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22378. thoughtful - 8/8/2007 10:13:47 PM

We use our wood stove instead of a shredder. We keep a pile of papers like that nearby and use it for starting our fires.

I agree about the junk mail. When our area started recycling junk mail years ago, our weekly trash generation went down by 1/2.

22379. Ms. No - 8/8/2007 10:18:53 PM

This should probably go in the Tech thread but I figure there's more traffic here and it's not super high-tech.

I need to get a laptop and the speed and processor indicators are so much gibberish to me. What's important is that it's fast enough to do what I need and that it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg.

I'll be word processing and doing minor web research. I don't need it as a media heavy machine --- nothing special by way of video and sound. It'd be nice to be able to run Trillian and Dreamweaver on it but neither of those is necessary.

The University has a deal with Dell and Apple and Gateway but the machines their advertising start around $1100 and that just seems ridiculous to me. Seems I ought to be able to get a decent machine to do what I need for about $700, but maybe I'm out of my mind.

Any ideas? Even if somebody could explain the whole megahertz and processor thing to me. I have no idea what dual core means and whether or not I'd need it blah blah blah.


22380. Ms. No - 8/8/2007 10:22:03 PM

And how the hell can I get a machine with XP instead of Vista???

I hate that they force change on me when I don't want it.

22381. arkymalarky - 8/8/2007 11:35:51 PM

They're offering some XP machines because of that, but I can't remember what brands. Mine is a dual-core XP that's Vista capable, and I love it. It's a Dell E1405 and is very portable and does everything I want. It was about $1000 and I've had it about a year, I guess. I love their M1210s, which are very small, but more expensive. You can browse their website for new and used machines. They've evidently gone down some in popularity, but I've loved every Dell I've ever had.

22382. Ms. No - 8/9/2007 12:28:30 AM

Yeah, I'll probably go with a Dell -- they seem to be pretty reliable and they're priced competitively. Also, they'll build to order to some extent, won't they? That way I can get XP instead of Vista if I want it.

I'm thining I'll go down to BestBuy and find a decent tech and let him tell me all about everything. They don't work on commission so it's no biggie if I don't actually buy when I'm in there. Once I figure out what I want I can buy through the University's Dell link.

I went with a friend about six months ago when she was shopping laptops and they had a couple of really good guys at the nearby store. I'm hoping one of them is still there.

22383. wabbit - 8/9/2007 12:50:04 AM

I have a similar model Dell, probably a year older than Arky's machine. I use XP Pro and the usual programs (Adobe CS2/Macromedia, Pidgin, Skype, MS Office 2003...) and all run just fine - not as quick as my desktop, but good enough for hauling around.

Smaller laptops tend to be pricier, so if you don't mind the weight, a bigger machine might save you some $$. Spend the money you save on RAM. I have 1gb RAM, but get 2gb if possible. Dell is offering extra RAM right now at no additional cost.

You want one of the "mobile" processors. Avoid AMD Sempron and Intel Celeron. If you have no strong preference, consider an AMD Mobile Athlon XP-M processor (cheaper than Intel and just as good). If this isn't going to be your primary computer, you don't need the fastest processor, but you will want one that doesn't get too hot and doesn't eat up the battery. You can read up on laptop/mobile processors here. CNET has a laptop buying guide that might help you.

Dell runs specials all the time and there are coupons floating around the web that can save you even more. I paid for XP Pro (up from Home) and for the non-reflective screen (which was a great choice).

My sister has an HP laptop that she is very happy with. Everyone I know that has an Apple loves it, but they are pricier and don't go on sale, ever. Also, your existing software is for a PC, isn't it?

22384. arkymalarky - 8/9/2007 5:43:18 AM

Someone told me Apples are now compatible with PC software, but I haven't heard that anywhere. It's a friend whose wife wants a Mac for graphics, but I didn't know it about that either.

22385. arkymalarky - 8/9/2007 5:43:40 AM

...I didn't know it was better for graphics either.

22386. arkymalarky - 8/9/2007 5:44:44 AM

Judith, I must tell you that Bob bought y'all's car from Ronnie today. There's another just like it left, but he is ecstatic. His first ever brand new car. Cost 2000 less than mine and has way more options, is quieter, and roomier.

22387. Ms. No - 8/9/2007 7:21:08 AM

Thanks Wabz! I'll check those links for sure!

22388. alistairconnor - 8/9/2007 8:47:29 AM

Yes No, go for a "mobile" processor, my 4 year old HP has a Centrino processor and you can run it for much longer without plugging it in. My criterion is that I can watch a three-hour film without reaching for the power cord. (Laptop is the best medium for watching films, short of a cinema or decent home projector. Unless there's more than three of you in the bed or wherever.)

I was reading some junk mail in the lobby the other day (just tying some threads together...) and it looks like you can get the sort of machine you want, over here, for 700 euros from any supermarket.

22389. alistairconnor - 8/9/2007 8:56:42 AM

Girlfriend and I both need new laptops. Mine goes on the blink like a 60s TV, it needs slapping to stabilize the image, sometimes I just have to turn it off...
Hers was stolen in the burglary, but that's probably classified information. No insurance money because the door wasn't forced, etc. Both of us are broke at the moment anyway.

No, what about a recent model off Ebay? Too risky?

22390. wabbit - 8/9/2007 9:51:18 PM

We're back!

Macs used to have very definite advantages for graphics, but those days are pretty much gone. Screen resolution and color are essentially the same on both Macs and PCs these days.

I've read that you can dual-boot Apple/Windows and use Windows software on a Mac, but I don't know that I'd want to do it on a laptop.

No, I just emailed you a link for an HP laptop, let me know what you think. It's more $$ than you want to spend, but I think it's not a bad deal.

22391. robertjayb - 8/10/2007 12:03:08 AM

Dell Outlet has scratch & dent, returned, and refurbished machines with warranties.

22392. arkymalarky - 8/10/2007 12:07:02 AM

That's the link I was talking about! I couldn't remember what it was.

22393. judithathome - 8/10/2007 2:44:06 AM

Arky, we aren't going to get "my" car until next year but we're definitely getting it from Ronnie! I'm hoping we can work it so we can drive up there, trade in my Jag to him, and drive the new one home...

22394. judithathome - 8/10/2007 2:46:06 AM

MsNo, we never shred a thing...what we do is mix it into the plastic bags that hold really icky and messy garbage and stuff those into the weekly bi-collection can.

I figure if anyone is willing to dig into rotting garbage for my info, they can have it.

22395. judithathome - 8/10/2007 4:26:42 AM

What the hell is wrong with WC? That place is the most unreliable site on the internet...

22396. arkymalarky - 8/10/2007 4:46:07 PM

OOOoh, wouldn't that be cool. The one he was telling y'all about is a different model, Azerra (sp?), but the Sonata is perfect for him and his commute. He is so happy with it. And I got mine detailed, so it looks much better.

22397. judithathome - 8/10/2007 11:48:05 PM

Arky, I bought you those pants today...black and olive green. They had brown but it was teamed with this revolting lavender pair and I didn't think it was quite your style. ;-)

I'll try to get them mailed out next week.

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