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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20954 - 20973 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20954. arkymalarky - 1/25/2007 12:28:24 AM

I'm tellin' y'all....He's my pick by far, right now.

20955. Magoseph - 1/25/2007 12:32:03 AM

Yes, thoughtful, it’s a long process and the only thing that one can do is watch. However, I just don’t think that we can eliminate her because of femininity grounds. I think that’s a version of yesterday, not tomorrow.

20956. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 12:35:02 AM

This country surely needs a good mother after all of the profligate fathers who've failed much often than not.

I don't know if Hillary (or Billary) is indeed that mother, but I would think that the need should be obvious–especially to women.

20957. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 12:36:44 AM

much MORE often than not

20958. arkymalarky - 1/25/2007 1:05:44 AM

That's why Nancy Pelosi is so great. I still grin every time I think about that. I would vote for a woman for president without hesitation, but I can't think of many really compelling candidates, male or female at the moment. Like Thoughtful said, they'll emerge. I notice Angela Davis is still alive and well.

This discussion reminded me of seeing this article a week or two ago.

20959. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 1:27:57 AM

Opinion Solicitation Department:

Anyone prefer one over the other?

20960. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 1:30:00 AM

If you depress your control key (for a MAC) while selecting the image, it will bring you to a larger version.

20961. thoughtful - 1/25/2007 1:33:22 AM

Yes, I prefer the second with the deeper, richer colors...the boat really pops.

Of course, my tastes run to the richer tones anyway.

20962. arkymalarky - 1/25/2007 1:33:42 AM

I like the tone of the first (if "tone" is the right word), but I like the bottom one more--the red/yellow contrast and a stronger sense of sunlight and the water's reflection. My web accelerator's on "best" setting, so I can see clearly enough to comment, for a change.

20963. judithathome - 1/25/2007 1:47:41 AM

I like the second one... the red boat blends better with the yellow building. In the first one, it stands out too much.

Magos, I went to the doc and disvobered my little bout of diverticulitis has turned into a raging infection...I'm now on three medications, two antibiotics and one antispasmodic.

20964. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 3:04:23 AM

Thanks for the comments–no Morandi fans here, I see.

A comparison of the bigger images makes the decision more difficult for me.

20965. arkymalarky - 1/25/2007 4:39:20 AM

That's definitely not good, Judith. I hope you kick it fast.

20966. arkymalarky - 1/25/2007 4:39:43 AM

What's the decision for, Wiz?

20967. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/25/2007 6:32:41 AM

Ark- The first one is about subtle light and water stains. The second one is more about color and contrast. So which kid do I love more? Don't force me to decide. They communicate very different things, in ways that they decide–not me!

Judith, I have a close friend who suffers from diverticulitis and I'm most sorry to hear of your suffering. I wish you the speediest relief.

20968. Ulgine Barrows - 1/25/2007 11:00:51 AM


What kinda card do you send to a person that just got off jail and has no legal address?

And I won't fund?

Motherless children have a hard time when mother is dead, lord.
Motherless children have a hard time when mother is dead, lord.
They don't have anywhere to go;
Wandering around from door to door.
Nobody treats you like a mother will when your mother is dead, lord.

Father will do the best he can when your mother is dead, lord.
Father will do the best he can when your mother is dead, lord.
Father will do the best he can;
So many things a father can't understand.
Nobody treats you like a mother will when your mother is dead, lord.

Sister will do the best she can when your mother is dead, lord.
Sister will do the best she can when your mother is dead, lord.
Sister will do the best she can;
So many things a sister can't understand.
Nobody treats you like a mother will when your mother is dead.

When your mother is dead, when your mother is dead.
When your mother is dead, Lord, when your mother is dead

20969. alistairconnor - 1/25/2007 11:02:34 AM

I like the "sketchy" nature of the first boat picture, I find it suits the difference in light : dawn or dusk, work in progress, emerging landscape.
The second is a different picture, more of a postcard.

20970. Ulgine Barrows - 1/25/2007 11:03:25 AM

Le card,
Leave me the effing alone.

20971. alistairconnor - 1/25/2007 11:06:09 AM

Hell, that's a tough question, Ulgine.

Can you offer him a couch to sleep on? Will he listen to your advice? Does he have the will to get on a better trajectory?

20972. wonkers2 - 1/25/2007 3:25:48 PM

Closing the revolving door

20973. wonkers2 - 1/25/2007 3:26:10 PM

I, too, like the second picture better.

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