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21056. arkymalarky - 2/2/2007 1:58:08 AM

Ooooh, okay. I think I remember.

We had to go to a workshop in Little Rock a few weeks ago. I offered to drive and my best friend at work said "No!" before I could even get the sentence out. I'm well known for my lack of "town" driving skills.

We've had clouds and sleet but not enough to accumulate. We've got flu like crazy down here. Bro is much further north and they almost didn't get home because they called out school too late. My SIL slipped on the ice and fell and badly sprained her wrist, so they're stove up and snowed in.

21057. arkymalarky - 2/2/2007 3:24:31 PM

We've got a nice thin coating of snow, and lots on the leaves. No road accumulation here. It's beautiful in the yard. Mojo and Gus (and Mazie in her little spot) seem to like it. I don't know that they've seen it before. I can't remember.

21058. arkymalarky - 2/2/2007 3:27:53 PM

We had Diva the year we had around a foot of snow here, and she and Sasha were hilarious in it. She'd have to leap and her ears would sail out as she jumped forward. It was too high for her to get around in it any other way.

21059. thoughtful - 2/2/2007 3:51:22 PM

Un freakin believable.

Mom's coming back from FL...she has a tumor in her lung. Doc in FL recommended needle biopsy, but we'll talk to the doc up here. My take is, if it's a tumor, it's most likely cancer and has to come out so just get rid of the damn thing before it spreads. But we'll see.

It's just so unfair to have to go through this again. I mean we just buried my SIL with lung cancer in Nov. Dad had lung cancer twice. And Mom never smoked a day in her life, though she did live with my father's smoke for 40+ years...

Damn! I don't want to get on this roller coaster again.

Unfortunately, I have no choice except to keep viewing it as another character-building experience...

21060. arkymalarky - 2/2/2007 3:59:41 PM

I don't know what to say, Thoughtful, except we're thinking about you. I really don't understand why they take things in such steps when like you say, it's going to need to come out, increasing the difficulty for the patient and family.

21061. thoughtful - 2/2/2007 4:08:53 PM

thanks arky...
it helps just to be able to express myself and I'm glad you guys are here to listen.

21062. alistairconnor - 2/2/2007 4:12:00 PM

Yes we're listening... I wish you courage and strength.

21063. thoughtful - 2/2/2007 4:35:03 PM

thanks ac...much appreciated.

21064. wabbit - 2/3/2007 7:35:56 PM

Your mom has my best wishes, t'ful, and know we're always here to listen.

21065. judithathome - 2/3/2007 9:08:50 PM

Add me to the list of those willing to listen and hoping for the most positive outcome, Thoughtful.

21066. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/3/2007 9:33:15 PM

Good luck, tful.

21067. Magoseph - 2/4/2007 12:56:17 AM

Here I am catching up--terrible cold day up here, tonight -8°F, tomorrow night -10°F.

Thinking of you, thoughtful.

21068. Magoseph - 2/5/2007 2:18:13 PM

Hello, everyone--it's so darn cold here that we spend our time checking everything and it's a trial to shop and take care of the dog. Since I came back up here, we never had nine below. Today it'll be one below all day. Ronski's weather map in The Good Life was right on tract.

So, how are things with you?

21069. alistairconnor - 2/5/2007 2:57:32 PM

Pretty cool Mago!
This weekend I went on a bus trip with my choir to Thônes in the Savoie. We were hosted by the local choir, very well received, much eating and drinking and singing of ribald songs. The concert was excellent, perhaps our best, in the church (very beautiful with excellent acoustics). It was recorded by the local radio, so we should be able to cut a CD of it.

21070. alistairconnor - 2/5/2007 2:58:51 PM

Weather fairly mild, most of the snow has melted. I'm hoping for a bit more before next week, I'm taking the kids to a friend's place in the Hautes Alpes.

21071. thoughtful - 2/5/2007 3:40:07 PM

thanks, mags, wiz and j@h

My walk was a bit chilly this a.m. 5 deg at our house but fortunately, not too much wind. Still cold enough to freeze my scarf solid from the moisture in my breath and to ice up the brim of my wool hat.

I'll remember this come July when it's 99 and 99% humidity.

21072. arkymalarky - 2/5/2007 7:22:13 PM

Nice and crisp and clear here. Around 50F, I'd imagine. Had to go to the doctor today. I'm back on my full allergy regimen with daily nasal steroid, weekly shots, antihistimine and decongestant. I hated it at the time, but I'm thrilled about going back to it. Not going off it again unless I move to a drier location. I walked a mile with Bob yesterday. I have class tonight, but I'm hoping to start walking at least "one round" (a mile total) with him now that my schedule is less hectic and I'm back on the allergy regimen.

21073. judithathome - 2/6/2007 10:19:37 PM

Arky, 70 degress headed your way today!

21074. Magoseph - 2/7/2007 12:08:15 AM

70 degres?--Oh my, it's painful to think that I could be there right now visiting you, Keoni and my younger son.

21075. wonkers2 - 2/7/2007 12:36:06 AM

It's around zero in Detroit.

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