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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21629 - 21648 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21629. betty - 4/15/2007 1:42:35 AM

We are expecting the storm Mags got a few days ago on Monday. I am sick of snow and might be willing to try a tornado for once.

21630. judithathome - 4/17/2007 2:54:35 PM

I'm putting this here because the News thread is involved in the VTech shootings...

This is the sort of bile and acid they promote at FOX news:

Mean Spirited Obit Of Vonnegut As Only FOX News Can Deliver It...Fair And Balanced, My Ass.

21631. thoughtful - 4/17/2007 3:05:57 PM

J@h....thanks for the heads up on the larson book.

21632. arkymalarky - 4/18/2007 12:49:39 AM

Judith, y'all getting any mess? I had a killer migraine this morning and now it looks like the stuff is rolling in but that the worst stuff is over y'all right now.

21633. judithathome - 4/18/2007 1:06:01 AM

Yeah...just started here. Lotsa rain and I need to get off the computer! Thunder and lightening...not good for modems.

21634. Ulgine Barrows - 4/18/2007 8:27:39 AM

My mother-in-law died.
She gets a 21-gun salute later in the month.
I will miss her.

21635. Ulgine Barrows - 4/18/2007 8:28:29 AM

A lot.

21636. Magoseph - 4/18/2007 11:19:20 AM

I'm very sorry for your loss, Ulgine.

21637. thoughtful - 4/18/2007 1:33:09 PM

Ulgine, my condolences for your loss.

21638. judithathome - 4/18/2007 4:00:24 PM

Add mine, Ulgine.

21639. wabbit - 4/18/2007 5:46:07 PM

And mine, Ulgine, I'm very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's passing.

21640. Magoseph - 4/18/2007 6:12:53 PM

What I have understood and correct me if I'm wrong, Ulgine, your MIL was very supportive of you in your marriage. That's a rare gift to have from a MIL, in my opinion. I'm thinking of you.

21641. arkymalarky - 4/18/2007 11:01:02 PM

I'm sorry about your mother-in-law, Ulgine.

21642. wonkers2 - 4/18/2007 11:26:43 PM

What did she do to get a 21-gun salute?

21643. prolph - 4/19/2007 1:10:41 AM

ulgine, i will be thinking of you in yoour loss, patsy

21644. alistairconnor - 4/19/2007 8:56:35 AM

A big hug, Ulgine.

21645. Ulgine Barrows - 4/19/2007 11:08:24 AM

Thank you all for the condolences.

This probably sounds sick, but I am looking forward to the ceremony. She is getting buried in a veteran's graveyard.

She was in the army in WW2. That's where she met my hubbie's dad. Hence, the 21 gun salute.

She was very special to me, especially after my own mom died.

She was a really neat lady. The mother-in-law jokes never applied to her. She was smart as a fox. I'll miss her.

21646. Ulgine Barrows - 4/19/2007 11:17:43 AM

She died at home, just as she planned. No hospital or tubes.

21647. Magoseph - 4/19/2007 12:05:25 PM

This probably sounds sick, but I am looking forward to the ceremony.

It is not sick to feel good about honoring a person who has meant so much to you.

21648. thoughtful - 4/19/2007 2:53:09 PM

Sounds to me like she was fortunate to have a DIL like you who appreciated and respected her.

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