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21531. Wombat - 4/10/2007 1:53:39 AM

Or semi-literate, pseudo-educated, quasi-libertarian conservative.

21532. concerned - 4/10/2007 1:54:50 AM

Re. 21529 -

I guess I should have expected a cheap shot from one of the leading LW drones in the Mote.

21533. concerned - 4/10/2007 1:55:20 AM

Make that two cheap shots.

21534. Wombat - 4/10/2007 1:57:33 AM

We've been over this before, but what you call "centrist" seems to have everyone who questions your political opinions to be well to the left of you. Perhaps you could enlighten us by listing what typically "right-wing" or "conservative" positions in today's USA you would vehemently oppose. Something along the lines of the late Acey on creationism, for example.

21535. concerned - 4/10/2007 2:03:24 AM

See my current reference to Ann Coulter in the 'Conflict in the Middle East' thread. If you think that is not significant, that's your problem.

21536. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:06:18 AM

Sharpton has yet to admit that he did anything wrong in the Brawley affair. He has not as yet paid the judgement against him for the slanders he perpetrated during the case. I realise that this is "illiberal" of me, but the fact that he has any sway in the Democratic party is disgraceful.

21537. concerned - 4/10/2007 2:08:31 AM

Unlike you, Wombat, I'm not in fear of not appearing to kowtow to some didactic political line. That's in my favor and to your disadvantage.

21538. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:13:25 AM

Ok, so it is safe to say that when it comes to Christianizing the Middle East Concerned is less of a out-of-her !@#$%^&* mind loon than Ann Coulter. That still leaves plenty of room before we reach anyhting resembling the political center. It must also be noted that Concerned enjoys being "provocative" in our lowly universe much in the same way that Coulter does in the wider world.

21539. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:14:06 AM


Do you know what "didactic" means?

21540. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:15:21 AM

And still irony-impaired, as well.

21541. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:24:20 AM

Concerned calling himself a centrist because he feels that Ann Coulter goes too far--at times, would be like calling Ramsey Clark a centrist because he has an occasional disagreement with Noam Chomsky (or vice versa, I suppose).

21542. concerned - 4/10/2007 2:45:25 AM

Re. 21539 -

Do you feel my use of the term demeans your belief system too much?

21543. concerned - 4/10/2007 2:52:26 AM

FWIW, I might have chosen a better word than that if I wanted to spend more time creating the post.

21544. Wombat - 4/10/2007 2:53:39 AM

No, I'd like to know what you were trying to express by using the term "didactic political line."

21545. concerned - 4/10/2007 2:56:23 AM

Has Sharpton apologized for the Tawana Brawley fraud?

21546. concerned - 4/10/2007 3:09:29 AM

Re. 21544 -

LW moral prescription which is flaky and inconsistent at best, but usually also hypocritical and self contradictory and almost ubiquitous.


Re. 21545 -

For the irony-impaired, that is a rhetorical question. IAC, Sharpton is guilty of far worse than Imus (or Spike Lee) are.

21547. jexster - 4/10/2007 3:12:14 AM


and now

A Good Friday Message of Hope, Inspiration Love and Charity from Cardinal Egan

21548. Wombat - 4/10/2007 3:22:37 AM

Oh, like I was somehow instructed at "Liberal Central" on what my political line should be?

I think Concerned is a greater believer in Marxism than I ever was.

Look, Concerned:

Your politics are narcissistic, because you like to talk about how wonderful and different they are from everyone else's. I will grant you a degree of civil libertarianism, but on the basis of your postings you trend to the opposite of what constitutes liberal thought, which puts you on the right side of the politcal spectrum; and further away from the center than you claim, your mild disagreement with Ann Coulter notwithstanding. Finally, as an apparent auto-didact (look it up), your knowledge of what constitutes a politcal ideology is at best patchy, and your criticisms of others based on what you believe to be their ideologies are inane and uninformed.

21549. concerned - 4/10/2007 3:36:02 AM

Wombat -

Several errors on your part:

You have conflated originality with narcissism. You have also greatly overreached yourself and made wrongly negative statements attempting to describe anything related to my understanding of political ideology or the use of the English language. My disagreement with Coulter in this instance is more than 'mild'. I also should say that I am not afraid to be forthcoming about my beliefs and their origins, (and do so expecting only swipes such as yours) unlike most others here, presuming that they have even conceptualized most of them.

21550. concerned - 4/10/2007 3:42:29 AM

Regarding what I believe to be others' ideologies, how many posting here nowadays besides myself and perhaps iiibbb even can realistically describe themselves as not being LW?

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