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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 23654 - 23673 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
23654. marjoribanks - 2/19/2008 6:32:35 PM

Hey, AC!

Sure, I'll be around, though spottily. Nice to "see" you, and the gang.

23655. alistairconnor - 2/19/2008 6:36:57 PM

Spottily eh? ... still got juvenile acne?

How's them kids?

23656. marjoribanks - 2/19/2008 6:48:44 PM

About the kids. We have another. Third boy, born Dec 15. This partly explains the spottiness.

23657. Magoseph - 2/19/2008 9:05:47 PM

Congratulations, Marj. Can we see pictures of the kids?

23658. arkymalarky - 2/20/2008 12:42:35 AM

Congratulations, Marj, and great to see you here!

23659. OhioSTOPAS - 2/20/2008 2:52:31 AM


A belated happy birthday!

I've GOT to come around here more often.

23660. wonkers2 - 2/20/2008 3:07:12 AM

Good to see you back Marj, and congratulations on #3! Enjoy them now. Soon they will be grown and moved away.

23661. arkymalarky - 2/20/2008 5:54:04 AM

Ohio!! It's just old home week around here.

23662. Wombat - 2/20/2008 6:25:46 AM

Hi Marj! Ohio! Everyone else!

23663. marjoribanks - 2/20/2008 6:45:17 AM

Thanks for the congratulations, and greetings all.

Wombat - I owe you an anecdote about our mutual friend, and fabled man of the East, Loar. I'll just say this as teaser: everything you imagined, and more, much more, is true.

23664. Wombat - 2/20/2008 6:46:11 AM


Spill it, man!

23665. marjoribanks - 2/20/2008 6:54:52 AM

No, no, I have photographs...

23666. marjoribanks - 2/20/2008 12:31:59 PM

Taken on January 6, Epiphany.

23667. thoughtful - 2/20/2008 3:27:44 PM

Just luscious!

23668. Magoseph - 2/20/2008 5:13:11 PM

Watch out for the girls, Marje.

23669. arkymalarky - 2/21/2008 12:48:41 AM

They're ADORABLE, Marj!

23670. marjoribanks - 2/21/2008 5:26:50 AM

Thanks, ladies.

23671. marjoribanks - 2/21/2008 5:29:50 AM

Also taken on Jan 6, the Feast of the Epiphany.

23672. Ms. No - 2/26/2008 6:48:09 AM

What gorgeous children, Marj! I can't get over how grown up your oldest two are looking. It seems like just a year ago the first was only barely toddling around.

23673. Ms. No - 2/26/2008 6:48:42 AM

Belated birthday wishes, David!!

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