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23673. Ms. No - 2/26/2008 6:48:42 AM

Belated birthday wishes, David!!

23674. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 12:34:08 AM

Hey Nonny, give us an update. What's been up with you?

23675. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:30:11 PM

It's absolutely all I can do to keep from typing like I talk when I'm mad. If anyone has any helpful advice, besides confirming that I'm an idiot, I welcome it.

I went to a workshop in Hot Springs today that I couldn't get out of. Fine. It was over at noon and I went to La Hacienda, read The Mote, enjoyed a quiet lunch, left to head home, and dropped my Blackberry. Fine. I couldn't find it after looking all around for several minutes, then saw it sitting in a cup of coke I had in the cup-holder. It's taken apart as far as I could without removing screws and is sitting under the fan now. The phone guy said the sugar in the coke was the problem and all I could do was dry it out for several hours and pray.

23676. alistairConnor - 2/27/2008 10:32:43 PM

Divine punishment for drinking too much Coke!

23677. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:41:18 PM

Dammit, I told you I didn't want the idiot confirmation!

Help me, you....tech person!

23678. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 10:43:16 PM

And besides, I never drink coke at home. They had them at the workshop and I treat myself to them when they're free or I'm having a burger or something. I thought I'd continue to sip on it in the car, which was stupid, because it was flat and the ice was melted. I hadn't taken a sip off it in the car.

23679. judithathome - 2/27/2008 11:38:09 PM

Ooooh, I'm sorry you had that happen. Maybe the melted ice had thinned it enough that it won't do as much damamge.

See? I tried to get you to drink diet!

23680. arkymalarky - 2/27/2008 11:40:05 PM

Hahaha! Y'all are unmerciful!

When Bob gets home he's going to open it up and see what it looks like. I don't have a screwdriver small enough.

23681. arkymalarky - 2/28/2008 5:11:09 AM

Well, I'm posting this on my Blackberry. Thank goodness.

23682. judithathome - 2/28/2008 7:00:06 PM

Yay!! So I guess Coke won't rot your intestines as so many claim it will. ;-)

23683. alistairconnor - 2/28/2008 7:10:21 PM

No, it's just that your Blackberry is stronger than your intestines.

I just went and bought a suit. I'm ashamed to say I haven't had a presentable one for a couple of years. Since I just talked my way into a nominal promotion, on the grounds that I'm doing a lot of consulting-type work these days, I thought I'd better walk the walk.

The brand name is Julio Faggi. How's that for metrosexual chic?

23684. alistairconnor - 2/28/2008 7:11:28 PM

... how do you like my Faggi suit?

23685. Magoseph - 2/28/2008 7:53:52 PM

This one?

23686. alistairConnor - 2/29/2008 12:17:11 AM

Same brand, similar cut, a uniform grey. Pure wool, excellent quality and value. Thought I'd better start conservative, I'll go back for a slightly flashier number later if I get the job that I won't talk about yet because that would bring bad luck.

23687. arkymalarky - 2/29/2008 12:44:49 AM

Well good luck on the job you don't want to bring bad luck to by talking about it.

23688. thoughtful - 2/29/2008 4:28:29 PM

Sounds nice AC.

I was soooo thankful for my little black pant suit. I know, I know polyester has its issues, but this is a nice polyester with a nice finish so it looks more expensive than it is. It's a great cross between formal and casual as the jacket has patch pockets, turned up cuffs on the sleeves and a buttoned belt across the back. Matching trousers are plain, straight leg.

Why am I so thankful? I was heading out to the midwest for a customer dinner where I was the guest speaker and my flight was delayed. I had no time to stop at the hotel and change before dinner, so I took a cab straight to the restaurant and changed in the ladies room there. Pulled my black suit out of the crammed suitcase, gave it a quick shake and it looked as if it were just pressed. Pulled on my heels, threw on a scarf and was greeting customers in 15 minutes. Wow!

23689. Jenerator - 2/29/2008 9:51:50 PM


Beautiful boys!!!

23690. wonkers2 - 3/1/2008 1:10:17 AM

A little too much padding in the Faggi shoulders, IMHO. Of course I have a closet full of unused narrow lapel, unpadded shoulders, three button suits and a fair number of narrow ties!

23691. Ms. No - 3/1/2008 11:41:52 PM

A week caring for a friend post knee-replacement surgery, a week with my mom here in town and doing the show and then a week in LA.

I got back to town Sunday evening and have engaged in a little retail therapy --- which is uncommon for me since I really don't like to shop. But I desperately needed shoes to wear with skirts I have since I've been informed I really can't show up to teach in my jeans and flip-flops.

Go figure.

It is both a blessing and a curse to be trapped by a shoe. There are a lot of shoes I just can't wear. My feet aren't particularly wide, but they're only a blink away from being completely flat. On the one hand it's amazing that I have found a brand that I can wear almost regardless of style -- Dansko. It's also fortunate that they're great shoes.

The problem is that it's tough to find them in any kind of selection if one finds them at all.

Lo and behold the local Birkenstock store carries Dansko as well so I bought these in black and brown.

And since I'm going to have to get my body used to wearing heels for hours on end I also got a couple pairs of Sketcher's flats that still look okay with my skirts but can give my feet a little variety when I need.

23692. Ms. No - 3/1/2008 11:47:28 PM

I have a car again which I am thankful for every single day. I bought new bathroom rugs, a floor lamp, a work lamp to replace the one that fell victim to a rambunctious guest a few months ago and submitted my application to volunteer at the SPCA.

I'm running errands like mad simply because I can. Hell, I even paid my rent early.

Now the projects on the horizon are putting together my new filing cabinet and then putting my important stuff into it and tossing the rest of the huge pile of paper that seems to grow overnight.

Mostly I'm just puttering around today until it's time to go meet my friend for a beer this afternoon. ;->

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