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23460. wonkers2 - 1/25/2008 6:03:04 PM

Goose shit is slicker'n owl shit. We have to put up with it December through March!

23461. arkymalarky - 1/25/2008 6:31:25 PM

It's not the same when you have lots of hard-frozen stuff, especially snow. The most fun I had being out was when it snowed over a foot here. Schools were closed because rural roads were snowed over, but we could drive, the electricity never went out, and we had a blast. The ice storm that left us almost two weeks without electricity was another story--trees snapped everywhere and an undrivable sheet of ice everywhere. The only vehicles that could get over it were utility vehicles--Hummers were pulling SUVs out from ditches right and left.

23462. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 9:32:51 PM

I am an INTJ.

Anyone want to say what they are?

23463. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 9:37:09 PM

Nobody can drive on ice.

My wife is from Syracuse and makes fun of the locals' reactions to winter weather. She can't do it too much in front of me anymore because I always point out how she high-centered her Subaru on a ridge of ice (that was a refrozen birm from the plow) outside my house and I pulled her of with my POS front wheel drive car.


23464. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 9:38:04 PM

And nothing beats a Georgia clay road during a downpour for being nearly completely undrivable.

23465. judithathome - 1/28/2008 9:47:15 PM

I am an INTJ.

I would but I got enough of that BS several years ago when another poster was always going on about it.

23466. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 10:17:20 PM

...yikes... hostile... have a great day!

23467. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 10:19:28 PM

Maybe this will make you feel better.

23468. iiibbb - 1/28/2008 10:19:49 PM


23469. judithathome - 1/29/2008 12:19:40 AM

That wasn't hostile! I just happen to think that Meyer's-Briggs stuff is sort of a crock. Sheesh, am I not allowed to have an opinion that differs?

You asked...I answered truthfully and get accused of being hostile?

Let's be sure to avoid the subjects of politics and religion from now on, okay? ;-)

23470. arkymalarky - 1/29/2008 1:02:31 AM

Imo, it has some uses, despite CalGal's (typical) excesses on it, mainly for determining what your own best job personality is. We do interest inventories that are influenced by it, with kids, in helping them plan post-high school education and job hunting. It's when people try to use it as a concrete, objective definition of someone that it's being misused.

23471. arkymalarky - 1/29/2008 1:08:02 AM

I think I was INTJ--IN something, anyway.

23472. wonkers2 - 1/29/2008 1:46:36 AM

At best these gimmicky exercises get people started thinking in a somewhat orderly way about choices they have to make. I recall taking the Meyers Briggs test more than 50 years ago with the result that I my aptitude was to become not a CPA, but a Senior CPA. It struck me as pretty silly at the time, but later I took a couple of accounting courses and hated them. My ultimate career was about as far from accounting as I could get. The problem with these gimmicks is that some people put too much credence in the results.

23473. arkymalarky - 1/29/2008 1:50:25 AM

Exactly. People use them as a detailed map rather than a general guide and one of many tools to help them make career decisions.

23474. Ms. No - 1/29/2008 2:29:58 AM

I think they're a lot of fun, but I'm a weirdo in more ways than one. I tend to score right down the middle with little variation to either side, and depending on what day I take the test I've scored both I and E, N and S, T and F, and P and J. I'm either wishy-washy or freakishly versatile.

Or it could just be that I'm crazy.

23475. wonkers2 - 1/29/2008 3:15:30 AM

The one that said I should become a CPA was not Meyers-Briggs but the ancient Kuder (Cooter, Cootie?) Preference test. I've taken Meyers-Briggs more than once, but I don't remember the results. Whatever they were I ignored them. That's probably why I'm whiling away my life on the Mote and HubPages.com instead of doing something constructive.

23476. judithathome - 1/29/2008 5:29:22 PM

Maybe that's the basis of my "hostility" toward them: I never worked!

23477. arkymalarky - 1/29/2008 6:00:58 PM

Finally have my appointment with the cardiologist today. Bob's going with me to remember what he says.

23478. Ms. No - 1/29/2008 6:26:35 PM

Ah, Bob, beloved notepad. ;->

23479. iiibbb - 1/29/2008 6:38:40 PM

Message # 23476

With that attitude... who would hire you :)

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