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22424. judithathome - 8/13/2007 12:32:01 PM

Arky, what you say is true but he had a similar job at his ESL school...and his recent actions are in no way foreign to his personality. He's always been a bit of a jerk. Ha!

22425. thoughtful - 8/13/2007 2:07:43 PM

Thanks ulgine, no apologies needed. I've certainly run the gamut of emotions over this thing including the fact that he took the chicken sh*t way out...though at the same time my heart breaks for the awful despair he must have felt to get to the point where suicide seems not only reasonable but the optimum choice.

22426. thoughtful - 8/13/2007 2:11:44 PM

J@h, thought of you at about 3:30 this am when I couldn't sleep. I flipped on cspan, book tv and they had on Erik Larson. While he talked a little about his new book, he spent a lot of time telling various anecdotes about his career as an author. Sounds like this new book is going to be as good as the others. He also mentioned his first book, which he liked, but which apparently never sold much called the naked consumer...I'll have to look it up.

22427. Ms. No - 8/13/2007 4:43:10 PM

I'm going to hold off on laptop shopping until I get back from LA next week. I'm heading out Saturday morning and then coming back on Tuesday and will have just under two weeks before school starts at that point.

I'm resistant to laptops. I used to be far more resistant except that I've been working on one for the last couple of months and since I can plug a regular keyboard and mouse into it and don't have to use that stupid fingerpad thing I've been fine.

As for Mac v PC, I like the initial concept of Macs and their branding image as it used to be, but not so much in recent years. Plus, I'd go nuts if I couldn't take the components apart and put them back together. I mean, when your PC goes south you can work on it yourself or call a friend who knows what's going on. If your Mac craps out you have to take it into a certified shop and then let them do whatever the hell they do to it charging you the hourly rate for however many days they keep it.

I can get my PC fixed for the price of a good home-cooked meal.

22428. Ms. No - 8/13/2007 4:45:25 PM


That's definitely someone not to invite to the theater anymore. He clearly has no concept of the social protocols involved.

22429. judithathome - 8/13/2007 7:12:37 PM

Thoughtful, that is so weird! I took Isaac's Storm with me to the doctor about 8am and saw The Naked Consumer listed in the front of that book and decided to get it!

And I DO have a stress fracture on my left foot...the x-ray doesn't lie. Well, technically, the stress fracture doesn't show but the "healing" of it does, proving I have one.

22430. judithathome - 8/13/2007 7:14:34 PM

Arky, when you check in, I mailed your stuff today and it should be there in three days.

I also tried out the Sula scent in my diffuser and I absolutely LOVE it...it may be too flowery for you but I like the "oriental-ness" of it.

22431. Betty Jo - 8/13/2007 9:57:53 PM


22432. arkymalarky - 8/13/2007 10:35:24 PM

Hey Betty Jo! Welcome to the Mote!!

22433. arkymalarky - 8/13/2007 10:38:22 PM

Thanks Judith! I'll be looking for it.

I think I'll do that diffuser this evening. I just got home from the first day back at work, and it's going to be a good but demanding year. Things are tightening up, so no more "Michael Moore of school teaching." I've got to re-civilize. Not a problem since I bought clothes and I'm no longer in grad school. Plus I no longer have a reason to protest.

22434. Betty Jo - 8/13/2007 10:41:09 PM

Thank you, Arky.

22435. Ms. No - 8/13/2007 11:19:47 PM

Hiya, Betty Jo! Welcome!

22436. wabbit - 8/13/2007 11:32:41 PM

Welcome aboard, Betty Jo!

JaH, another broken bone? What in the world are you doing to yourself?

Mike Douglas, Tom Snyder, Merv Griffin ... I suppose Phil Donahue is next.

22437. anomie - 8/14/2007 1:09:01 AM

Ms. No, Check out the latest Consumer Reports for their review of laptops. A Toshiba for 700 bucks was check-rated. I have a Toshiba I bought for 800 and it's great. I even do some video editing on it.

22438. anomie - 8/14/2007 1:10:46 AM

Judith. Does it hurt? Be careful!

22439. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 3:44:14 AM

Thanks Ms. No and Wabbit. I'm trying to get used to this format.

22440. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 3:44:53 AM

Is there a Betty? Shall I change my name?

22441. arkymalarky - 8/14/2007 4:04:52 AM

It's a different spelling, so I think you're good to go. We've had other posters that shared similar names--Eric, Elliott, etc.

22442. Magoseph - 8/14/2007 2:54:49 PM

Welcome, Betty Jo!

Hello, estranged Moties--I'm getting out of my hole, finally. I had to end a relationship with a beloved relative, at least for the time being--not an easy task, I tell you, rather a difficult and wrenching one. I just couldn't talk about it to anyone, not even to myself and I still can't.

Betty Jo, tell us a little bit about yourself, that is if you want, of course.

22443. alistairConnor - 8/14/2007 4:15:27 PM

Tough stuff, Mago... I can understand how trying that must be.

Betty Jo, is this a Petticoat Junction re-run? Where are your sisters?

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