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22436. wabbit - 8/13/2007 11:32:41 PM

Welcome aboard, Betty Jo!

JaH, another broken bone? What in the world are you doing to yourself?

Mike Douglas, Tom Snyder, Merv Griffin ... I suppose Phil Donahue is next.

22437. anomie - 8/14/2007 1:09:01 AM

Ms. No, Check out the latest Consumer Reports for their review of laptops. A Toshiba for 700 bucks was check-rated. I have a Toshiba I bought for 800 and it's great. I even do some video editing on it.

22438. anomie - 8/14/2007 1:10:46 AM

Judith. Does it hurt? Be careful!

22439. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 3:44:14 AM

Thanks Ms. No and Wabbit. I'm trying to get used to this format.

22440. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 3:44:53 AM

Is there a Betty? Shall I change my name?

22441. arkymalarky - 8/14/2007 4:04:52 AM

It's a different spelling, so I think you're good to go. We've had other posters that shared similar names--Eric, Elliott, etc.

22442. Magoseph - 8/14/2007 2:54:49 PM

Welcome, Betty Jo!

Hello, estranged Moties--I'm getting out of my hole, finally. I had to end a relationship with a beloved relative, at least for the time being--not an easy task, I tell you, rather a difficult and wrenching one. I just couldn't talk about it to anyone, not even to myself and I still can't.

Betty Jo, tell us a little bit about yourself, that is if you want, of course.

22443. alistairConnor - 8/14/2007 4:15:27 PM

Tough stuff, Mago... I can understand how trying that must be.

Betty Jo, is this a Petticoat Junction re-run? Where are your sisters?

22444. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 4:57:26 PM

Mago, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

22445. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 5:02:25 PM

I am a high school teacher (Spanish). I live in New England. I am married with no kids but 2 dogs. I love to travel.

22446. Ms. No - 8/14/2007 6:17:13 PM


Sorry to hear it, love. That's just hard times all around. I wish I could give you some good advice but I don't have any. I'll give you good wishes and cyberhugs instead.

22447. Ms. No - 8/14/2007 6:18:14 PM


Thanks! I'll check that out for sure. I've got a friend who's much more hip to the hardware than I am and I'll probably recruit him to either go with me or to sit and "school" me for a bit. ;->

22448. Ms. No - 8/14/2007 6:24:17 PM

Betty Jo,

How cool! It's going to be a real teachers' convention here. Arky and Jenerator are both teachers although Jen isn't around much.

I don't get my decoder ring for another six months and then I won't be clued in with the passwords and handshakes for another two years, but I'm on my way.

22449. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 6:33:08 PM

I know Jen and Judith (so far) from other forums.


What do you teach and to what age?

22450. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 7:00:59 PM


I recognize your name from somewhere too.

22451. Magoseph - 8/14/2007 9:44:26 PM

Thanks, Ali, Betty Jo, and Ms No.

I have posted in RI, BJo, and I have admired the beautiful pictures you posted there.

22452. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 9:50:20 PM

Thank you, Mago.

22453. arkymalarky - 8/14/2007 10:23:02 PM

I teach high school English and history, Betty Jo. Starting my 27th year. Mags has taught as well, and I think there are others who have.

22454. judithathome - 8/14/2007 10:48:16 PM

Welcome aboard, Betty Jo! You'll have to post some of your travel photos in our Escapes thread.

Betty Jo is good people, folks!

Well, the doctor just called and I have to go for an MRI on my damned foot. This is such a bad time for an inconvenience like this; there's a great exhibit at the Dallas Museum from Vesuvius that I wanted to go to...damn, damn. Plus it looks like I've dawdled too long to now make the Picasso exhibit here in town.

Mags, we've really missed you around here...no need for details but I am certain you made the right move in whatever you decided to do re: the relative.

I have to completely cut communication with my auntie soon; she keeps sending me crap I never would have believed she'd fall for...latest is some anti-Muslim BS. She knows I'm a liberal and it's not my fault she drank the Bush koolaid but I don't want that bile stuffing up my email.

Arky, I found a place on the internet where we can get that lamp stuff for $7.99 a bottle!

22455. arkymalarky - 8/15/2007 4:20:24 AM

That's great!

Mags, I hope everything works out okay. There's nothing more stressful than family conflict, imo.

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