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22847. judithathome - 11/7/2007 12:24:17 AM

See, Arky...he just doesn't GET it!

22848. arkymalarky - 11/7/2007 12:26:48 AM

Actually, Jex, I think those two courses were in the Huckabee curriculum proposal.

22849. jexster - 11/7/2007 12:55:07 AM

easy for Judith to say..her state's already full of Mexicans doing the jobs that the good boys and girls of Arkyland are too well educated to do

Thanks to Hucksabee

22850. jexster - 11/7/2007 7:44:28 PM

The Collected Works of William Butler Yeats

22851. concerned - 11/9/2007 4:39:23 AM

Looks like I'll have to replace some pressure balancing shower valves that are failing after less than seven years of very light usage. The failure mode? They're only putting out trickles of hot water at any setting.

From what I understand, most pressure balancing valves eventually fail that way. When that happens, it's time to rip out the wall behind the shower valve, replace it with another one at a cost of one to three hundred bucks (plus the same in labor, if you don't do it yourself), and re sheetrock the wall and paint it (add another few hundred there if you don't do it yourself).

That's bullshit. I'm looking for non pressure balancing shower control valves that will last for a few decades, not five years.

Anyone else have problems with these little time bombs?

22852. concerned - 11/9/2007 4:43:19 AM

Btw, I have just had the new heat pump installed, (still not hooked up to duct work after two full days) at a cost of only $29,600. Turns out my ground loop is fine, contrary to Waterfurnace's assertions that it was the problem.

Waterfurnace was using this as an excuse to not support the ten year full warranty that they are obligated to. It looks like they are going to have their day in court to convince the judge and/or jury of that because it looks like that is where this one is heading.

22853. concerned - 11/9/2007 4:54:18 AM

One of the two LED light bulbs I installed in a closet about a year ago and which has had only very light usage has failed.

$30.00 is a lot of money for what is essentially a piece of shit LED light bulb design.

22854. arkymalarky - 11/9/2007 4:55:16 AM

I would make a joke about frivolous lawsuits against those poor com;anies, but I'll pass. :-)

If I know what you're talking about, they're a plastic piece? Ours gave us trouble a few years ago, but we just bought a replacement piece for a few bucks and put it in. It adjusts the water flow on the hot/cold water. Our pressure is never great because we're on well water and we don't have a strong pump, but it was a trickle, as you said, until we replaced that piece. We haven't had any trouble since.

22855. arkymalarky - 11/9/2007 4:55:51 AM

I came in here expecting to see your reading list suggestions of Rand and Heinlin.

22856. concerned - 11/9/2007 4:58:34 AM

And my opinion of GM products is dropping. I bought an '02 Grand Am used around 57,000 miles for commuter use. Less than 10,000 miles later, I am getting their 'check engine soon' and 'check vehicle soon' idiot lights on.

I am not going to waste good money letting this thing languish in a shop when it is running fine because a 'service something soon' idiot light flickers on. I'm inclined to disable all the idiot lights in this poorly designed car, except for the oil pressure light.

22857. concerned - 11/9/2007 5:00:09 AM

Re. 22854 -

Hi, Arky -

What piece was that? My unit seems to be an all in one item. Did the plastic piece fit in an all in one assembly in your case?

22858. arkymalarky - 11/9/2007 5:04:23 AM

No, it was round. That's all I remember. You had to take the shower handle off. Bob can't even remember working on it, so he's no help. It had trash in it, is what made it mess up.

22859. arkymalarky - 11/9/2007 5:05:28 AM

It was in parts and some were metal and some were plastic. I think it screwed in. I'm sure it's way older than what you have and probably not the same thing. But it did regulate the water pressure.

22860. concerned - 11/9/2007 5:06:16 AM

Re. 22855 -

I would probably mostly caution high school readers against anybody who is a doomsayer or believes that only one philosophy or belief system or person has all the answers, or that asserts that Nazis were right wingers and vice versa.

22861. arkymalarky - 11/9/2007 5:26:14 AM

Haha! That sounds reasonable!

22862. concerned - 11/9/2007 5:31:35 AM

I would caution against those with a 'Western Values are Evil' influence in their writing.

22863. concerned - 11/9/2007 5:36:34 AM

I would make a joke about frivolous lawsuits against those poor com;anies, but I'll pass. :-)

That's sort of like saying that life is frivolous.

I'm not rich enough to consider $30,000 + 'frivolous', nor do I care so little about my health and well being that I will accept living in an indoor environment where I have to suffer swings of 30 degrees in temperature when I have already paid $16,000 plus many thousands of dollars on follow up costs to obtain a warrantee that that is not the case.

22864. wonkers2 - 11/9/2007 5:49:47 AM

Soon we will be in shape for Motie visitors. I managed to fight off a new kitchen for about 35 years. Now, after all the children have moved to LaLa Land (Jexter's hometown), I caved on a new kitchen. The work has been going on for more than two months and we'll be lucky if it's done by Christmas. The cabinets are in (except two have to be replaced, one for defects and one for the wrong size), the new stove, dishwasher and microwave are installed, and the greenish tile floor is resplendent. The counter-top men are coming tomorrow with new granite ones. However, we're still eating off the laundry table in the basement and making coffee with an old microwave.

22865. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/9/2007 6:31:56 AM

After it's done, wonk, you'll wish you had done it 10 years earlier. It's worth it, besides, as my mother used to say, "Who's better than us?"

22866. Ulgine Barrows - 11/9/2007 11:08:12 AM

22846. jexster
I hope you can live with yourself

Hey cutie, I applied at WalMart and they won't have me.

Somebody apparently has to shovel chicken shit...that wouldn't be you or me, though. We're overqualified. But we can check ourselves out on those autocheck lanes, and put me out of a WalMart checker job, when I really need some income.

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