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23595. alistairconnor - 2/7/2008 7:20:57 PM

Not sorry at all... just grinning at the plans which bear no obvious resemblance to what you describe!

23596. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 7:41:43 PM

If that causes you to grin, get a load of this.

The floor plan above was actually from a model home we were in in Florida. We loved the kitchen, nook, family room arrangement which became the base of our new house.

The house we're building will have some shingle style elements, stone work on the front, vinyl siding that will look like clapboards. Fitting for a new england setting next to a 200 year old barn.

This is the exterior of the model home:

23597. Magoseph - 2/7/2008 7:52:19 PM

thoughtful, I have a question--why five bedrooms?

23598. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 8:10:43 PM

No 5 bedrooms...the floor plan was the inspiration, but it's not what we're building at all. There's no 2nd floor on our house plan.

As I said, skip the 2nd floor. Our house has the master suite with a full bath and walk in closet and dressing room on the main floor and a guest suite with full bath on the lower level.

23599. Magoseph - 2/7/2008 8:44:42 PM

Oh, okay--I feel better now. It didn't jive about what I think I know about you, dear one.

23600. arkymalarky - 2/8/2008 1:21:50 AM

Hey, my parents bought a five bedroom, 3 bath house with a pool when Dad was 65. I call it retroactive child abuse. ;->

I love it, Thoughtful. A good combination of cozy and open. And it takes good advantage of the great yard you have on your place.

23601. thoughtful - 2/8/2008 2:42:04 AM

Thanks Arky...I hope the reality turns out to be as good as the house i have in my mind....

23602. Jenerator - 2/8/2008 4:11:07 AM

That is so exciting, Thoughtful!

I can't wait to see it all.

23603. thoughtful - 2/8/2008 3:53:17 PM

Me either!
Thanks, Jen.

23604. thoughtful - 2/8/2008 4:46:11 PM

Here's a pic of the stained glass for the door to hubby's study...note Cas inspecting the door.

They is actually a pair of doors and the glass in both is damaged, one worse than the other. The glass is antique and can't be purchased any more so the stained glass restorer will have to cannibalize one to save the other. Then we'll have a new wood door made to set it in. Nice in that it will obscure his study when it's a mess yet be an interesting feature in the foyer. The colors will blend nicely with the stone and wood floor we'll have in the foyer (actually amtico, but it will look like stone and wood). I'll have to be sure to put good lighting behind the door so it can stand out at night.

Mother and her friend were taking one of their trips in Vt where they would do whatever they felt like. They saw an old victorian house being torn down so they asked if they could look around. The guy said sure. They found the doors, fell in love and asked if they could have them...he sold them to her for $10.

23605. thoughtful - 2/8/2008 4:46:39 PM

They is...there is...sheesh!

23606. judithathome - 2/8/2008 5:41:50 PM

They found the doors, fell in love and asked if they could have them...he sold them to her for $10.

I would say more but I'm trying too hard to regain consciousness after fainting dead away!

I'm sure you realize what a fabulous deal you have there....sigh.

23607. wonkers2 - 2/8/2008 6:21:06 PM

Those art glass doors are a nice touch. We broke a leaded glass front door sidelight and were able to talk our homeowner's insurer into replacing both sides with Frank Lloyd Wright-style art glass windows ($3000)by a local artist. We liked them so well that we had him make two for upstairs closet windows in the same style.

23608. thoughtful - 2/8/2008 6:35:32 PM

Mom and friend Ginny managed to salvage some fancy moldings in the house too. (I don't know what happened to them...maybe Ginny ended up with them.) The guy told them they could take what they wanted, but they'd have to take the stuff out themselves. So there is mother and her friend Ginny on their hands and knees ripping up molding and one of the workers stops by, looks at them and says, "I knew Joe was having trouble getting help, but this is ridiculous!"

Mind you, this was back in the 1960s. We've stored them ever since. I look forward to making use of them.

23609. Magoseph - 2/8/2008 8:22:44 PM

23610. arkymalarky - 2/9/2008 1:18:22 AM

Thoughtful, that is just too cool.

23611. judithathome - 2/9/2008 5:42:54 PM

Yesterday Leslie had a colonoscopy...he'd been having bad pain in the gut for a month...and they found five polyps that were very large. One was 5 times larger than the next largest one they removed.

I spoke with his doctor and she said they'd sent the largest one to the lab and might have "to go back in" after they get the results...don't know what she means by that. I mean, she didn't elaborate on why that might be necessary but I'm not worried about it because if it had looked really suspicious, she'd have kept him and had the lab do the tests right then.

We took him home and on the way, he asked that we stop by TacoBell...he got 3 bean burritos and 3 soft tacos. I tried to make him understand that was a bad idea. Haven't heard from him yet today...heh. (He'd had only 2 bowls of chicken noodle soup since Tuesday in an effort to "clean out" before the tests and was starving.)

23612. arkymalarky - 2/9/2008 7:22:01 PM

Oooh, what a post-colonoscopy meal. They don't call that kind of food gut-busters for nothing. Let us know how things go with the results.

23613. thoughtful - 2/11/2008 3:51:22 PM

Well, we went to our black tie dinner on saturday night and you guys were right. There were a wide variety of outfits that the ladies had on as well as men in regular suits. I was surprised at how plainly dressed some of the people were including the wife of the guy being honored at the dinner. Hubby looked terrific in his tux and his old GI shoes were just fine. The food was good, the music was good though as usual too loud.

As I didn't buy a new dress, I told hubby I'd put the $$ toward the charity who could use it more than I needed the dress.

In addition to the auctions both live and silent they had a 'dipping for diamonds'. You had to try to select the real 1/2 carat diamond from among 400 cubic zirconias. I bought 3 dips. No one managed to nab the real one so they had a drawing and guess who won...ME! So now i have to run down to the jewelers and pick up my diamond. I'll see what the jeweler suggests for setting it. I have an old ugly broach from hubby's grandmother that has 2 diamonds on it in different sizes, so I'm thinking of having a necklace made with a pendant with the graduated diamonds on it. Maybe something like this:

23614. wonkers2 - 2/11/2008 5:58:55 PM

Way to go!

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