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23191. arkymalarky - 12/17/2007 2:52:19 AM

What is it?

23192. jexster - 12/17/2007 3:14:57 AM

I don't much care for cognac but it, like cognac, is a brandy from the Gascony region

AC will have to give us a primer...it was GOOOOOD

23193. jexster - 12/17/2007 4:38:27 AM

Arky will be pleased to learn that the party of Marin County liberals was HORRIFIED when I said that in Hill v. Huck, I'd be voting for the Man from Hope

23194. arkymalarky - 12/17/2007 4:56:55 AM

I'm only horrified because I know more about him than any politician, bar none. I swear if you'd chosen any other Republican candidate I wouldn't think anything about it. I still don't, because I think you're yanking my chain. I meant what I said: he's Bush with Rove's brain and Cheney's heart.

23195. arkymalarky - 12/17/2007 5:02:21 AM

And I never get mad at who anybody supports in politics. I may think they're morons, but I try to keep it to myself. It's the best way to get along in the South.

23196. wonkers2 - 12/17/2007 5:15:28 AM

I hesitate to point this out, but Jex is sounding more and more mysogynistic every day. I'm sure Huckabee can refer you to an appropriate Christian program that'll change your outlook to the point where you'll kiss the ground Hillary walks on.

23197. alistairconnor - 12/17/2007 1:27:44 PM

There is some controversy as to whether it has snowed or not at my place. Neophyte visitors insist that it has, because there's a thin covering of frozen white stuff on the ground. I explain patiently that it's fog that freezes onto the trees, then falls to the ground towards the middle of the day when the temperature briefly rises above freezing.

On the other hand, all the ponds and small lakes are frozen, hard but not yet thick (small rocks bounce harmoniously off the surface) and it looks like staying cold all week, so presumably there will be skating next weekend.

The other good news is that my new heating works!
I spent most of Saturday in the basement fiddling with it. My girlfriend was jealous of my Swedish mistress (ok she weighs 250 kilos, but she's hot!)

23198. thoughtful - 12/17/2007 3:33:14 PM

Arky, that's good news on your cardiac issues.

Be careful about watching just total cholesterol as thyroid hormones can wreak havoc with them. Advice from the good calories, bad calories book is the 2 indicators to watch are HDL and triglycerides. There are many types of LDL cholesterol and some are good and some are bad but the blood work doesn't distinguish between them so watching LDL isn't helpful. However, keeping the HDL high seems to be a useful indicator and keeping triglycerides low (a measure of fat output by the liver generated by sugars such as fructose) also is a good indicator of the dense, sticky fats floating in the blood stream. Evidence presented in the book also suggest that fats in the diet are not the issue, but carbohydrates, which the body turns into fats, are. I'm reading more and more nutrition advice about cutting refined carbs and starches and eating whole grains, complex carbs, lowering carb intake and raising fat and protein intake, so I think the nutrition community is starting to catch on. As usual, however, it will take years for the medical community to pick up on it.

I was out shoveling yesterday when a neighbor stopped by to chat. Turns out her husband dropped dead suddenly of a heart attack while he was exercising. He was only 51 and in good shape. He had no signs or symptoms of any heart disease. He was in a hotel gym by himself and because no one found him in time (you have about 5 min for someone to restart your heart) he died. Left 3 daughters. So sad. Never too early to keep an eye on heart disease.

23199. judithathome - 12/17/2007 4:49:02 PM

Ask if he'd had a recent nasty sinus infection.....

23200. judithathome - 12/17/2007 4:50:48 PM

when I said that in Hill v. Huck, I'd be voting for the Man from Hope

Just make sure you're prepared to see another man from Hope congratulate his wife for winning on election night.

23201. jexster - 12/17/2007 7:59:46 PM

With a clear conscience!

Put that Woman back in Hope

23202. jexster - 12/17/2007 10:05:05 PM

Put the HO back in HOpe

23203. Magoseph - 12/18/2007 12:38:04 AM

Santa Claus outraged by 'ho ho ho' ban

"Ho ho ho" turned to "ha ha ha" for PC reasons
Ho ho ho "could frighten kids, derogatory to women"
Santas rebel

HE is an unlikely revolutionary but this Christmas, Santa is a rebel with a claus.

He is having the last laugh on political correctness - and it's a great big fat belly laugh.

Santas across Sydney are rebelling against attempts to ban their traditional greeting of "ho, ho, ho" in favour of "ha, ha, ha"


23204. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 1:22:34 AM

Thanks, and thanks for the info, Thoughtful. I feel really good about where I am and where I'm heading now. Stress relief is a huge part.

Judith, I remember that sinus infection/heart attack connection but not the details. I used to keep one much of the time, and still have recurrent problems (mostly for not being regular about my allergy shots).

23205. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 1:27:47 AM

BTW, a great snack I discovered is All-Bran bran buds stirred into low-fat vanilla cream flavored yogurt.

23206. jexster - 12/18/2007 1:41:15 AM


23207. jexster - 12/18/2007 1:41:58 AM

    I'd rather be black than gay because when you're black you don't have to tell your mother.
    ~ Charles Pierce

23208. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 2:08:20 AM

Don't knock it till you've tried it Boudin Man.

23209. jexster - 12/18/2007 4:10:04 AM

Hi Arky!

23210. jexster - 12/18/2007 4:16:47 AM

Eat to UR heart's content there Arky!

I got me a hankerin for some

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