every week.

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