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22542. thoughtful - 8/27/2007 5:34:31 PM

J@h, so sorry to hear that trouble is raining down on you. My best wishes for your son.

22543. judithathome - 8/27/2007 6:16:00 PM

Ah, christ, that make me look like a lunatic.

No it doesn't! Makes you look like a fellow Pink Floyd fan...love those lyrics and that particular album.

22544. judithathome - 8/27/2007 6:29:16 PM

MsNO, I found some really cute ones at PayLess. I got one pair for the house and another one for going out...I really wish I could wear them normally because they are SO good looking and the right shoe of each is extremely comfortable.

I won't be able to wear them after this foot is healed, though, because my left knee doesn't handle "heels" well at all. Oh well...I'll just appreciate being 5'9" tall for 6 weeks! And I've already promised them to my neighbor when I'm done with them.

22545. judithathome - 8/27/2007 6:30:33 PM

Arky, remember the silver and black purse I got at B Jaxx? The "going out" shoe matches it perfectly!

22546. judithathome - 8/27/2007 6:34:55 PM

Update on my son: went up there this morning and they were getting ready to sedate him and do the MRI...he was sitting up and talking more lucidly than ever and eating breakfast. I was very relieved to see he was more "with it".

Last night there was an incident...he was dreaming that he was fishing and thought he had hooked his arm with a fish hook. He pulled out his IV and it had been set to run pretty fast...stuff spewed all over the room, blood, everything. It was the talk of the ICU this morning.

Luckily, I'd brought some exotic chocolates for the staff.

22547. jexster - 8/28/2007 6:25:55 PM


Which is Judith?

22548. judithathome - 8/28/2007 9:33:55 PM

I'm in the sailor shirt...

22549. jexster - 8/28/2007 9:55:16 PM

Dang! I was bettin on the plaid dress...I wanted her boyfriend

Shoulda known..you'd win

22550. judithathome - 8/29/2007 5:39:47 PM

Update on my son: he's doing much better...his short term memory is improving dramatically. The test they did yesterday showed no bleeding in the brain but they think there may be a small clot somewhere...today he's having an esophogeal (sp?) echocardiogram at another hospital and will be back in ICU at the other one by this evening.

If things don't show up on this test, he may be released and go home...unless we can reason with him and get him to check into a rehab facility. He's still refusing to do that and they've set up scheduled visits from home care physical therapists for him.

He's completely stopped being combative and acting like an ass. This has been a terrible week...it's good to see him acting normally, finally.

22551. arkymalarky - 8/29/2007 10:55:46 PM

Have they decided what it is? A stroke? I hope he continues to do well, with you struggling with your foot. I can't imagine what a rough week it's been.

22552. arkymalarky - 8/29/2007 10:56:59 PM

Speaking of feet...those shoes you bought me looked FABULOUS with that pantsuit I got. I got lots of compliments on that outfit at work, from kids and colleagues.

22553. thoughtful - 8/30/2007 2:02:11 PM

Best hopes for your son's return to good health soon!

22554. vonKreedon - 8/30/2007 3:49:55 PM

Oh man, Judith, best of luck to you and your son getting back to the best of health.

22555. judithathome - 8/30/2007 3:54:08 PM

I am so exhausted from this, I came home from the hospital last night and got upset that a show I's set to tape wasn't taped...not until this morning did I realize it isn't even ON until tonight.

Arky, aren't you glad you bought that suit now? I knew those shoes were perfect for it!

22556. judithathome - 8/30/2007 3:57:48 PM

VonK, great to see you!

We're ALL hoping Leslie will be coming home today...the nurse is letting him sleep this morning until the neurosurgeon gets there. Of course, she can't tell us anything until the doctor reads the report and tells Les so it's just as well she's letting him sleep...hmmmmmm, come to think of it, that may be her plan! ha!

22557. judithathome - 8/31/2007 1:08:12 AM

My son has agreed to go to rehab and he'll be transferred over there tomorrow morning.

I feel like sleeping for a week...

22558. arkymalarky - 8/31/2007 2:37:06 AM

That's great Judith.

22559. judithathome - 8/31/2007 5:13:00 AM

I think you know what a relief this is, you and Mags and MsNo...and everyone else.

I have been in hell the past 10 days.

22560. judithathome - 8/31/2007 7:31:35 AM

Over the past 10 days, I have had to deal with my ex-husband because my son has been hospitalized with a stroke.

My ex has been rude to me beyond belief and I have tried to act decently toward him because I know he is upset about our son's condition.

I have thought the entire time that the fact I was nice to my ex has gone unnoticed by anyone until today when my son commented to me (after his father left for the day) that he appreciated the fact his father and I were getting along (ha!)...I said to him that it was not my fault we were at odds and my son said "I know." And then he said something that meant the world to me...he said "I've always known."

22561. Magoseph - 8/31/2007 10:09:12 AM

What I know about exes is this---some do a good job of demonizing you with your kids or some cannot however much they try. In the later case, they resent you and that seems to be your situation with your ex. You are lucky as it turns out.

It’s really a relief to know that no clot was found, Judith.

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