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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21975 - 21994 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21975. thoughtful - 6/13/2007 1:57:02 PM

So sad.

Last night I heard some screaming of children from across the street...not the usual children having fun or playing in a pool screaming, but an agonizing wail. Hubby went to check it out and the neighbor told us their cat had just been run over by a car.

So sad.

Sad for our cat too, as, for the first time in his 10 years of life, he'd made a friend. The other cat, lucky, would come over to our yard and our cat would look for him. They'd kind of play a little bit, hang out together, occasionally bump noses and such. He spent quite a bit of time outside this morning, despite the rain. I suspect he was looking for lucky who'll never show up again.

Poor lucky.

Poor cas.

So sad.

21976. iiibbb - 6/13/2007 6:19:20 PM

This has to be among the most stressful past couple of weeks of my life.

Long story short.

Really good job offer - deep south - good job for wife likely - we don't want to move deep south - wife especially ESPECIALLY doesn't want to go. Current jobs are only temporary appointments, and mine runs out in December.

This position is way out of spec from the standpoint of quality of life goals, but almost perfect from a professional standpoint and could be a great springboard.

The question would then be... how long would we be stuck there?

I just don't know what to do. This could get our lives going in a pretty lucrative way... but I know it would be hard socially. Not to mention the responsibilities of the job are daunting as well.

I've had a stomachache and headache almost since getting back from the interview Friday.

21977. Ms. No - 6/13/2007 7:00:27 PM

The first question is where in the south. It's not nearly all the same.

Second question is what are the specific concerns about moving there? Is it the weather, the size of the town, or the possible social/cultural attitudes that are daunting?

21978. arkymalarky - 6/13/2007 7:31:16 PM

No is right, and another question is how temporary could it be? If it's a great springboard and y'all are looking at a few years and have no children/school issues yet, it might be okay. And lots of places down here are better than people think once they get here.

21979. arkymalarky - 6/13/2007 7:32:21 PM

Fayetteville, AR is one of the fastest growing areas of the nation, if not the fastest at the moment, and lost of young West Coasters are moving there and loving it.

21980. thoughtful - 6/13/2007 8:13:44 PM

It's a temporary, broadening experience that sounds like a good springboard from which to hit an even higher spot.

Sounds worthwhile.

Don't let fear of things of which you know not stop you from reaching higher.

No guts no glory.

If wife really really really doesn't want to go, would you consider a long distance commute? It's only for 6 mos.

We have lots of couples at work that do the long distance thing. I'm not saying it's pleasant, but they manage to work their way through it.

One gal lived in Dallas while working at various locations in the Northeast. She did that for about 18 mos. She then got a job in Atlanta so it was husband's turn to move to Atlanta and he commuted to Dallas. It happens.

21981. iiibbb - 6/13/2007 8:59:25 PM

No you missunderstand... my current job only has 6 months left on it. After that I'm unimployeed... it has become increasingly apparent that as much as we like it where we are, I'm going to have a hard time getting a job here, unless I leave and try to come back later.

I think I could live at this place. She is skeptical, but it is true she and I don't know much about the place. I was only there for a day and a half and didn't really get a chance to see the town.

It is hot (she's from Syracuse and she get's a little irrational about heat).
It is far away from family and friends (not that we can't make more friends).
We are talking about kids (I'm worried about a support network for her... but it is also an argument for one of us needing to take a permanent position and preferably me).
There are also some intangibles about moving there.

I suspect we(I) would have to stay there a minimum of 3 years in order to produce something and leverage a move elsewhere if it just wasn't working out.

The position she might get would also be a really good springboard for her... so she could actually be the one leveraging something to get us out of there.

I wish we could delay the kid thing a little longer, but we are at the age where we can't really put it off any more.

21982. iiibbb - 6/13/2007 9:01:35 PM

If we do go, I sure as hell better not fuck this opportunity up... but that's a whole other problem.

The job description is litterally "build a program in XXX". No other rules. No teaching requirement either... just research.

21983. iiibbb - 6/13/2007 9:02:44 PM

bleck... I want it, but I don't know if I can have it.

Luckily I have some time. The official offer won't come for a time.

21984. Ms. No - 6/13/2007 9:20:52 PM

So you can't tell us where? We're all agog waiting to see if any of us knows the area. ;->

21985. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 2:29:27 AM

Yeah, at least give us a state. Heat is an issue, and the humidity.

21986. iiibbb - 6/14/2007 3:48:38 AM


21987. concerned - 6/14/2007 5:06:57 AM

Say, does raw horsemeat flavor make it sushi ice cream?

21988. concerned - 6/14/2007 5:09:46 AM

I've heard of somebody coming out with pizza flavored beer, with actual pieces of pizza in it.

Sorry, that idea's been covered. It's called 'vomit'.

21989. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:26:25 AM

Mississippi. Oh.

We Arkies have a saying, "Thank God for Mississippi."

You'd probably like the people there, though.

21990. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:28:53 AM

Sorry, that idea's been covered. It's called 'vomit'

HAHAHAHA! Bob and I both got a kick out of that one.

21991. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:40:08 AM


21992. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:40:17 AM

look at

21993. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:40:31 AM


21994. arkymalarky - 6/14/2007 6:40:45 AM

post numbers

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