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21496. arkymalarky - 4/8/2007 12:45:34 AM

Smaller communities and universities work perfectly for this because there are so many places to work and live within commuting distance of the town hub and small university (almost all of which have education programs), in addition to less competition for jobs and housing--IFIFIF you go at the right time. By August the opportunity is generally gone because students take up all the good housing by then. That's why Mose slid into such a great deal now, but couldn't get the right place before then--she was needing and apartment when all the good ones and most of the bad ones were gone.

21497. Ronski - 4/8/2007 1:42:18 AM

Happy Easter

21498. Ulgine Barrows - 4/8/2007 11:36:33 AM

Oh, Ronski, that is gorgeous!

Thanks. It is .....stellar!

21499. arkymalarky - 4/8/2007 3:56:50 PM

OOOhhh, lovely!!


21500. jexster - 4/8/2007 5:43:14 PM

Psalm 118
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; *
his mercy endures for ever.
Let Israel now proclaim, *
"His mercy endures for ever."
There is a sound of exultation and victory *
in the tents of the righteous:
"The right hand of the LORD has triumphed! *
the right hand of the LORD is exalted!
the right hand of the LORD has triumphed!"

The same stone which the builders rejected *
has become the chief cornerstone.
This is the LORD'S doing, *
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
On this day the LORD has acted; *
we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Happy Easter!

21501. arkymalarky - 4/8/2007 5:52:19 PM

Very nice, Jex. Thank you!

21502. judithathome - 4/8/2007 7:02:24 PM

Happy Peeps Day!

21503. jexster - 4/8/2007 9:13:11 PM

One of the first things I do when I go to the primary Sunday mass is check for new meat, esp at Easter and Xmas.

Today, I saw a tall comely curly hair blond boy. RATS - a woman on each side! As God would have it, we wound up next to each other in line at the altar rail for communion....One of his bitches was already there back to us in a lovely new floral print!

My what big feet you have!

My what hairy arms you have!

My what a handsome beard you have!

My what a lovely easter bonnet U have

21504. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 12:49:27 PM

Jex, I know you--you wouldn't DARE having such thoughts on such a day.

Imus is apologizing this morning--he spent the whole weekend getting advice and help from lots of people--serves him right. He and Bernie are sometimes too much, but I often can't help laughing at their insane jokes. I didn't laugh at the Rutgers' girls joke and that was because I didn't get the humor--Flexy had to explain to me what the connotation meant.

21505. thoughtful - 4/9/2007 3:46:31 PM

Yes I heard imus' apology this a.m.

I don't understand it...he and bernie say lots of nasty things about everybody and no one takes it seriously. I really think this thing is a total coup for sharpton who really knows how to promote himself...after all, he's getting imus to appear on his radio station. there's no way that'd ever happen before without his hyping this remark.

I mean after all the remark was made on wed and no one said anything about it until a couple of days later. Then it became a brouhaha.

21506. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 4:51:24 PM

Imus is a jerk, almost as bad as Howard Stern. Racist comments don't belong on television.

21507. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 5:16:59 PM

The first mention of Imus' faux pas is in this article published on Thursday (the day after the incident) by MediaMatters on Thurd.

21508. Magoseph - 4/9/2007 5:18:06 PM

Tim Russert was sheduled for this morning--I guess he was too scared to show up.

21509. jexster - 4/9/2007 5:18:20 PM

21510. jexster - 4/9/2007 5:23:33 PM

Screw IMUS...I only watch for Cardinal Egan, Bill Clinton, Dr. Phil and Gen Patton

21511. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 5:26:42 PM

McGuirk should be fired. Imus should be suspended for an appropriate period. I just heard his apology. It sounded sincere, whether it was or not.

21512. thoughtful - 4/9/2007 5:36:04 PM

You're talking about the guy who embarrassed the president at the wash press corp dinner. He's not called a 'shock jock' for nothing. People listen because he says things or tries to get other people to say things that will embarrass them. While bernie is a rectum and imus may be a rectum for keeping him around, anyone who's ever heard imus for any length of time knows he's not a racist. And frankly, in my book, the comments that he made were nothing compared to what young people are listening to all the time in rap lyrics and think nothing of it. And if it's a racist remark because it came from a white guy, but it's an ok remark if it comes from a black guy, then that, in and of itself, is racist.

Was it a stupid comment to make? Yes. But I don't think it's any more offensive than other remarks they've made like women don't have any place playing basketball, or calling hillary satan.

21513. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 5:55:34 PM

Well, he deserves more than a slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned and so does the network. Those kind of remarks have no place on the public airwaves. What he said was much more offensive than the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident. More than one sportscaster and a couple of major league club managers have been fired for less. I grew up in Louisiana and my parents who were from Nebraska taught me not to talk like that by the time I was in the second grade. Four letter words brought me a mild rebuke, but a racial remark pickked up from my friends brought punishment. Look what happened to the racist asshole who was running against Jim Webb for the Senate. Why should Imus or his producer McJerk be given a free pass?

21514. betty - 4/9/2007 5:57:40 PM

I meant to say Hi to Arky and Judith the other day and got distracted...

No, I would be furious if a temp agency left me high and dry like that. I think I would try a new agency.

21515. wonkers2 - 4/9/2007 6:00:28 PM

Shock jocks (or more appropriately shock jerks) should not be given a free pass to make racist or anti-semitic (or homophobic or misognistic remarks). If the offended groups speak up the network will put a stop to the remarks.

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