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22627. Ms. No - 9/17/2007 5:20:18 PM

I was bummed to find out that my folks bought a fairly new home when they moved. I was hoping they'd get something old and interesting since they're in Baton Rouge. I haven't seen it yet. I'm sure it's fine, but it sounds like their old house - not that there was anything wrong with the old house. It was lovely as far as new homes go and they had it built for them, but....well, I'm a sucker for older styles and construction. I'm more inclined toward pre-WWII architecture.

22628. thoughtful - 9/17/2007 5:32:11 PM

Boy, J@H, you've had more than your share of troubles lately. I hope the times ahead are improving for you.

22629. judithathome - 9/17/2007 10:07:22 PM

MsNo, have you been to Baton Rouge? Older homes come with lots of problems in Louisiana, not the least of which is termite damage.

We have some friends who bought an older home in Shreveport and our Katrina friend bought one in Alexandria...both have inherited very costly nighmares.

22630. Ms. No - 9/18/2007 2:34:51 AM

Yeah, I imagined as much, and although Cory loves his yardwork and landscaping neither he nor my mother much want to pick up a hammer or do major remodeling/restoration.

22631. concerned - 9/18/2007 3:24:50 AM

Some Toyota and other recent commercials that include a really loud chime sound are particularly irksome to me. It's an over the top tactic to get the listener's attention. Well, it gets my attention alright, and I vow to myself every time I'm exposed to such a commercial to avoid the product being advertised.

22632. alistairconnor - 9/18/2007 10:09:18 AM

"the two of us giving up cigarettes"

Yo Judith! You didn't pick the most tranquil time to do it, I hope it's working for you...

My girlfriend decided to give up a couple of weeks ago, so I stopped too. No sacrifice for me, I'm a very irregular smoker, and strictly OP's... but she was averageing a packet a day. The other day we were watching a rugby match in a pub, and she said maybe just one from time to time? I said OK, as long as she only smoked in my presence, and when I was smoking... she decided to stick to the cold turkey.

22633. alistairconnor - 9/18/2007 10:41:54 AM

Is the coffee giving you health problems, Mago? It seems a shame to give up all of life's little pleasures... Or are you a Cathar, aspiring to the status of "Parfait"?

22634. Magoseph - 9/18/2007 12:37:07 PM

Neither, Ali, I’m too much of an iconoclast to be anything, especially a Perfecti, but if my cousin the writer and historian is correct, my tribe may have started with the Cathars.

Anyway, Flexy was taken to the emergency by ambulance yesterday early afternoon and he’s still there being checked for his heart. His pulse was 192 and the EKG very erratic. I’ll let everyone know what happens today.

As for the coffee, I thought that giving it up might be kind to Flexy who moans every morning that the aroma is too much to take for him.

22635. thoughtful - 9/18/2007 3:23:01 PM

Best healing thoughts to flexy.

22636. Ms. No - 9/18/2007 4:59:27 PM

Yes, Mago, very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Can Flexy not have even Decaf? There are some excellent roasts nowadays.

22637. Ms. No - 9/18/2007 5:14:02 PM

Got a call from one of my best girlfriends who is currently "on asssignment" in France doing her training as a high-end tour guide. In many ways this is a dream job for her, but the learning curve is steep and she called yesterday in low spirits over something that neither one of us had considered before she left the country.

She speaks enough French to get around, but she is far from fluent which means that until her language skills improve she constantly feels like an idiot. This is a woman like many of us who takes pride in her ability to express herself, so being unable to do so is a major stressor. She knew she would have a lot to learn and that it would take a little time, but the reality of having almost no one with whom she can have a more than superficial conversation is really depressing.

Her international phone bill is going to be huge.

22638. judithathome - 9/18/2007 8:00:18 PM

Magos, thinking of you and Flexy...please keep us posted!!!

22639. Magoseph - 9/18/2007 8:00:51 PM

Thanks, thoughtful and Ms. No--so far, Flexy had a ECG and an echocardiogram. Now, they are prepping him up for Cardiac Cautheterization, which should take place in a couple of hours. I just came here to take the dog out, feed and water him. Let you know more tonight.

22640. Magoseph - 9/18/2007 8:01:13 PM

Thanks, Judith.

22641. judithathome - 9/18/2007 8:04:52 PM

Yo Judith! You didn't pick the most tranquil time to do it, I hope it's working for you...

Well, Keoni is on his second bottle of Chantix and this one seems to have worked on him. But giving up ciggies for him seems to rest on me not having them around him...that was not the case a few months ago when I did the pills and "quit". He had continued to smoke and so I backslid.

Now, in the past few weeks when I've been stressed beyond belief, I have tried to stay off them but am averaging about a pack a week. I don't smoke around him...this past weekend was hell for me.

But I think it's just a matter of seeing he's FOR SURE quit and then, I will taper off completely. And definitely not smoke around him at all.

22642. Magoseph - 9/18/2007 8:15:59 PM

Cautheterization, no, that is Catheterization, dammit!

22643. alistairConnor - 9/18/2007 9:14:25 PM

Cauterization of the heart sounded a bit severe! I hope the procedure goes well.

I'm reading a series of novels about the Cathare period at the moment. "La malédiction des Trencavel", good fun, plenty of sex.

22644. alistairConnor - 9/18/2007 9:16:16 PM

No, if your girlfriend is going to be anywhere near Lyon, send her to us, we'll talk to her... my girlfriend can make brilliant conversation in six languages, I'm sure that will cheer her up.

22645. Ms. No - 9/19/2007 3:12:57 AM

Cool, AC! I'll ask her next time I talk to her.

22646. arkymalarky - 9/20/2007 3:31:34 AM

I hope everything is going okay, Mags.

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