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Host: Magoseph

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21652. Ulgine Barrows - 4/21/2007 10:02:10 AM

That knucklehead got up and said his mom wasn't clever.

I think they elected him cuz he is the only one with a college degree. O, mistake.
He came off as a Jethro, to me.

That lady was smart as a fox.

In his defense, his voice broke several times. Boo hoo, all around.

I didn't do so well when I buried my mom or dad, either, but I don't think I called them unclever.

Hah, I am here tonight to fight the forces of evil.
It was a lovely service.

It was a lovely service. My husband is going to change his morning routine to go into work 15 minutes later, to catch a cuppa for his dad so the dad won't feel so alone.

/off bitter than his mom wasn't worth that effort/

21653. arkymalarky - 4/21/2007 3:55:57 PM

Don't know the background, but she could be a lot of the reason for his effort with his dad. Bob's dad knew when he died that his life partner would not just be well cared for by their children, but that she would continue to have people in her daily life rather than being utterly alone for days that weren't holidays. Bob didn't interact with his dad daily until he had to be cared for physically and Bob's mother couldn't do it alone. But his dad was his best friend. He now calls his mother and talks at least an hour almost every day and sees her regularly. Before his dad died, though he did talk to her (Bob was always very close to both his parents) it was not often or that lengthy.

But then I look at parent/adult children interactions as something very personal and varying a great deal from child to child to parent to parent without necessarily revealing a great deal to others, even in the nuclear family. That holds true for my own parents, each individually, and their relationship with my brother as opposed to me. It's not better or worse, at least not to us--which is all that counts, but it's very different. It's not for me to say it should be different for any of the three of them, nor is it for my brother to say about the way we do. We are also a more contentious family than Bob's which unsettled Bob for about the first ten years, and he now realizes that he too has no place judging our relationships. We love each other every bit as much as his uncontentious (which also unsettled me--is this "normal"?) family loves each other.

He may also be putting a lot of focus on his dad to deal with the grief of his mother's passing, and because he wants to hold dearly to the one parent he has left. Either way, I imagine they've both suffered a tremendous loss and nead support of each other and other family and friends.

21654. arkymalarky - 4/22/2007 11:29:11 PM

I hate to jinx it, but has anyone noticed how beautifully our little Mote boat has been zipping along here lately?

21655. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 4/23/2007 5:06:44 AM

You jinxed it, arky!

Hi Mago!

21656. judithathome - 4/23/2007 5:41:59 AM

Today Keoni and I worked in the backyard...planting flowers and transplanting bamboo...well, I directed; he planted.

21657. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 4/23/2007 6:00:13 AM

Funny, that's the way it works at my house too.

21658. alistairconnor - 4/23/2007 9:52:51 AM

Brains and brawn. Or, la tęte et les jambes.

21659. Magoseph - 4/25/2007 12:15:28 AM

I have both!

21660. jexster - 4/25/2007 12:30:50 AM

Mago, AC..dit bonjour a Cavan...He's suisse

21661. Magoseph - 4/25/2007 12:53:26 AM

Bienvenue sur notre site, Cavan!

21662. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:02:21 AM

What is the French for "the eyes see all"?
Thanks in advance!

21663. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:04:37 AM

21653. arkymalarky

Yeah, I think each parent/child relationship has its own bizarreness, too.

21664. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:08:37 AM

"life partner would not just be well cared for by their children"

I am busting a gut thimking of anyone caring well for me when I'm dying.

Heh, my aunt and I were talking today. She thinks she'll die alone and find her body later, and follow her burial plan as well as can be hoped.

21665. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:09:35 AM

I know I'll die alone.

21666. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:10:18 AM

Not so scary after 40 years contemplation, eh?

21667. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:15:45 AM

Er...sorry. Inapropriate dialogue for a cafe.

It was windy, very windy & stormy today.

Hail didn't damage my new car, though. I'm not pulling any insurance scams tonight, or any night.

21668. Ulgine Barrows - 4/25/2007 7:17:00 AM

mmmm, I love how i always get it wrong, Magoseph.

21669. Magoseph - 4/25/2007 11:21:21 AM

Er...sorry. Inapropriate dialogue for a cafe.

Only swearwords are inappropriate, Ulgine

"the eyes see all"?

Literal translation: Les yeux voient tout. Ali may weigh on this expression because I think there's an adage about eyes as, for example, about ears: Little pitchers have big ears.

Souviens-toi qu’il y a des yeux partout, Ulgine!

Meaning in my book: watch your step--but Ali will come on and decide. I just came back from the convenience store and I can't think for the moment, soaked that I am.

21670. wonkers2 - 4/25/2007 4:05:20 PM

Mago, you sent us a cold rain today. What's in store for tomorrow?

21671. Magoseph - 4/25/2007 4:20:16 PM

Dear Wonk,

At your service, here it goes: Early rain--showers in the afternoon--high 46 with winds 20mph to 30mph--change of rain 70%--rainfall one and half inches.

Wiz darling, thanks for the hello!

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