22729. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 6:46:26 PM This front is doing a number on me. No rain yet, but I have a raging migraine. I hate that on my day off. Not that I like having them at work, but this is such a rip, and on my anniversary. Thankfully we're not celebrating it tonight.
Oh, and Judith, we finished off the weekend with that champagne! 22730. prolph - 10/22/2007 9:03:45 PM
We have a catastrartive---- the fire is everywhere--our area has
had a mandatory evacuation but theere is no where to go---i am
mamy moons old but i have never seen a sanatana like this----
cats , neighbor and i am packed and ready--hoping we still
have houses wednesday when the wind stops.worried patsy 22731. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/22/2007 9:25:18 PM Yikes! Cheers! & Good Luck! 22732. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 11:07:44 PM Yes, and keep us posted when you can! 22733. alistairConnor - 10/23/2007 8:54:28 AM Jeezus, yes keep us updated Patsy... take care. 22734. iiibbb - 10/23/2007 2:52:51 PM Hello people.
Thought I'd stop by. It has been a stressful few months. 10 years of new marriage crammed into a year. We took the jobs down south although my wife isn't very happy about it. One particular mis-step on my part, but also this is the only decent opportunity I really had, and since there's a pretty good job here for her as well we're feeling a little trapped by it. Throw in a few other complications and we have a nice recipe for stress balls. I think we'll make it through. At least we're going to give this thing a shot for a while. I'm not sure I would have done the same things if I could have read the future.
Anyhow... we bought a house. It's nice having good credit. We've also been able to spring for some other stuff by virtue of the new job.
I hope this leads somewhere good. I feel a little bratty because this is such a good opportunity. In a few years I may have to bail because this place just isn't working for my wife. I can't worry about that now though. I've just never taken a job where it was a coin flip whether I'd be able to stay in it. My wife worries that my work ethic will result in us being stuck here. I'll admit to pangs of guilt at the prospect of getting this program started only to pull out later... but I can't worry about it now.
Ah well... maybe the place will grow on her. It's certainly nice to be able to afford a few luxuries now.
The groceries suck here, but at least the restaurants are good, if not excellent.
Anyway, hope you all are doing well. 22735. alistairconnor - 10/23/2007 3:18:44 PM Hi iii... hang in there! The first 20 years are the hardest! (well actually, the second ten are the hardest)
Was buying a good move? Have prices already dropped, are you sure they are not going to drop again? Not wanting to add to your worries but... I'm a macro-economic pessimist. 22736. iiibbb - 10/23/2007 3:39:16 PM We bought because at the end of the day we need a place to live.
I think we'll fair pretty well even with the slumping market. This town is growing and several industries are moving here. We were able (through no brilliant strokes of our own) to negotiate a pretty competitive price on the house. It was enough that both realtors took cuts in their commissions.
We are also compensating for the market by significantly underbuying our house. Theoretically I could afford another 50 K on my income, and factor in hers and we could have bought something twice as much. On top of that the price of the house is also a $ range that is underrepresented in this market. This house has a very good location as well. I calculate that as long as the market does 1-2% growth here we'll break even over renting after a year. There's no reason to think it won't appreciate because it never really had a bubble to burst.
At the end of the day... we really just need a comfortable place to live. If we wind up losing some money selling it early, it's because we were able to move our careers somewhere we're going to be happier, and that just may be the cost of doing business. It'll probably be worth it to me at that point, and I can prepare for it by saving now. 22737. iiibbb - 10/23/2007 3:48:56 PM I meant to clarify that the market in this town doesn't really have a bubble to burst... given all the new industry coming here. Three major companies are building nearby, and this is one of the more desirable places to live among the neighboring towns. 22738. Magoseph - 10/23/2007 10:20:58 PM I found it, Jex, I mean the link I wanted--It was the one for the video Judy in Disguise. Flexy has been bedridden since October 10 and I just wanted to lighten the mood around here. Thanks for the message in Politics.
22739. jexster - 10/23/2007 10:35:25 PM I'd lighten things up but I am not there!
I wish I was Jesse's Girl!
22740. wonkers2 - 10/24/2007 1:56:06 AM Good luck Patsy and iiibbb! (Where in the South did you move to? Perhaps I missed that upthread? 22741. wonkers2 - 10/24/2007 1:56:50 AM Jex, who is jesse? 22742. wonkers2 - 10/24/2007 1:57:27 AM Good luck also to Magoseph and Flexy. 22743. jexster - 10/24/2007 2:59:37 AM 22741 - Generic man candy
I first came up with the Theme Song for Jesse Foppert. 22744. jexster - 10/24/2007 3:00:31 AM 22745. arkymalarky - 10/24/2007 3:02:55 AM Yes, I hope all goes well for everyone. It seems like Mote people are having a lot of troubles lately.
22746. arkymalarky - 10/24/2007 3:06:00 AM I've been wondering about y'all, 3i3b! I don't know if "south" is anywhere near AR, but if so we'd love to meet you and your wife sometime. You're in a very stressful and transitional time, and since you can only put one foot in front of the other there's not much point in looking too far ahead. You'll have a better view of what you need to do for the future when you're closer to it. 22747. jexster - 10/24/2007 3:35:39 AM How can one be "closer to the future"?
I wish that I was Jesse's Girl. Then I wouldn't have to think such deep thoughts 22748. iiibbb - 10/24/2007 2:35:51 PM Thanks everyone--
I'm not sure if there is a foreighn word for "feeling bad for feeling bad".
I know that I should be happier and grateful for a dual hire. People have worse problems than me. But trying to balance what my wife wants with reality has been hard to do.
There are only three or four things I just don't like about this place... which is no more than a lot of places I love.
The key will be meeting some nice people to socialize with. So far not a lot of progress on that.
But you're right. Just like the what got me here, I can only play the hand I have now, so there's no point in getting stressed. I will say buying a house is easing a lot of that stress. I'm pretty excited about the prospects of owning the place I live. I'm really looking forward to gardening... we have almost an acre. All this natural resources education and I've never been able to use it to grow something for myself.