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21699. ulgine barrows - 4/29/2007 8:47:22 AM


Happy birthday!

21700. Magoseph - 4/29/2007 9:16:04 AM

It's next Friday, ulgine--what are doing up so early?

21701. wonkers2 - 4/29/2007 12:41:13 PM

Beautiful day in Detroit, Mago, yesterday and this morning.

21702. Magoseph - 4/29/2007 3:42:44 PM

Gorgeous, Wonk--what are your plans for the day?

21703. Ms. No - 4/29/2007 9:30:00 PM

Gah, here I am at the library getting ready to do some homework and also wanting to just say Hi! to everybody. My computer took a dump last week and is now at the doctor's --- I'm hoping to get it back in the next day or two.

The weird but exciting news is that I'm doing my first play in over ten years. I just got cast in Neil LaButte's Fat Pig. It's a fairly uncomfortable play ----- that's kind of his trademark --- but I'm really excited about it. The whole thing is a bit weird since I hadn't ever planned on acting again, but my friend is directing and she asked me to come read and she'd apparently made up her mind to cast me before I was even done with the final monologue.

So, it's flattering and exciting and scary as hell. Sheesh!

In other news....well, it's still the work search and school and summer's starting to heat up and I'm missing my web connection like crazy.

I haven't had time to read back over anything since I'm on a time constraint here but I hope you all are well and that I'll be able to hook back up with you later this week.

See ya!

21704. wonkers2 - 4/29/2007 10:57:33 PM

Mago, I'm going with Cap'n Dirty to launch the Tomater Sloop! Soon it'll be the first of May and everyone knows what starts for the Cap'n on the first of May!

21705. Ms. No - 5/1/2007 3:37:13 PM

Whew, caught up now!

I miss storms since moving west. We do get more weather in Sacramento than I ever got in LA, but it's still nothing much except on the rare occasion when we have flooding which is only every few years or so.

21706. Ms. No - 5/1/2007 3:37:19 PM


I have determined to remain as close as I can to my nephews (and new niece) so that they pick me a nice rest home....when I'm 90. On my odder days I've been planning a retirement community where all my other single childless friends and I will congregate in our dotage. We'll have to import some kids from somewhere so we can yell at them to keep off the grass.

21707. Ms. No - 5/1/2007 3:39:14 PM


Oooh! Your birthday is going to be so fun! I talked to my brother the other day and he was working the Annual Cowboy Poetry Festival down south. I was so jealous. I didn't get to go last year either. Maybe one of these days --- but now that you've brought the rodeo to mind, I may look one up here. I know they've got one in Folsom over 4th of July weekend or something.

21708. thoughtful - 5/1/2007 4:03:16 PM

happy belated bday miss judith...sure sounds like a great way to spend the day.

21709. judithathome - 5/1/2007 5:03:14 PM

BD isn't until Friday...don't make me older quicker! ;-)

MsNo, prison rodeos are the BEST! It's all out, like they have nothing to lose. I went to the one at Huntsville years ago with a criminal justice student...really great time. (It occurs to me now that might just be the town of Folsom, not the prison....ha!)

Off to donate money to CostCo and come home bewailing the fact I don't have a bigger freezer....

21710. thoughtful - 5/1/2007 6:19:37 PM

that's what i get for reading quickly.

Seeing as I won't be around the rest of this week anyway, I guess it's better to be early than late.

So happy bday yet to come.

21711. Magoseph - 5/4/2007 11:59:04 AM

Happy Birthday, dear Judith!

21712. wonkers2 - 5/4/2007 12:22:09 PM

Ditto Judith!

21713. wonkers2 - 5/4/2007 12:23:10 PM

The Cap'n's taking the Tomater Sloop out for a shakedown today in case anybody's interested.

21714. Ms. No - 5/4/2007 3:09:33 PM

Many happy returns of the day, Jude!

21715. judithathome - 5/4/2007 3:23:01 PM

Thanks, everyone...looks like I may get exciting weather for it.

Seems like we have tornado alerts every week and most come on Tuesdays or the weekend.

My neighbor is throwing a party tomorrow night...it's a send-off for his son, who is going to the Navy to be a fireman on an aircraft carrier. Can't say I'm happy about seeing this kid sent into the jaws of death like that but we're going, anyhow.

21716. poipual - 5/4/2007 9:32:11 PM

message to arky
Evie and I are flying to Little Rock 0n 13th and will spend around 5 days in Hot Springs. We will rent a car a probably dive up to Branson on 17th and then through Mo & Kentucky where I want to look up a childhood friend. There's a great restaurnt in Hot Springs were looking forward to. when I tell that to the west coast snobs they laugh. Little do they know!

I've met a couple of Fraysters and Moties over the years (the infamous jexster, for one. Always enjoyed canversations with you and would like to meet you and your man. Are you anywhee near L.R?

21717. judithathome - 5/4/2007 10:04:45 PM

Hey, aloha, Al! Howzit?

21718. poipual - 5/4/2007 10:17:14 PM

Hi judith,

All is well. We're in Oakland since 2/1/07, and will be here until June 10 (except for the above trip). Then we go uo to reno for a golf tournament, then on to Ilwaco, Wa.
In Oct. we go back to Kauai for 4 months. Come on over for a visit. Do yu suppose I'll hear from arky before 13th?

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