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21609. alistairConnor - 4/12/2007 9:28:20 PM

I will definitely try that recipe, Jex. Next time I hit a rabbit on the road.

(just kidding. I generally brake and swerve. They are hard to miss at this time of year.)

21610. arkymalarky - 4/13/2007 1:32:44 AM

Our day was gorgeous too, as was yesterday. Tomorrow afternoon is supposed to storm.

21611. thoughtful - 4/13/2007 10:36:37 PM

I'm reading...or rather listening to a book called the devil in the white city about the US's most prolific serial killer. The book is read by one of my favorite readers and it's fascinating. The story (nonfiction) is woven between the killer and the creation and opening of the chicago world's fair in 1892. What an unbelievable achievement. Further it was done at a time when there was incredible talent available including the likes of McKimm & White & St. Gaudens & William Chester French & Frederick Law Olmstead. All pulled together by Daniel Burnham. It also sparked a most massive creation to 'out Eiffel Eiffel' by some unknown fellow named Ferris.

To give you a sense of just how big the original Ferris wheel was, the 2 braces for the axel were 30' apart.

What an impressive achievement, especially when you consider the entire thing was done in less than two years.

21612. judithathome - 4/13/2007 10:39:43 PM

I read that book last year and loved it...have you read Isaac's Storm by the same author?

21613. jexster - 4/14/2007 12:15:54 AM

Take it down to the root cellar JAH

21615. Magoseph - 4/14/2007 1:41:32 AM

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Host : Magoseph
(#21614 posted 4/13/2007 7:01:56 PM by wonkers2)

21616. Magoseph - 4/14/2007 1:43:15 AM

What were you saying, Wonk?

I didn't delete your post. It never appeared.

21617. Magoseph - 4/14/2007 3:22:04 AM

if you're a Kurt Vonnegut fan

21618. prolph - 4/14/2007 5:20:41 AM

thanks for the vonnegut piece, patsy

21619. wonkers2 - 4/14/2007 5:25:17 AM

vonnegut and his near neighbor, Joseph Heller, are two of my favorites.are

21620. judithathome - 4/14/2007 6:39:38 PM

After I turned off the computer yesterday around 6pm, the warning sirens went off for tornados...I went to the back door and saw the black shelf cloud racing across the sky, with little tails forming and luckily for us, it was travelling so fast, it was passed us before they came down to the ground.

Lots of damage on the east side of town...our friends were out in their new car and the tennis-sized hail busted out their windshield and dented the car rather badly. Their two kids were shaken but no one was hurt.

According to the newspaper, only one person lost their life but the property damage is pretty bad on that side town.

Arky, it was headed straight for you guys...did you have any damage?

21621. jexster - 4/14/2007 7:40:29 PM

No root cellar?

21622. arkymalarky - 4/14/2007 9:42:22 PM

Glad it wasn't worse and y'all are okay, Judith.

It didn't get us, but we had storms and one severe storm in our county, but not on us. It's been so cold here, I think that's taken some of the punch out. It was cold all day yesterday.

21623. Magoseph - 4/14/2007 9:45:24 PM

thanks for the vonnegut piece, patsy

You're welcome, Patsy.

It's going to be 50 plus tomorrow with sun all day, but we won't put yet the shovels away.

21624. judithathome - 4/14/2007 11:07:38 PM

Forgot to mention that during a break in the storm yesterday evening, Keoni went to Lowe's for "weed and feed" and came home in the rain to spread the stuff all over the front and back lawns in the rain...the lad is a dedicated suburban home owner!

Jex, you should know that no one has a root cellar in the middle of a huge city in Texas...or a basement of any sort, in fact. Anyone crazy enough to dig somenthing that deep would turn it into a swimming pool, post haste.

21625. thoughtful - 4/14/2007 11:10:34 PM

j@h, yes I did and really enjoyed that one too.

21626. judithathome - 4/14/2007 11:37:43 PM

I have it in my "to read" stack.

21627. judithathome - 4/14/2007 11:43:59 PM

Thoughtful, great news! Look at THIS!

21628. judithathome - 4/14/2007 11:44:37 PM

Oddest thing, someone on another forum just linked to it...

21629. betty - 4/15/2007 1:42:35 AM

We are expecting the storm Mags got a few days ago on Monday. I am sick of snow and might be willing to try a tornado for once.

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