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23307. Magoseph - 1/1/2008 4:35:35 PM

Bonne et heureuse année 2008, dear Moties!

23308. Magoseph - 1/1/2008 4:37:59 PM

Ah, merde! Here we're at it again--reposting:

Bonne et heureuse année 2008, chers Moties!

(Getting gaga, I'm afraid.)

23309. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 4:51:37 PM

Arky, does a chicken have lips? Issue(s). I'm not inclined to discuss them online. So far all systems are functioning more or less normally. A lot of Medicare money has been wasted on MRIs, CTScans and the like. After a life of hardly missing a day of work or seeing a doctor in the past 3-4 years several issues have cropped up one after another. I've found a chiropracter's advice about back care and exercise helpful.

23310. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 4:54:10 PM

Mago, you sent us about 6 inches of heavy, wet snow to greet the new year.

23311. arkymalarky - 1/1/2008 6:51:20 PM

Thanks Mags! Happy New Year to everybody!

Whatever they are, Wonk, I hope they are resolved for you. I learned myself that health issues seem to come in lumps, probably because, at least in my case, the causes were the same and the results converged. But they also were fortunately resolved and I now feel better than I have in at least 5-10 years.

My dad has always run and lifted weights, and at age 76 he's faced with the possibility of having to go to walking instead of running, which is an age concession he's not going to make easily.

23312. arkymalarky - 1/1/2008 6:53:15 PM

BTW, this chicken didn't have lips for me, because I didn't know until after I'd read the poem for years, that it was a protest against Daniel Webster's vote for the Compromise of 1850.

23313. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 6:59:17 PM

Thanks, arky.

See what Magoseph sent us!

23314. wabbit - 1/1/2008 7:36:47 PM

Happy New Year, everyone! May you all find happiness, good health and prosperity in the coming year!

23315. judithathome - 1/1/2008 9:31:55 PM

Well, if we weren't both sick as dogs, we'd be hosting our party right now and having caviar, champagne, and Belgian chocolates with 50 guests instead of plain yogurt, hot tea, and saltine crackers for the two of us.

The day is beautiful...the sky is a pristine blue and the sun is out, a bit nippy but still...

I made Keoni bundle up and go sit in the sun on the front porch. We both looked like we'd hobbled out of Mann's Magic Mountain, bundled up and taking in the vitamin D on the veranda of the consumptive hospital.

23316. Magoseph - 1/1/2008 10:49:53 PM

Wonk, it's Hi: 21°F now and Lo: 8°F tonight. Brace yourself!

23317. ElliottRW - 1/2/2008 1:26:06 AM

Happy New Year

23318. wonkers2 - 1/2/2008 2:30:29 AM

Same to you, Elliot. Stick around.

23319. OhioSTOPAS - 1/2/2008 3:26:32 AM

Happy 2008, all!

23320. arkymalarky - 1/2/2008 3:58:52 AM


23321. David Ehrenstein - 1/2/2008 4:03:05 AM


23322. arkymalarky - 1/2/2008 4:06:24 AM

David, I'm not sure, but I don't think it's the same Elliott you're thinking of--as in the old TP days?

23323. David Ehrenstein - 1/2/2008 4:58:55 AM

Hmmm. Think you're right.

He's vanished into the ozone.

23324. alistairconnor - 1/2/2008 10:23:17 AM

Sure, they wouldn't be as soft as Beaver, but what is?
Message # 23297
Unanswerable question, and a great out-of-context quote!
(though a possible answer is, the inside of a possum's pouch? But that might open up a long list of places where I would rather not go. Personally.)

23325. alistairconnor - 1/2/2008 11:26:15 AM

Greetings to all, and to and Sundry too.

Especially to you drive-by or fly-over perpetrators : Elliott, Ohio, Wombat, Kreedon, Ronski, Pelle... all the more missed for your very occasional presence. And as for you lurkers... well fuck you too (but in the nicest possible way!) Whether you lack the courage to post or have forgotten your password, please make the effort... you will be surprised how well, and how warmly, you are remembered.

Special thinks for iii, thoughtful, ulgine who had a tough 2007... probably others too who do not wish to burden us with their troubles, but who ought to give it a try... truly, we can take it, collectively.

For my part, I wish you all as much joy in 2008 as I got in 2007. If any of you actually achieve that, you will be truly blessed.

23326. anomie - 1/2/2008 5:48:45 PM

What a nice and thoughtful greeting! Thanks!

And a happy new year to everyone!

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