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23166. wabbit - 12/14/2007 9:38:55 PM

Beautiful photo, t'ful, and a nice haiku as well! I'm looking forward to seeing your shots of yesterday's snowfall.

23167. Ms. No - 12/14/2007 11:42:35 PM

Oh, gorgeous! Thanks, thoughtful!!

23168. Ms. No - 12/14/2007 11:45:47 PM

I am diligently transcribing 90 seconds of speech recorded in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis off the northwest coast of Scotland.

The only thing that's frustrating me is that I don't have the proper phoenetic alphabet to write what I'm hearing. Actually, what I don't have is the knowledge to pick those symbols out of the International Phonetic Alphabet which is greatly expanded from the American Phonetic Alphabet that I know.

I'm still having loads of geeky fun!

23169. wonkers2 - 12/14/2007 11:51:49 PM

Call Me Ishmael

23170. Ms. No - 12/15/2007 12:22:14 AM

Ah, I'd fogotten what a wonderful voice he had.

23171. arkymalarky - 12/15/2007 4:04:58 AM

Beautiful, Thoughtful!

I FINALLY got a call this evening. I have two arteries with some blockage and she (the cardiologist's nurse) said it's "borderline" for needing an angiogram, but they will monitor it and treat it with medication, which from what I understood means keeping my cholesterol and heart rate down. I don't have high blood pressure. I don't have any restrictions, but strict instructions about what to look for and report that would indicate things are getting worse, so they can recheck.

All in all, I'm happy with what I learned and my numbers are already SO MUCH BETTER than they were in April, and my stress level is so much lower (as is my weight)--I'm glad I shelled out the money and didn't go with the angiogram. And I don't have to worry every time I get a chest pain.

23172. Ms. No - 12/15/2007 5:28:29 AM

Excellent news, Arky!

23173. wonkers2 - 12/15/2007 6:27:01 AM

Exercise a bit and eat right and you'll be okay Arky.

23174. judithathome - 12/15/2007 3:06:43 PM

Are you on cholesterol meds, Arky? Are they giving you Plavix? That's what my son is taking for blockage...that and asprin. His doctor is monitoring his asprin intake and the Plavix every two weeks until he gets some sort of blood test in the correct range. It's a new blood test and he can only have it done in Dallas...once, they had to call him back because the lab tech hadn't taken enough blood and Leslie hit the ceiling...now he harps at them to get enough because he's not driving in Dallas traffic twice in one day.

He told the doctor that if wants him to have another stroke, just call him back to the lab an hour after he gets home. Ha!

23175. arkymalarky - 12/15/2007 9:54:52 PM

Thanks No!

I feel pretty good, Wonk, because I've already lost about 20 pounds from my highest weight this summer and my stress level is WAY down since finishing grad school, which I personally think is what caused it in the first place--plus the on-the-go eating and no exercise that goes with being too overloaded. I'm walking regularly and eating MUCH better.


I don't see him until the end of the month, but I've already got my cholesterol down from 237 in April to 148 today and the "bad" cholesterol from 147 to 76. So I doubt he'll put me on anything except maybe a beta blocker to keep my heart rate down, but my doc is adjusting my thyroid meds down a hair because it checked too high, and that may get it down. I don't know if they'll give me anything for the blockage, but I got the impression that they will keep it monitored and if they have reason to believe it's getting worse I'll have to have an angiogram and at that point they'll decide whether to do a stent or medicine. They do have me on aspirin. I don't have any risk factors now, and I've never had high blood pressure, but my heart rate has always been pretty fast. Exercise should help that too.

No shit about the doctors/staff causing the diseases they're supposed to cure. I wasted TWO sick days, and so did Bob, plus a trip to LR, which is stressful on its own, because they didn't call me and tell me about the insurance issue. And insurance companies are evil. Can't remember if I've said that. ;->

23176. judithathome - 12/16/2007 5:16:55 PM

I think that is something that is just understood....! Ha!

However, I do have to give a thumbss up to my son's insurance through Lockheed...it paid 100% of his ICU, hospital, doctor, and physical therapy. So he's very relieved that he still has a job there.

23177. arkymalarky - 12/16/2007 5:21:03 PM

I'll say. That's fantastic. Our insurance sucks. And state gov't retirees, for the same insurance teachers have, pay unde3r $200 a month. Teachers who retire pay over $400. As workers we pay WAY more than the state employees do, and then they hold us hostage from retirement. We've tried to fight it in the legislature, but they know those under 65 who qualify for retirement would bolt and they'd have a teacher shortage emergency.

23178. wonkers2 - 12/16/2007 7:21:20 PM

Mago sent us bad weather last night--7 inches of blowing snow. This morning the wind continued to blow at 30 knots. More snow later today.

23179. arkymalarky - 12/16/2007 7:31:02 PM

It's clear as a bell and in the 40s here. Gorgeous day.

23180. Ms. No - 12/16/2007 8:54:54 PM


Couldn't they make it a two-tier system so that those who stay 'til 65 get a better rate?

23181. wabbit - 12/16/2007 8:58:53 PM

Is it me, or are we a bunch of sickies? Glad to hear you're ok, Arky (and same for Leslie).

We got about a foot of snow on Thursday, then another 6" this morning. Thankfully, we got at least the walk and some of the driveway cleared before the change to freezing rain was complete. It's really nasty out right now.

So, while I'm waiting for the Patriot's game to start later this afternoon, I thought I get the annual Xmas music player up and running. Remember, playlist 2 is NSW (not safe for work).

My apologies if there isn't something there to offend everyone.

23182. Ms. No - 12/16/2007 9:19:03 PM

Woo-hoo! X-mas player!

My brother sent me a Zune for my birthday/christmas present this year and if he hadn't already held the title of best brother in the world this would've put him over the edge.

I'm currently studying for exams and ripping CDs so that I'll have plenty of tunes to take with me for vacation.

So far I've been pretty haphazard about it. I'm a bit distressed because I've got a CD wallet running around loose somewhere that's got the bulk of what I'd been listening to in my car in it.

I'm going to be bummed if I have to go to Loozianna without the Kooks.

23183. arkymalarky - 12/16/2007 9:39:42 PM

I don't know, No, but we want the same deal state employees get because it's the same program.

23184. arkymalarky - 12/16/2007 9:40:44 PM

Thanks Wabbit!

Freezing rain is the absolute worst.

23185. Ms. No - 12/16/2007 10:24:33 PM

Makes perfect sense to me, Arky.

Sometimes the sheer size of the administrative and bureaucratic sea I'm approaching is a bit intimidating. I've got to go over to the official offices of something or other and make sure I'm getting all my ducks in a row. I know I have to get a TB test and get fingerprinted in order to substitute and eventually teach, but there may be another test I have to take to prove that I'm capable of teaching the subject I actually got my degree in.

Lots of hoops to jump through that I don't know enough about. That'll be the way I spend the first six weeks of the new year.

Also, I'm taking that time to try and put together my notes and such and take a stab at creating some lesson plans. I've got to set up visitation/observation days with some of the local schools.

I'm looking forward to all of it but it is rather a large undertaking. ;->

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