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22654. arkymalarky - 9/27/2007 11:25:20 PM

His immune system is probably down after all he's been through.

I'm here, Mags. Just very into my school-year (FINALLY BACK TO NORMAL! YEA!) routine.

22655. Magoseph - 9/28/2007 8:26:56 PM

Good that you're back to normal--I say this because I'm a 24 hours nurse right now and have little time even to lurk. Thank you for helping this thread during the summer, Arky.

22656. Ms. No - 9/28/2007 8:48:19 PM

Glad to hear Flexy and Leslie are both home. Best wishes for speedy recoveries and strength and stamina (and patience!) to those looking after them.

I'm not the world's best nurse, but I try to remind myself that it's far easier to be the nurse than the patient. I'd rather be frustrated than incapacitated any day. Still, it's a tough job. Take your vitamins!

22657. arkymalarky - 9/28/2007 11:00:04 PM

I feel like I was gone most of the summer, but you're welcome.

I wouldn't make a good nurse at all. But you never really know until you have to do it. Bob did very well with his dad, but doing that and working full time almost did him in.

22658. anomie - 9/29/2007 4:57:37 AM

Hey Arky, I unpacked a mystery box and found your dad's book. I thought it was lost or left in South Carolina. I'll be getting to it shortly. I did like the little of it I read before I moved.

22659. Magoseph - 9/29/2007 11:22:50 AM

How can I buy the book, Arky?

Hi, Anomie, are you back to stay in your house?

22660. arkymalarky - 9/29/2007 2:16:00 PM

Cool, Anomie! It got a good review in this month's issue of Leatherneck magazine.

Mags, it's on Amazon, and I think there's a link on www.accordionwar.com, which is Dad's site (still under construction, but I haven't looked lately--Bro's been working on it).

22661. arkymalarky - 9/29/2007 2:17:33 PM

Accordion War Site

22662. anomie - 9/30/2007 12:47:23 AM

Yes, Mago. Thanks. I've been back since Nov 06.

I wish you well with your latest troubles. Sorry to hear it.

22663. anomie - 9/30/2007 12:49:25 AM

Thanks for he site link, Arky. I hope I eventually understand why there is a tiger on the cover and why it's called the Accordian War. As you can see, I'm not up on Korean War history. I'm sure the book will help that somewhat.

22664. arkymalarky - 9/30/2007 2:29:13 AM

It does explain the tiger story in the book. I need to read it again. I was all focused on learning that part of my dad, most of which I didn't know, and on editing in a rush.

22665. vonKreedon - 10/1/2007 3:57:32 PM

Hi there, stopping in to say that I went through the second round of Jeopardy contestant auditions and am now in the contestant pool...along with ~2,400 other people for a ~400 spots, but still, waiting for that call and studying opera and oscars!

22666. Ms. No - 10/1/2007 4:18:24 PM

Woo-hoo! Way to go , Cos!!

22667. vonKreedon - 10/1/2007 4:24:57 PM

One of the other applicants is one of the guys who started Talk Like a Pirate Day! He and his lusty wench of a wife were also on Wife Swap. Busy man.

22668. alistairconnor - 10/1/2007 5:36:19 PM

Jesus, Kroesus. The things the rich need to do to amuse themselves.

Lucky me, I have to work for a living, and don't have to resort to playing Jeopardy to keep myself amused.
On the other hand, I'd really like to go on Pop Stars. If only I had the time to practise.

22669. arkymalarky - 10/1/2007 11:10:00 PM

Congrats VonK!

When we sit on the porch, especially with friends, a common line is "wonder what the poor folks are doing." This weekend they'll be shooting pool, I guess. The truck stop game room is opening up, with our very own pal Jim in charge.

This could get interesting.

22670. wabbit - 10/1/2007 11:54:14 PM

I did some pirate talkin', but have zero interest in wife swap, though I think my sister might benefit from having her family go through that ordeal.

Congrats, vonK! Don't forget to study the Bible.

22671. judithathome - 10/2/2007 2:35:54 AM

with our very own pal Jim in charge.

Interesting, indeed!

I have to wear this effin' boot cast for another 4 weeks. I'm bummed beyond belief.

22672. thoughtful - 10/2/2007 2:00:31 PM

mother reminded me of the time my brother slipped on the ice at work and got a spiral fracture in his leg. They had to reset it twice and finally the third time it came apart, they decided to pin it. The whole ordeal lasted 6 mos with him in a plaster cast from his toes to mid thigh.

Besides the itching, the thing he most wanted to do was to be able to sit squarely on the john.

I remember seeing his leg when he finally got the cast off...it was about the size of my arm...so emaciated. Took years for that leg to match the other in size and shape.

So I know it's frustrating for you J@H, but it could be worse...

22673. vonKreedon - 10/2/2007 3:19:20 PM

I've never had a problem with Biblical categories, I credit my catechism classes.

Man, Judith I really hope that your life takes a turn towards easy real soon.

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