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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21186 - 21205 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21186. Ulgine Barrows - 2/19/2007 11:07:35 AM

I smashed up a bunch of china and crystal tonight.
It felt good to let that go - ancestry? Whatever, it was taking up space and worry, and I don't have time to sell it on ebay.
I think I freaked out better half.

I smashed it into a wastebasket, very controlled.

We have been fighting for years about getting rid of junk.
Maybe now, he will throw out his moldy paperbacks.

Somebody had to set an example.

21187. Ulgine Barrows - 2/19/2007 11:20:17 AM

My family doesn't care much for me.
Better half, that was a joke.
Millstone around my neck, is more apropos.

21188. Ulgine Barrows - 2/19/2007 11:21:37 AM

But yay!
Spring is just around the corner!

21189. alistairconnor - 2/19/2007 11:51:52 AM

Woo Ulgine, that's a revolutionary thing to do... smashing up the heirloom china... Like the revolutionaries in France who smashed the faces off the religious statues to break the hold of the church on the people...

Families are like teeth. A lottery. Some people take extreme care of their teeth and they go rotten anyway, others are careless and have no problems...

21190. Ulgine Barrows - 2/19/2007 12:13:26 PM

Teeth are not a lottery!

Jaw patterns are inherited. Nobody in my side of the family needed braces or extensive orthodontia.

21191. alistairconnor - 2/19/2007 12:30:22 PM

Yeah, I mean that you don't get to choose your family, or your teeth.

But at least you got something positive from your family...

21192. Magoseph - 2/19/2007 8:06:31 PM

Ali, have you noticed that our friend JayAckroyd posted 21183? I didn't answer his question because I only have daily humdrum routine type of news to tell him.

21193. wonkers2 - 2/20/2007 12:04:36 AM

Just as Michigan is warming we're heading for Tucson for 10 days! At least it'll be warmer there. Although it snowed there recently. A rare occurrence. Must be global warming.

21194. judithathome - 2/20/2007 12:46:44 AM

Today is a blustery but beautiful day and it's 68°...tomorrow is supposed to top that by 10°!

I went to the pool and had a lovely workout. The indoor pool is nice but I am counting the days until it's warm enough to start going to my neighbor's pool again.

21195. arkymalarky - 2/20/2007 4:44:07 AM

It was nice today except the wind was a bit much. I was getting gas and my door flew open and hit a pole by the gas pump. I went and got all my graduation stuff pretty much done. I've got two fairly big things coming up the next two weeks, and then it should be a cruise to a last class in June. I'm not going to walk in graduation though, because Mose is graduating the same time at the same school. Any excuse for me not to have to wear that get-up and stand in line and sit captive in front of a bunch of people for a couple of hours. ;-)

21196. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/20/2007 7:04:21 AM

I salted my walk so the mailman doesn't end up at the chiropractor tomorrow.

21197. judithathome - 2/20/2007 7:14:27 PM

Supposed to get close to 80 today!! Insane.

21198. thoughtful - 2/20/2007 8:43:25 PM

It's definite...mom's lung tumor is cancerous. We meet with surgeon today, lung doctor tomorrow. My attitude is get this thing over with already. Out damn spot!

Doc says he'll start with VATS (video assisted thoracic surgery) like laporoscopy and complete the job with that if he can...if not, he'll have to go the old fashioned way...cut her whole side open and use rib spreaders. I have fingers crossed he'll be able to get it with the former. Recovery for the former is about 2 weeks vs. 6-8 weeks with the latter. And at 81, if you don't have to spread and risk breaking her ribs, all the better.

Still most frustrating that she has to have this at all...seems so unfair for someone who never smoked.

21199. judithathome - 2/20/2007 11:09:07 PM

Oh Thoughtful, I'm so sorry the news is what it is. I am hoping for the best, that she be able to avoid the more involved procedure.

And you are right...it doesn't seem fair at all.

21200. Magoseph - 2/20/2007 11:21:22 PM

I agree, a darn shame it is. When is the treatment starting, thoughtful?

21201. thoughtful - 2/20/2007 11:54:36 PM

Thanks, guys.
She needs more testing done tomorrow and next week and we're hoping we'll be able to get her into surgery by the end of next week.

It'll be about 5-6 days in hospital for the surgery.

I keep pressing the docs about the need for speed. Time is not our friend when it comes to cutting out a cancer.

21202. judithathome - 2/21/2007 12:08:34 AM

No kidding...I had to urge the surgeons to do it for my son at Christmas time rather than wait til after the New Year as they wanted...I could see the blood counts getting worse by the day.

21203. arkymalarky - 2/21/2007 12:45:58 AM

Oh man, Thoughtful, I'm so sorry.

21204. alistairconnor - 2/21/2007 1:06:29 AM

Hoping for the best Tful...

So how's your boy, Judith?

21205. judithathome - 2/21/2007 1:25:08 AM

Oh, that was 34 years ago, Alistair...he is fine now. The only one of a group of kids still alive and doing great after that experimental pediatric chemo and surgical treament.

His latest bout with the blood clots (twp weeks ago) has left him chastened and doing fine. He's going back to work next week. Thanks for asking.

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