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22643. alistairConnor - 9/18/2007 9:14:25 PM

Cauterization of the heart sounded a bit severe! I hope the procedure goes well.

I'm reading a series of novels about the Cathare period at the moment. "La malédiction des Trencavel", good fun, plenty of sex.

22644. alistairConnor - 9/18/2007 9:16:16 PM

No, if your girlfriend is going to be anywhere near Lyon, send her to us, we'll talk to her... my girlfriend can make brilliant conversation in six languages, I'm sure that will cheer her up.

22645. Ms. No - 9/19/2007 3:12:57 AM

Cool, AC! I'll ask her next time I talk to her.

22646. arkymalarky - 9/20/2007 3:31:34 AM

I hope everything is going okay, Mags.

22647. Magoseph - 9/20/2007 2:13:24 PM

Thanks, Arky--We’re back home and Flexy is on a beta-blocker and an enzyme blocker along with a more stringent diet than ever before—-We’ll know more about his situation once we see his regular doctor in a week or so and then when we meet with the heart team in three weeks or so.

22648. thoughtful - 9/20/2007 3:42:03 PM

Glad he's home. best wishes to flexy!

I remember a neighbor who had a very long list of very serious health issues and a team of docs caring for him. He was in the hospital and the lung doc came in and said, I don't like the sound of your lungs...I'm putting you on oxygen. Later that same day his heart doctor came in and said, "What the heck are you doing on oxygen! Your heart can't take it!"

22649. Magoseph - 9/20/2007 8:58:49 PM

That’s hilarious and scary, thoughtful! After his cardiac procedure Monday, Flexy was resting peacefully, so I left in order to take our dog out and feed him. At my return, he said, “Let’s go home, I’m tired of this place.” Before I could protest, he pulled out all the paraphernalia hooked to arms, groin, and torso--blood was everywhere, on the bed, floor, and some on me. I screamed for the nurses and it took two large ones to get him back in bed. The whole time we were there, Flexy was impossible, especially with the doctors. He questioned them at length about everything and especially seemed to think that their main reason to live was to give him a five-bypass heart surgery.

22650. judithathome - 9/23/2007 6:14:33 PM

Your experience with Flexy unplugging everything is so similar to mine with my son...but he also yanked to doors off their tracks in ICU!

22651. thoughtful - 9/24/2007 5:16:49 PM

There is actually a disease called ICU psychosis. They're not sure what causes it but suspect it may be the 24/7 nature of icu which never allows patients to get adequate rest and, with no exposure to sunlight, it screws up their circadian rhythm.

See here.

Of course I was only in the hospital overnight with my kidney issue and, by the next morning, I was already raving at the nurse to let me out...pull the IV or I will and so on. I had no sleep at all as the woman in the bed next to me talked literally all night long. It was enough to make me looney!

22652. Magoseph - 9/26/2007 12:30:07 AM

This link is quite interesting, Thoughtful, thanks.

I wonder where are Wonkers and Arky these days.

22653. judithathome - 9/27/2007 10:19:04 PM

My son came home from the hospital where he had been doing in-patient physical therapy...he was supposed to be released a week ago but picked up a bug at the hospital and had to stay until today...he can't catch a break.

22654. arkymalarky - 9/27/2007 11:25:20 PM

His immune system is probably down after all he's been through.

I'm here, Mags. Just very into my school-year (FINALLY BACK TO NORMAL! YEA!) routine.

22655. Magoseph - 9/28/2007 8:26:56 PM

Good that you're back to normal--I say this because I'm a 24 hours nurse right now and have little time even to lurk. Thank you for helping this thread during the summer, Arky.

22656. Ms. No - 9/28/2007 8:48:19 PM

Glad to hear Flexy and Leslie are both home. Best wishes for speedy recoveries and strength and stamina (and patience!) to those looking after them.

I'm not the world's best nurse, but I try to remind myself that it's far easier to be the nurse than the patient. I'd rather be frustrated than incapacitated any day. Still, it's a tough job. Take your vitamins!

22657. arkymalarky - 9/28/2007 11:00:04 PM

I feel like I was gone most of the summer, but you're welcome.

I wouldn't make a good nurse at all. But you never really know until you have to do it. Bob did very well with his dad, but doing that and working full time almost did him in.

22658. anomie - 9/29/2007 4:57:37 AM

Hey Arky, I unpacked a mystery box and found your dad's book. I thought it was lost or left in South Carolina. I'll be getting to it shortly. I did like the little of it I read before I moved.

22659. Magoseph - 9/29/2007 11:22:50 AM

How can I buy the book, Arky?

Hi, Anomie, are you back to stay in your house?

22660. arkymalarky - 9/29/2007 2:16:00 PM

Cool, Anomie! It got a good review in this month's issue of Leatherneck magazine.

Mags, it's on Amazon, and I think there's a link on www.accordionwar.com, which is Dad's site (still under construction, but I haven't looked lately--Bro's been working on it).

22661. arkymalarky - 9/29/2007 2:17:33 PM

Accordion War Site

22662. anomie - 9/30/2007 12:47:23 AM

Yes, Mago. Thanks. I've been back since Nov 06.

I wish you well with your latest troubles. Sorry to hear it.

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