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21871. wonkers2 - 5/28/2007 4:14:31 PM

Private health insurance companies specialize in not insuring people who need health insurance and avoiding payment whenever they can.

21872. betty - 5/28/2007 4:29:14 PM

sorry to hear cigna is not in Arkansas...

I will actually be looking for a job this month. I make about one hundred dollars more a month than my rent, I have been living on student loans for the past four years. I'm thinking about trying to find a paralegal position and pretending that I have no immediate plans to go to grad school next year. Unless I find a job in Ireland or Canada or some other English speaking heavan of commies.

And no worries, I don't have BC because I don't have any insurance (truly, america is the greatest country in the world).

In terms of "getting a life", I plan on training for a half marathon, writing a screen play (as part of script frenzy) and gardening with my Weed girl. I am so ambivelant about "relationships" right now, but if I could find a nice pool boy to tend my bathtub, that could be nice.

21873. judithathome - 5/28/2007 5:28:06 PM

a nice pool boy to tend my bathtub, that could be nice

So that's what they're calling it these days!

21874. robertjayb - 5/28/2007 8:55:44 PM

Donors Choice...

DonorsChoose is a simple way to provide students in need with resources that our public schools often lack.

Here, teachers submit ideas for materials or experiences that their students need to learn.

Arky, have you heard of this? Maybe you and/or your colleagues would want to try for something for your school. In your spare time, of course.

21875. alistairconnor - 5/28/2007 9:15:05 PM

Ah relationships! Tell me about it. I have come to the interim conclusion that I must keep my relationships secret from my children, and vice versa. Well not secret, but separate.

21876. robertjayb - 5/28/2007 10:19:15 PM

An intriguing observation, alistair. Does a story go with it?

21877. betty - 5/28/2007 10:27:41 PM

I have sold a gob of furniture today. I'm going to leave work in about thirty minutes and celebrate dead soldiers the way all red blooded americans do...by eating some grilled Maki and drinking a lot of gin and tonic.

AC-my policy has been rather severe on the separation of child and lovers. They have to stick around a while before they meet my kid. I have introduced exactly one person to Weed and we had been dating for a year. I think once they have met the kids it winds up being this mad rush to permenancy that doesn't really help anyone. I am a one woman campaign against InstaFamily (I own that trademark). This whole idea of going on a family picnic for a first date is perverse. But then, I like to have sex on the first date...

21878. arkymalarky - 5/28/2007 10:38:17 PM

Thanks Robert! Wabbit linked that a while back and I am definitely spreading the word around. People in our rural ed network, particularly in the Delta, can really use resources like that. I need to put the link up on our organization's website, as a matter of fact.

21879. alistairConnor - 5/28/2007 11:22:46 PM

Robt -- I think Betty just about summed up the wisdom that I am slowly and painfully acquiring. I will no longer push my family onto a single person, nor be railroaded into someone else's family. Interesting experiences but I am not in a time or space for them. In about five years my daughters ought to be far enough along with their own love lives that I could consider building a household.

21880. alistairConnor - 5/28/2007 11:23:39 PM

Ah betty is so wise.
Especially the tip about sex on the first date.

21881. judithathome - 5/29/2007 12:33:06 AM

I'll second that tip. But I got the result you're trying to avoid, AC.

21882. Ms. No - 5/29/2007 3:41:35 PM

Yep, Betty is right on the money with this one.

My mother had to tread lightly as far as dating was concerned after she and my father split up. We met perhaps three men she dated in ten years. Now, my mom is fairly traditional in some ways --- her boyfriend of nine years never once spent the night at our house while my brother and I were there ---- but she had an interesting child challenge:

My brother was likely to latch on to any man who walked in the door as a potential father and I was likely to freeze him out at the first hint that the guy might think he could replace my father.

I think that might have been different had our father lived in town where we could see him on a regular basis, but all that being said, think about it this way: not every person you date is going to end up being "the one" or even "a pretty good one". Why introduce the most important people in your life to someone you may decide isn't worth your time?

