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23368. Ms. No - 1/14/2008 8:19:26 PM

Owie.....well, at least you can make up good stories about rug burns....you don't happen to have them on your elbows as well, do you?

23369. thoughtful - 1/14/2008 8:55:04 PM

very funny, jex

23370. arkymalarky - 1/15/2008 12:37:11 AM

Damn, Judith! That's miserable.

23371. wonkers2 - 1/15/2008 12:48:37 AM

I sympathize, Judith. Last week in a hurry to catch a plane I walked into our half open, heavy, wooden garage door and ended up with a big lump on my forehead which is still tender. Fortunately no blood. I applied ice wrapped in a dish rag most of the way to the airport.

23372. judithathome - 1/15/2008 1:24:19 AM

Actually, the way my face looks now made an excellent excuse for declining an invitation to a party we didn't wish to attend next weekend. Heh.

Wonkers, do you think it's our age? I kniw I'm older than you are but is THIS what I have to look forward to from here on out?

23373. judithathome - 1/15/2008 1:25:32 AM

Jex, I would comment on your excellently funny post about God and Louisana but I know you don't read anything by me....ha!

23374. wonkers2 - 1/15/2008 6:54:12 PM

Judith, what makes you think you're older than I am? I remember very clearly the day FDR died.

23375. judithathome - 1/15/2008 9:00:17 PM

Well, maybe I'm not older than you are...I'm 64. I remember having to learn to spell Eisenhower when he was elected. I was 2 when FDR died. Actually, one month short of two.

I recall things from ages 3 and 5 but not 2...and I'm not so sure I'm recalling stuff from 3 and 4 so much as recalling my parents telling stuff about what I did at that age.

23376. judithathome - 1/15/2008 9:01:16 PM

Should be 3 and 4 in both instances...sheesh.

I remember everything from age 5!

23377. thoughtful - 1/15/2008 9:37:53 PM

My earliest memories were from when I was 2 1/2 and traumatized by my tonsillectomy...being in a ward in the hospital, too young to understand what was happening. I remember so clearly being wheeled into the operating room with a guy shining the big light in my face. I also remember being parked on the side of the hallway for awhile, watching people go by. I remember the nurse taking the sheet off my crib while I was still in it and wondering why.

And my poor dear parents. It required an overnight stay and at that time parents weren't allowed to stay over with the children. My parents just kept telling me they'd be back to get me in the morning, when the sun shined. As luck would have it, it rained the next day, no sun, so I thought I was abandoned.

And I still remember the clown doll they gave me when I left the hospital...it was left out in the rain and it melted. (MacArthur park redux?)

I guess it explains a lot about me!

23378. thoughtful - 1/15/2008 10:09:33 PM

So I'm going to a charity black tie dinner and dance. I have a lovely dress that would be called "tea length"...closer to the ankle than the knee, but not floor length. It's a midnight blue with an embellished bodice that's fitted then floats away from the body. It has a matching stole with it. Do you think that would be ok? Or is floor length required? It is a designer dress, custom made, fits like a glove. (I made it myself! Can't remember which designer pattern it was...something out of Vogue I think.) I would think the tea length would be easier to dance in.

Hubby will probably end up renting a tux as he doesn't have one. Though we'll hit a few high-end consignment shops in the hope of getting lucky...he's a pretty standard size.

Not really interested in dropping several hundred dollars just for outfits for this thing.

23379. thoughtful - 1/15/2008 10:27:54 PM

The dress looks something like the one in the middle, though it's the length of the one on the right.

23380. wonkers2 - 1/15/2008 10:30:34 PM

Judith, you don't come close to being older! Patsy R is apparently the only one who can claim that.

23381. alistairConnor - 1/15/2008 11:49:57 PM

Moving story Tful.
I was hospitalised when I was about 18 months old, no memories but an abiding sense of abandonment... which has structured my personality and is perhaps not entirely unconnected to the fact that my mother has given countless hours of activist and volunteer time on the theme of children in hospitals. A noble cause.

23382. thoughtful - 1/16/2008 12:13:01 AM

AC, amazing how that happens isn't it? Especially since you were so young and have no memory of it. To think i was only left for an overnight and it so shaped my personality to this day...e.g. my inability to trust people and thus my being a control freak. I can't imagine how people survive things like foster care, and how difficult it is for them to grow beyond such an experience.

Much better these days now that hospitals accommodate family members.

And here I was hoping you'd comment on my dress!

23383. wonkers2 - 1/16/2008 1:16:49 AM

Your dress sounds elegant! How about a pic?

23384. judithathome - 1/16/2008 1:22:49 AM

Thoughtful, your dress will be perfect. You'll see when you get to the event...you'll be AMAZED at what you see women wearing, everything from dresses that look more like nighties to ful- on prom dress types. There will be plenty of cocktail length dresses as well as everything from minis on down.

Don't worry about a thing...you will be dressed perfectly.

23385. judithathome - 1/16/2008 1:23:31 AM

I would advise a kicky little vintage evening bag to go with....

23386. thoughtful - 1/16/2008 4:06:44 PM

Thanks J@h...i tried it on last night, and I'm still in between. Work is sending me to FL for a presentation, hubby is meeting me there and we're taking a few days vacation. Nothing mother and I like doing better than shopping for some chi chi dress, so we may do that anyway. If I find nothing suitable though, this one will certainly do.

Evening bags I got. I have a lovely silk bag that was a gift from someone in India and I have another that is covered with fine silver beads with a long braided strap.

I'll have to check my shoes tho...I'll need a sexy strappy number.

23387. thoughtful - 1/16/2008 4:10:28 PM

I've been looking at tux pics too and i decided that the bow tie cummerbund deal is very old fashioned looking. I've seen more modern tuxes that use a fancy vest with a matching tie. Looks more up to date to me.

Hubby will have to get nice shoes. I refuse to let him wear his old GI shoes as he suggested. He got out of the army in '64!

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