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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21573 - 21592 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21573. wonkers2 - 4/11/2007 12:53:14 AM

For those who aren't fond if Al Sharpton here's Gwen Ifill's take on Imus Iful on Imus

21574. jexster - 4/11/2007 1:16:17 AM

She's a nappy headed ho!

I don't give a shit one way or the other what Al Sharpton's take is.

This is just more bullshit to fill up the 24 news channel yap fest

Death to France
Imus Be Free

21575. jexster - 4/11/2007 1:20:05 AM

Larry's take

Evil Howard Stern (r) Submits to the Larry-the-Fair

21576. jexster - 4/11/2007 1:45:08 AM

Shame on Imus!!!

He called Gwen Ifil a Message # 7721 in thread 161

The lynching continues....

Al Roker called for his firing and for McGuirk's head

No wonder...

Cardinal Egan's good friday intercession:

+In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost

Dierdre Imus havin Al Roker's baby we want the most

Lord hear our prayer...

Message # 21547

21577. wonkers2 - 4/11/2007 2:52:32 AM

jex, our fellow Louisianian, James Carville, expressed strong disapproval of what Imus said. But he's not bailing on a friend.

21578. iiibbb - 4/11/2007 3:12:00 AM

The Ghetto Mindset

What Don Imus said was wrong—but all too familiar, in a culture influenced far too heavily by the bad behaviors of the street. So says the author of “GhettoNation,” a provocative new book.

21579. jexster - 4/11/2007 3:32:14 AM

You are a Yankee WonkenHeimer

James Carville's a no haired man-ho for Shrillary Clinton

Someone needs to stand against the PC lynch mob

Thoughtless and I stand with the I-Man

Death to France
Wonker GO HOME


21580. jexster - 4/11/2007 3:34:39 AM

Musical: Lennon
Song: Woman Is the [NWord] of the World

21581. jexster - 4/11/2007 3:39:42 AM

Say WonkenYankee....

Did you know that New Roads-St. Francisville is FINALLY getting a bridge!

Every politician runnin for govnuh since Huey Long has promised same


St. Francisville-New Roads, LA, USA

The new cable-stayed bridge between St. Francisville and New Roads has four lanes and provides 20 m (65 ft.) of vertical clearance. The main Mississippi River structure comprises a five span bridge with a main span of 482 m (1583 ft.), side spans of 196 m (642 ft.) and two transition spans of 49 m (160 ft.) each. It will be the longest cable-stayed bridge in North America when it is completed in 2009. This is the first Design/Build bridge project ever undertaken in Louisiana.

21582. jexster - 4/11/2007 4:14:03 AM

Imus Will Be Fired by Friday: Count On It
By M.J. Rosenberg | bio

Gwen Ifill understands that revenge is a dish best served cold. She bided her time and then gave Imus the shiv(!!!!) today, while the old racist twists in the wind.

21583. wonkers2 - 4/11/2007 6:32:34 AM

Let'em swim like muskrats.

21584. Ulgine Barrows - 4/11/2007 6:39:04 AM

yeah, let em!

21585. Ulgine Barrows - 4/11/2007 6:44:28 AM

jexster, I am glad to see you posting in the cafe

21586. Ulgine Barrows - 4/11/2007 6:47:13 AM

Let It Be - Most Hi-Fi

21587. Magoseph - 4/11/2007 2:51:51 PM

Snow is coming down, fine and steady; expected: six to ten inches today and tonight; two more tomorrow. The lawns and fir trees are already white, but the roads are still clear.

Wonk, how is the weather in your area?

21588. jexster - 4/11/2007 3:21:33 PM

It's raining where Wonk is...rather late in the season for serious rain in SF

It's all good. He can stay indoors and watch the MSM's "Imus Clusterfcuk"...CNN's featuring Whoopi Goldberg now...every n*ppy h*ead from here to Deetroit

21589. Magoseph - 4/11/2007 3:46:29 PM

Thanks, I forgot that he was in SF.

21590. jexster - 4/11/2007 3:58:16 PM


We don't have MUSKRATS..
We have

I tole y'all ..friggin Yankee...

Michigan State PC Police Senior Auxillary

21591. jexster - 4/11/2007 4:08:42 PM

In the Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit, there is a longstanding dispensation allowing Catholics to consume muskrat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent.

21592. wonkers2 - 4/11/2007 4:58:29 PM

Jex was probably raised on muskrats and roasted racoon.

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