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23523. resonance - 2/2/2008 3:18:02 AM

Maybe, but Rachael Ray kinda sucks. I mean, there's a reason beyond arrogance for Bourdain to maybe think that Ray sucks. She's some kinda television creation.

Of course, you're free to get her back and stand up for her against the snobs of the world, but I don't know why you'd bother.

Anyway, as for me, what matters is how much technique I can pick up from 'em that's worth having. Like, I don't know if you've ever cooked professionally, anomie, but chefs can be a little acerbic. I don't go to 'em for lessons on how to influence people and win hearts, I want to know how to give my bearnaise a bit of pop.

23524. anomie - 2/2/2008 4:15:26 AM

No, I'm not a cook. I can appreciate a chef's temperment, and I can admire the higher standards of a pro. I mean his recipes are his creations. His art. But really...it's TV. I don't compare Ray with a proper chef. I just think she stands alone and does what she does. She's a bit annoying if you're not in the mood for all that cheerfulness, but she's not as bad as the woman who redecorates her kitchen every week.

But back to the point. I would enjoy Bourdain more if he would just stop dissing other chefs and cooks, or for that matter dissing TV presenting in general. It's not necessary and he should rise above it. Afterall, he's a TV presenter himself now.

23525. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 5:38:18 AM


23526. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 5:40:49 AM

Great story, Wonk. Your aunt sounds fascinating.

23527. Ms. No - 2/2/2008 5:57:19 AM

Does he bash Nigella like he bashes RayRay?

23528. resonance - 2/2/2008 6:14:16 AM

Hi, Arky. How's life?

23529. resonance - 2/2/2008 6:15:48 AM

I hope he bashes Nigella; she makes me itch.

The Barefoot Contessa, on the other hand, rocks the house.

23530. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 6:26:11 AM

Goin' great, how 'bout you?

Not being a cook or a chef, I only measure the flavor to difficulty ratio of cooking shows or cookbooks. I used to think I'd start by trying some of the recipes in here. Maybe when I retire.

23531. anomie - 2/2/2008 6:26:33 AM

I can watch Nigela for an hour and have no idea what she cooked.

23532. resonance - 2/2/2008 6:31:36 AM

Life is amazing. Glad to hear you're doing well. Tell me more.

23533. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 6:36:32 AM

Why that's what's so great--there isn't much to tell! A common punishment for high school students is putting them in "ISS"--in-school suspension. I tell them it would be a great reward for me. Just give me a good book and peace and quiet for a few days and I'd be happy as a clam.

I finished a MSE in English as a Second Language last summer and I'm still working on rural education activism, but much less stressfully, and I'm loving being at home when I'm not at work.

Oh, and my daughter is teaching with me. In fact, we're team teaching a class.

What's making life amazing for you?

23534. resonance - 2/2/2008 6:41:14 AM

I am just getting over being sick. The things ya take for granted until a sinus infection turns you into a pain-wracked quivering goob.

Everyday life is great too, having a lot of fun working for a gov't contractor here in the DC suburbs, steadily and happily married, generally enjoying life's rewards.

23535. David Ehrenstein - 2/2/2008 6:55:16 AM

Latest FaBlog: My Romance

23536. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 7:07:41 AM

His partner is very good looking.

23537. iiibbb - 2/2/2008 6:04:17 PM

Message # 23519

I have two editions of Joy of Cooking. I agree that it's a good one. And one that I can recommend to those who are less enthralled by cooking is the Better Homes New Cook Book which has a full range of recipes that are really simple to follow and hard to mess up.

23538. iiibbb - 2/2/2008 6:04:50 PM

I don't use it so much anymore, but their apple bread recipe is really good.

23539. judithathome - 2/2/2008 7:23:31 PM

Anomie, I haven't noticed Bourdain's dissing of other chefs so much...this show I'm talking about is a travel show where he goes all over the world and eats in local places. He doesn't cook in this one, just shows some really interesting places to eat.

He did make fun of Rachel Ray in the Charleston episode and he groused about one chef's french fries in the Las Vagas episode but only because he admitted the guy's fries were better than his own.

He may have mellowed since you last watched...you should give the show and Anthony another chance. It really IS a fascinating look at cuisine we seldom get to hear about. I mean, in Indonesia, he went upriver to a "lost tribe" village and ate stuff I'd never even known existed much less seen.

23540. anomie - 2/2/2008 10:15:52 PM

Yes, that's the show I'm talking about. And it's a show I would like to enjoy more. I like the format. The only part I don't like is the holier than thou attitude of the host. If he doesn't like celebrity chefs and TV presenters, and if he thinks he's above it all, then why is he hosting a show at all? But I don't think he really feels all that superior. I think he's just insecure about whether he's up to par with the others and his ostentatious displays of disdain for their success comes from, as I said, sour grapes in case his show doesn't do well.

23541. anomie - 2/2/2008 10:17:36 PM

And that's all the free psychoanalysis I offer today. Ha!

23542. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 2:07:29 AM

That new channel on Dish I was talking about a while back, Veria, has a travel/food program called "Under the Sun" in which a young man travels to a variety of locations looking mostly in rural areas and farmers' markets, and other stores and businesses that use organic, local foods and herbs, remedies, etc. It's on now, and he's in India at an organic grain business.

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