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Host: Magoseph

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21827. Magoseph - 5/20/2007 10:04:55 AM

Good morning!

Today, we are having brunch with my sons and their wives in a local restaurant. All four attended the sixtieth wedding anniversary of my sons ‘grandparents Friday. They are coming here because a car trip of twenty-one miles to my oldest son’s house is too much for me these days.

21828. arkymalarky - 5/20/2007 3:40:23 PM

Sounds like a lovely gathering, Mags!

21829. Magoseph - 5/21/2007 1:19:00 PM

It was, Arky, but it was too short--Flexy developed a breathing problem during the meal and we had to go home sooner than anticipated.

21830. Magoseph - 5/22/2007 12:31:16 PM

Good morning, everyone!

21831. wonkers2 - 5/22/2007 4:04:07 PM

Bon jour, Mago! You have sent beautiful weather to Michigan yesterday and today. Keep it up!

21832. PelleNilsson - 5/22/2007 8:45:08 PM

Congratulations to Arky and Mose!

Nice to see you again, stamper. Swung any cats lately?

21833. wonkers2 - 5/22/2007 9:21:16 PM

Arky, belated congratulations!! Good to see you're still alive,Pelle!

21834. arkymalarky - 5/22/2007 10:50:13 PM

PELLE!!! Thanks, and great to see you here!

21835. arkymalarky - 5/22/2007 10:53:57 PM

Thanks Wonk!

21836. concerned - 5/23/2007 4:07:14 PM

While I was running, last November, and again in February, some guys German Shepherd bit me. The second time, the dog broke the skin and a scar is left on the back of my right leg. As a result I filed a complaint and a bench trial has been scheduled. Both incidents were completely unprovoked by me, and occurred off the owner's property which I was never on IAC. Any advice regarding what I should do to prepare for or do doing the trial?

Thanks in advance!

21837. Wombat - 5/23/2007 4:15:12 PM

Witnesses and evidence would be useful. Photos of the site, wounds. Testimony or affadavits from the doctor who treated you, neighbors, etc. I could be snarky and say something about the dog's sound instincts...but I won't :)

21838. wonkers2 - 5/23/2007 4:35:05 PM

Pit Bull Attack

21839. wonkers2 - 5/23/2007 4:42:15 PM


21840. betty - 5/24/2007 11:24:25 PM

Hello Pelle, long time no see.

21841. Magoseph - 5/25/2007 12:29:34 AM

We miss Pelle and we miss Macnas.

How was the graduation, Betty? What did you finally wear?

21842. poipual - 5/25/2007 1:13:10 AM

thanks, but I was a little confused about the cat swinging? If you are thinking of Cat Friesby. let me assure yu you don't swing the cat. to do that one would have to grab the cat by the tail and might injure the creature. No the best method is to grasp the cat by the nap of the neck, and with a quick flick of the wrist send him twirling across the field. Your partner must be adept at recieving him in the same manner, keeping the claws on the underside.

You know, I thought I made all this clear long ago.

Arky is a dear and such a quiet one. I could hardly drag a word from her, but her mother and I kept up a lively patter.

21843. poipual - 5/25/2007 1:40:44 AM

thanks, but I was a little confused about the cat swinging? If you are thinking of Cat Friesby. let me assure yu you don't swing the cat. to do that one would have to grab the cat by the tail and might injure the creature. No the best method is to grasp the cat by the nap of the neck, and with a quick flick of the wrist send him twirling across the field. Your partner must be adept at recieving him in the same manner, keeping the claws on the underside.

You know, I thought I made all this clear long ago.

Arky is a dear and such a quiet one. I could hardly drag a word from her, but her mother and I kept up a lively patter.

21844. arkymalarky - 5/25/2007 3:57:05 AM

All right Mr. Sarcasm. Admit you were surprised I didn't go off into a George Bush rant.

Did you see my Message # 21807?

21845. poipual - 5/25/2007 4:33:21 PM

Yes, you are a sweet dear! Why did you not mention Evie's hugh size?

21846. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 12:35:26 AM

OOOOOOOhhhh! You are evil!

But, since you bring it up, Evie was very elegant and svelte, which is very hard to accomplish in AR humidity in May!

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