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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21730 - 21749 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21730. arkymalarky - 5/6/2007 3:17:19 AM

French? I'm not familiar with it. Brau Haus is the restaurant I was thinking of, as Mags said, and it is in a shopping center (fairly) near the track, but it's (obviously) not French. There are several great Italian places there as well, and at least one great Mexican restaurant, among others.

I'll shoot you an email sometime tomorrow. We've got a former German exchange student from Bob's school staying with us a few days at that time, so we may plan a Hot Springs outing and meeting up with y'all; that would work perfectly for us. Any weekday evening or any time on the weekend is good after May 11, but Monday the 14th at lunchtime or later would be best for me personally, since I have some morning appointments, etc. You and Evie think about it and I'll email you tomorrow afternoon or evening.

21731. judithathome - 5/6/2007 5:52:15 AM

We had so much fun last night...that dinner of Rodeo Stew and cornbread was fantastic. I don't know who made it but it was great...I heard a lady say it was the recipe they use for the Chamber of Commerce "Hobo Stew" and they just changed the name for the event last night. Also stellar was the peach cobbler!

There was a western swing band and though Keoni and I would never seek that type of music out voluntarily, this band was excellent...led by a woman with quite a knack for writing lyrics. She had composed 4 songs about the two women who gave the lecture about growing up on the 1920-30s rodeo circuit. These women both came from the little community hosting the event (their Historical Society is a great organization and puts on informational programs a few times a year).

Those two women are in their 80s and still sharp as tacks. Keoni went up afterward and kissed them on the cheek and told them he'd grown up around rodeo cowboys on his grandfather's ranch in Hawaii...their eyes just sparkled at him...my guy has a way the ladies.

We agreed it was one of the more memorable birthdays I've ever had... really fun!

21732. arkymalarky - 5/6/2007 2:38:03 PM

That sounds just too cool, Judith!

And I had to LOL about Keoni. He's a charmer!

Bro makes peach cobbler like my grandmother used to and it's SO good. Before all the old-school (so-to-speak) lunchroom ladies retired and lunches got "healthier" they used to make great peach cobbler. Now they don't make it at all. Makes me feel like some of the best "comfort food" recipes are getting lost. Now it's Oprah and Martha Stewart comfort food, which isn't quite the same, somehow.

Speaking of which--our cookbook is still in the works, though due to a string of crises at work it got put on long-term hold. We've had all the recipes, and we will put it together before the end of May. When I come to Ft. Worth, Judith, I'll bring you one!

21733. jexster - 5/6/2007 5:47:35 PM

When you go to Ft Worth do not go to North Side parks after 11 pm

21734. jexster - 5/6/2007 5:48:47 PM

Seen on neighbor's garage door, just below No Parking Sign...

21735. arkymalarky - 5/6/2007 6:34:16 PM

Jex: My family on both sides is from Oak Cliff. 'Nuf said.

21736. poipual - 5/6/2007 7:59:57 PM

Got your email and will call you when we get to Hot Springs. Lunch would be good; easier to visit. I terrified of storms in your next of the woods. Drove through Nebraska once. Horrible experience!

21737. judithathome - 5/6/2007 8:56:29 PM

i When you go to Ft Worth do not go to North Side parks after 11 pm

Jex, you need to stop watching Cops.

21738. arkymalarky - 5/6/2007 9:01:43 PM

Sounds great, Poi. A Saturday or Sunday, or on the 14th I can easily make lunch.

Don't worry too much about storms in our area. The trees hide them so well that by the time you're in one you won't even know what hit you. ;-)

21739. judithathome - 5/7/2007 6:48:48 PM

Watch this!! It's hysterical...and the kid does a fabulous job...I see great things in his future.

Bush On Global Warming

21740. wonkers2 - 5/7/2007 8:23:52 PM

That one cracked me up! He belongs on SNL!

21741. poipual - 5/7/2007 8:32:05 PM

Yeah, It's funny-alittle bit.

21742. Magoseph - 5/7/2007 10:31:33 PM

Do you still have a boat, Al?

21743. Magoseph - 5/7/2007 10:50:08 PM

Al, is Chef Paul's the restaurant you like?

21744. poipual - 5/8/2007 12:04:42 AM

Yes to both. Would you like a boat?

21745. poipual - 5/8/2007 12:07:03 AM

At least I'm pretty sure that's the one. I'm lighting candles praying you want a boat.

21746. wabbit - 5/8/2007 12:26:50 AM

Message # 21739 That kid belongs on American Idol, his lip-syncing skills are right up there with Brittney Spears.

21747. Magoseph - 5/8/2007 11:47:57 AM

Al, are we talking about the same boat we discussed at length eight years ago or so?

21748. wonkers2 - 5/8/2007 3:39:29 PM

Am I correct in assuming that poipual is our Hawaiian stalwart AlDavis? Welcome back Al. We've missed you.

21749. Magoseph - 5/8/2007 4:05:34 PM

Yes, dear, you're correct.

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