And, as Betty mentioned, there's the sex thing. ;->

21883. wonkers2 - 5/30/2007 4:10:23 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Betty is a woman after me own heart! A candidate fer a moonlight cruise aboard the Tomater Sloop."

21884. judithathome - 6/1/2007 4:10:04 PM

This belongs in the Arts thread but what the hell...thought I'd share a little culture with the denizens of the cafe to perk it up a bit!

21885. thoughtful - 6/1/2007 4:40:55 PM

Wow that was fascinating!

21886. jexster - 6/1/2007 5:05:08 PM

Google Earth - latest version - is totally kewl. For 5 cities (SF is one, don't know others yet) they've a new "street view" function. With this sucker, you can read license plates...and I am presently going to check whether their pass picked up any nude sunbathers at Land's End

21887. judithathome - 6/1/2007 6:45:39 PM

Like I said...a little culture in the cafe!

Jex, you slay me.

21888. Magoseph - 6/2/2007 8:41:48 AM

Thanks for the video, Judith--here are the names of the artists of the portraits:

Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael - Raffaello, Titian - Tiziano Vecellio , Sandro Botticelli , Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio, Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Antonello da Messina, Pietro Perugino, Hans Memling, El Greco, Hans Holbein, Fyodor Stepanovich Rokotov , Peter Paul Rubens, Gobert, Caspar Netscher, Pierre Mignard, Jean-Marc Nattier, Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Alexei Vasilievich Tyranov, Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky, Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov, Antoine-Jean Gros, Orest Adamovich Kiprensky, Amalie, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, Édouard Manet, Flatour, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Wontner, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Comerre, Leighton, Blaas, Renoir, Millias, Duveneck, Cassat, Weir, Zorn, Alphonse Mucha, Paul Gaugan, Henri Matisse, Picabia, Gustav Klimt, Hawkins, Magritte, Salvador Dali, Malevich, Merrild, Modigliani, and Pablo Picasso.

And thanks for teaching me yesterday how to post a UTube video.

21889. judithathome - 6/2/2007 10:07:28 PM

I recognized many of those in the first group but the ones I recoginzed the most were the latter group, the more "modern" ones. That amazes me because it's the artists I like the least...ha!

21890. arkymalarky - 6/3/2007 2:55:21 AM

Today I've been soaking up the reality of this horrendous school year being over and almost being done with graduate school. It's been great to be at home with no projects or papers due, none to grade, no pressing deadline breathing down my neck. My rural activist partner just finished her last year of teaching and I think she's going to enjoy retirement, since rural activism has been a second full-time/overtime job for her--much more than for me--the past two years that I've been in grad school. My last class starts Monday at noon, and after it's done I will just have my work/home routine in the fall. I will be doing much less local rural education activism, but will continue to be active at the state level. That means life will be less crazy for a while.

Eleven years ago tomorrow we moved into this house. About seven years ago I left my job to work where Bob does and was so miserable and homesick that by October I'd already been hired back where I am now. I was happy as a clam at home and work when Mike Huckabee announced his grand plan to close rural high schools and I hit the ground running to try to fight it. We won that battle with a huge effort that ended with my superintendent retiring early with a return of lymphoma. We've been struggling ever since. The internal conflicts are what's going to get us in the end, and they're almost always impossible to win. I'm very tired of that struggle (the state political stuff became fun after it was less directly threatening), but I've got one more short round with it and then what happens happens. I really feel like I did all I could.

This summer I'm going to reclaim my health and my house, and next year--whatever happens to my school after that--is going to be a good one. After that I can take it a year at a time and work there as long as the campus is open, and when it closes I will take one of two standing offers, and in 3 years I will go to 5/7 time, which is four classes a day. I can do that pretty much anywhere. Or I can flat out retire and do something else.

I really can't quite believe summer's finally really here. I can't remember the last time I looked so forward to it.

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