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23114. arkymalarky - 12/8/2007 5:51:38 AM


What does that mean?

23115. Ms. No - 12/8/2007 8:32:49 AM

Second City is the home of some of the world's greatest comedy and improv...in Chicago. They've franchised somewhat and have a Conservatory in Los Angeles. My brother has been working his way up through their classes and, before now, it was pretty much a pay for play kind of thing. If you were in C1 then you move on to C2 etc. so long as you paid you fees and didn't suck rocks.

Conservatory 4 is where they start getting serious. The auditions are much tougher and those who pass are on a path to work professionally with the Company both performing and writing.

I'm just really glad my brother's performing again. He gave it all up when my oldest nephew was still just "The Claw" in order to be a responsible dad. Now that his life has settled into something more of a routine he's been able to put back in some of the things that he loves -- soccer, basketball and acting.

It would be great if he'd do some training for stand-up. I keep dropping hints, but I think, for now, he feels a lot more comfortable working with an ensemble group. Also, there's a creative flow that you can't reproduce on your own and that interaction is the reason a lot of people go into theater in the first place.

23116. Ms. No - 12/8/2007 8:38:20 AM

In other news, it turns out I will be doing another show. I got an email about a week ago asking me if I'd come and read for the University's annual production of The Vagina Monologues.

Never let it said that flattery will get you nowhere. I was so thrilled that the director had sought me out simply from seeing Fat Pig this summer that I'd likely have agreed to anything she wanted.

Truthfully, I think it's an interesting project and I've been hearing about it for years but never managed to see it. So, I went and read for her today and she's going to drop me a line later next week and let me know which piece(s) she wants me to perform.

It was kind of funny. She asked me how I felt about explicit language and I told her there's only one word in the English language that I have serious qualms about ever uttering. She said "Oh is it--" and I said "And it's not cunt."

23117. Magoseph - 12/8/2007 3:27:31 PM

Great last line and clear even to me who usually never get the meaning of the punch line!

Good morning, dear Moties.

23118. wonkers2 - 12/8/2007 4:24:11 PM

Congrats, Ms. No!

23119. arkymalarky - 12/8/2007 5:12:21 PM

OOOh, double congrats then, No! So you will have a piece in The Vagina Monologues, eh?

Morning Mags!

23120. arkymalarky - 12/8/2007 5:16:26 PM

I didn't know Second City had a franchise in LA, btw. What a lot of talent in the fam, there!

23121. judithathome - 12/8/2007 7:27:16 PM

If this works, you'll see the cutest thing ever

23122. judithathome - 12/8/2007 7:28:41 PM

Sorry it's so small...it came that way.

23123. wonkers2 - 12/8/2007 8:42:53 PM

That kid will go far! He shows an aptitude for becoming an animal trainer. I assume the cat must have been de-clawed.

23124. arkymalarky - 12/8/2007 8:58:40 PM

One would hope, or I imagine the picture wouldn't have been so adorable.

23125. iiibbb - 12/9/2007 12:18:39 AM


I have been so stressed out lately. My life is completely out of control right now. It is so complicated I can't even explain it all... but what a mess.

I've always fundamentally believed that if you act honorably and do your dead-level best things will generally work out for the better. Obviously shit happens, but the way my cards are falling lately this philosophy is really being shaken at it's foundation at the moment.

I have no words... except that even with all of this crap, life could be worse... but I'm not sure it could be any more stressful for me.

23126. arkymalarky - 12/9/2007 12:35:33 AM

Oh my. I don't know if you're comfortable with any details, but whatever it is, I hope you hang on and ride it out okay.

23127. wonkers2 - 12/9/2007 1:31:58 AM

Hang in there, iiibbb! We're pulling for you!

23129. Ms. No - 12/9/2007 10:22:38 AM

Hang in there, iiibbb. You've got friends.

23130. Magoseph - 12/9/2007 12:05:46 PM

I deleted 23128 because it outraged me.

iiibbb, yes, you have good friends here, ready to combine their life experience and help.

Thoughtful, where are you? I'm worried about you and we need you here.

23131. alistairconnor - 12/9/2007 1:10:52 PM

iii, this site has often been a comfort to me when things were darkest. So, whether you want to talk about the bad stuff or not, you have moral support here.

As for the philosophy, sometimes honesty and best efforts don't provide good outcomes... sometimes you have to roll with the punches, and keep faith with yourself, in the face of other people's bad faith.

23132. judithathome - 12/9/2007 3:12:11 PM

3i3b, I hope you know we're all here for you. Sometimes, the only payoff for being a good guy is the one you have to give yourself: the satisfaction of knowing you held to your own high standards whether others did or not.

(Or, what Alistair said in fewer words.)

23133. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:30:45 AM

Hello everyone.

Glad to read the update on your son, Judith. And how is your leg or foot?

Ms No! Congrats on the role.

iiibbb: Is it the south? In any case, I hope things improve.

Cheers everyone.

23134. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:36:58 AM

Arky, I got back into your Dad's book after a long interuption. I'm onlay at about page 100, but it's a thoroughly good read. So many of his musings hit home, notibly his thoughts on religion re racism and general ethics. I had a chuckle about his shopping at Western Auto for bike reflectors. I also used to spend a large part of my 25 cents at Western Auto on bike decals, and like you Dad I remember gazing at all the flashy, shiny, neat, extras you could buy for your bike. I realized that some of my earliest decisions in life involved how to break up a quarter into a litlle of this and a little of that. We don't make very many independent decisions when we're 8.

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