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22052. alistairconnor - 6/22/2007 11:06:08 AM

but if one is an adult white male, he is to be taken for granted at best.

so you're saying that in the US, what actually happens in the courts is the functional equivalent of Iranian legal doctrine, where a woman's testimony is worth exactly half that of a man's?

22053. alistairconnor - 6/22/2007 11:06:57 AM

Hey I remember the 60s. I was too young to do drugs.

22054. jabrre - 6/22/2007 9:10:23 PM

Its good to be back in here. I missed you all whiles I was away.

I am having a Graveyard shift job, so whenever I come home, its usually Breakfast or Brunch and then...hit the sack. Thankfully, I dont have to get to the point to watch programming on the telly. I have my DirecTV R DVR to do recording for me.

22055. thoughtful - 6/22/2007 10:51:25 PM

Welcome back jabrre...always nice to "see" a familiar name around these joints.

22056. judithathome - 6/24/2007 10:30:56 PM

Keoni is really sick...how do I know? He has slept the entire weekend and is cancelling his business appointments tomorrow.

Arky, remember the cough? He still has it and has run a high fever every night since last Sunday...on the upside, we have both quit smoking.

22057. judithathome - 6/25/2007 1:28:40 AM

This is my step-grandughter's engagement announcement...my son became her "dad" when she was 18 months old and he married her mom. (Sonnie used my son's name in the announcement rather than what she refers to as "the sperm donor"...and it will be my son walking her down the aisle.)


22058. wonkers2 - 6/25/2007 1:30:23 AM

Concerned, Was it a yellow dog Democrat?

22059. arkymalarky - 6/25/2007 1:53:53 AM

My net's not working for some reason. I'm on the Blackberry. Give Keoni a big hug from Bob and me. Keep us posted!

I'll see how the announcement looks on this thing.

Finishing my LAST homework tonight. Class ends Wed and we're heading straight for the CO cabin for at least two weeks.

22060. arkymalarky - 6/25/2007 1:59:50 AM

Hey, it showed up well! What an adorable couple!

22061. judithathome - 6/25/2007 2:06:33 AM

Yeah, I think they're pretty cute!

Have a great time in Colorado! If you guys come this way, either going or coming, and need a break just remember you're welcome here anytime...and Mazie and Harley just might get along!

22062. arkymalarky - 6/25/2007 2:19:22 AM

Haha! It'd be an interesting meeting! If we go that route we'll holler!

22063. Ms. No - 6/25/2007 4:11:21 AM

Great looking couple! Sorry to hear Keoni's not feeling well -- hope he get's better soon.

22064. Ms. No - 6/25/2007 4:11:56 AM

Wow, it's time for the Colorado trip already? This year seems to be flying by. I know you'll have a blast.

22065. Ms. No - 6/25/2007 4:17:37 AM

We've done our first two of three preview shows before we open next Friday and so far the audiences seem to really like us. Saturday night's audience was really vocal, they cheered the first kiss and booed the "villains" during the curtain call. The audience for today's matinee was quite good as well, but matinees always feel a bit odd to me. Somehow it just doesn't seem like theater should take place in daylight.

22066. arkymalarky - 6/25/2007 5:39:59 AM

That sounds great NO!

And yes, I will have a blast in CO, because


I still have to go to class four days and take an oral final, but my school work is done.

I can't believe it.

22067. alistairconnor - 6/25/2007 9:54:32 AM

Happy cabin fever Arky!

Get well soon Keoni...
Congratulations Judith, very cute couple!

Break an arm Nyetskaya...

22068. Ms. No - 6/25/2007 3:11:52 PM

Hurray!!! Congratulations Arky!

22069. thoughtful - 6/25/2007 5:17:30 PM

Wow...such good news from the moties!
Congrats to Arky and best wishes to ms. no.
and congrats to j@h...such a handsome couple.

22070. judithathome - 6/25/2007 5:30:00 PM

Just got back from the doctor with Keoni...he is very sick with bronchitis and the doc is afraid it might turn into pneumonia...he's on antibiotics, prednisone, codeine cough syrup, and an Albuterol inhaler.

22071. judithathome - 6/25/2007 5:33:00 PM

T'ful, I had nothing to do with it...ha! Didn't see her for almost 10 years (after meeting her at 18 months at my son's wedding) and then she moved to another town with her grandparents until she graduated high school.

Currently, I see he about every three weeks because she cuts my hair at her shop.

They really ARE a cute couple and both of them are thrifty...not blowing a lot on the wedding and have bought a small house and are almost debt free. (mortgage only)

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