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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21376 - 21395 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21376. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/18/2007 5:15:33 AM

Happy B'Day, Kid, and many, many years of health and joy!

21377. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 8:28:14 AM

21356. tmesis - 3/14/2007 2:22:41 PM
thoughtful basically represents everything I've come to loathe in patients.

Why do you loathe it, tmesis?

What makes a good patient, in your opinion?
Do they not educate themselves, know the questions to ask?

Do you loathe them, when you know you cannot heal them?

Can you only talk in technical terms and don't know how to break it families that their loved ones are dying, or what?

I would like to know.

21378. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 8:34:58 AM

thoughtful, my mother-in-law was just given weeks to live.
I am sorry to hear your news, as well.

21379. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 8:39:36 AM

Her doctor gave her pain pills, basically.
I don't think they liked it. She has been with this doctor for ages thru chemo.
I suppose it could feel like putting down a puppy, writing such a prescription.

Don't get all mad at me. None of this is easy, puppies.

21380. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 8:50:14 AM

thoughtful, if you are not in the same town as your mom, you are never going to get over second-guessing yourself, or her medical staff.

21381. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 8:54:24 AM

My mom died of a routine needle biopsy, BTW.
I wouldn't recommend it.

21382. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 9:03:08 AM

21338. alistairConnor - 3/12/2007 12:46:55 AM

Yeah, boy is OK with his dad, doing 6+ hours of violent video games daily. Eating noodles and no fruit/veggies.

I'm a horrible mom. I'm in charge of expensive summer daycare and the kid is getting a good dose of math.

21383. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 11:10:17 AM

Macnas, good to see you posting. I know zilch about your Irush teams. I hope the one you bet upon wins~

21384. Ulgine Barrows - 3/18/2007 11:12:40 AM

aaaaaaaaaack! Judith, help me.
Irish teams.

Apologies, Macnas.

21385. alistairConnor - 3/18/2007 7:22:26 PM

Make sure you get regular good, serene time with your boy. Try to plan for positive experiences with him. Don't spoil him, don't punish him. He needs you. You need him.

But you could read that in a book. Just trying to pass on lessons learned.

21386. thoughtful - 3/19/2007 2:05:09 PM

sorry to hear about your MIL. It's never easy to face the end of life.

BTW, I am in the same town as my mother and I've been going to all the doc apptmts with her to ask questions and gain understanding of her condition.

21387. Ms. No - 3/19/2007 2:58:45 PM

One of the things I miss about LA (there aren't many) is watching Gaelic Football at Ireland's 32 in the Valley. They open at 6 a.m. on Sunday mornings so all the ex-pats can see the games live on the cable feed.

21388. judithathome - 3/19/2007 4:24:06 PM

MsNo, you need to come for a visit the first week in April...it would be like karioke night all over again! ;-)

21389. wabbit - 3/19/2007 8:51:26 PM

Happy belated birthday, Patsy!

Who's up for a round of egg-balancing tonight?

21390. wabbit - 3/19/2007 9:06:05 PM

Ulgine, I'm sorry to hear about your m-i-l. I'm fortunate that my parents are fairly healthy, but there are days...I try not to dwell on it and I count my blessings.

21391. wonkers2 - 3/19/2007 9:14:32 PM

Egg balancing??

21392. wabbit - 3/19/2007 9:32:30 PM

Urban legend has it that you can balance an egg on end during the Vernal Equinox.

I think at the very least it's a good excuse for a party.

21393. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/19/2007 9:37:47 PM

Is this some kind of yoke?

21394. thoughtful - 3/19/2007 9:40:24 PM

No...it's an egg-scuse for a party.

Hate to crack anyone's shell, but you can balance an egg on any day of the week, not just on the equinoxes.

21395. iiibbb - 3/19/2007 11:46:48 PM

Just a reminder to all my friends and enemies...

The 25 yr old son of one of the secretaries in my department just died in a house fire. One of the news items of the event indicated that the apartment (converted house) he was in either didn't have a smoke alarm, or it wasn't working.

So just a reminder...

1) Check your batteries
2) If your Smoke alarm is hardwired into you power, get a battery powered one.
3) If you don't have one at all... get one, even if you pay for it out of your own pocket.

4) While your at it get a carbon monoxide detector... especially if you have natural gas in your house.

What's worse that he died, is that he didn't die right away... so do us all a favor and do something to protect yourselves.

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